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Back in the game

Mathieu Schneider


<img style="float: left; margin-right: 8px;" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2009/11/schneider_blog.jpg" alt="" border="0">It's been month since my last blog (sorry it's been a little crazy!). Now that we have a couple days between games, it gives me a some time to catch up. The last time I wrote, I was anticipating my return so looks like I've got lots to talk about...


I didn't know for sure that I was going to be able to play against Edmonton in that first game but I had a feeling and I knew I wanted to. Being back on the ice is great, I feel good, my body feels really good so there are no issues there at all. I'm just trying to get used to the speed and the timing out there and that just takes playing a few games.


Our schedule hasn't been kind so it would be nice to play a game and have a couple days off, evaluate things, play another game but it's just been coming fast and furious. With the injuries, it's made it even more difficult to recover from games but as a team we're keeping our head above water and for us, when we got above that eighth spot line that's staring at us all the time in our dressing room, it's nice to see.


When I was rehabbing, it was so hard to watch your teammates and not be able to contribute on the ice but it was so much fun to get into those first few games. I just have to keep the focus and keep playing simple, trying not to do too much out there and getting more involved. I'm slowly trying to get back where I feel comfortable and the game feels easier out there.


<a class="zoomImage" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2009/11/nov0909_schneider_b.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2009/11/nov0909_schneider_t.jpg" class="imageFloatRightFramed"border=0 /></a>A brand new experience for me this year was in Anaheim when I played up front because I've never had to play forward in the NHL but even in that game, I pretty much played as a third defenceman so it wasn't that much different. I actually enjoyed it because I got to be a little more aggressive, I think it helped me get some of my timing as far as playing guys one on one and being able to close the gap and stay aggressive when forwards come down the rush. I was able to get a few more hits and be a little more physical, which gave me more confidence on how I feel about my shoulder.


It was nice to get the first goal, especially in my second game back against Detroit but obviously you want it to be in a winning cause but at the time, it put us in the lead, so at that time, it was something to really celebrate. It's a big part of my job playing here is that when I get my opportunities on the powerplay is to get pucks through like that so I'm not going to waste those chances. It was certainly nice to get it early, sometimes it can get dragged out and go six, seven, eight games without scoring. Now I've got the first one and got the monkey off my back so now I can just relax and just play when I go out there.


This is the first really long trip that I've been on with the team this year and last year being in the East you don't often have a lot of long road trips - they're always one or two games and then come home. I think a lot of times it's good for a club to go out on the road. I don't want to use a cliché but all the Western teams that I've played on, there always seem to be good bonding. You basically live together for two weeks so it just happens that the group gets really close.


Abigail's birthday was last week on November 5th, which I missed but I'll definitely make it up to her when I get home. My wife organized a manicure and pedicure birthday party for her and her girlfriends. She's always spoiled rotten on her birthday and I'll have a surprise for her when I get home.


I think that's all I've got this time. I'll try not to take so long between posts next time!

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Thanks for your giving up some of your time writing for your fans!

I'm really glad that you feel good on the ice and can't wait till some of your teammates can also get back and playing.

Good luck in the future, and go Canucks go!

Oh, and happy birthday to your daughter!

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Thanks for sharing Mathieu

Seems like great hygiene runs in the family!

manicures... pedicures... huge blazing white choppers :D

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Hey Mathieu! Everyone was so happy that you got your first goal with us so quickly and boy was it a beauty of a shot!

Thanks for spending a few moments to share a story with us!

By the way, since your wife organized a manicure and pedicure party for your daughter, are you going to have shiny nails to match your already stunning teeth? :lol:

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Hi Mathieu,

Since you've been generous enough to write, so will I.

One of the hardest things about being on the road is that a person can't always make every important event in our children's lives. It's a big sacrifice.

I just wanted to pass on my respect, admiration and gratitude to you and your team mates with children and loved ones for demonstrating this kind of dedication and professionalism. It does not go unrecognized, and it is truly the reason you are held in such high esteem by so many.

Heads up, noses to the grindstone, and the Cup is all yours!

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Hey Mathieu!

I'm glad you are enjoying your time here in Vancouver. It's been great watching you play and being a strong addition to our team. Keep up the great work and happy birthday to Abigail too =)


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Thanks for writing Mathieu, it's great to hear a player's perspective. I must say you seem to conduct yourself impeccably, it's really good to know our young defenders have another person they can look up to.

Thanks for all your contributions to the team so far and in the future.

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Welcome back Mathieu and it's great to have you on our team!

Didn't get to watch you play that much before becoming a Canuck but i have to give you props for running that powerplay and being a serious scoring threat back there from what i have seen.

Your confidence, sound defensive game, ability to walk the line as smooth as you do, ability to get very powerful shots on the net, effective backboard carom passes and great passes to teammates is very noticeable and obviously with more time played will only get better.

I am just very excited to see you help our team reach the next level and make the Canucks a serious cup threat.

Good luck to you!

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Yeah, thanks for using some time to share with the fans. It shows how much of a genuine dude you are. You have a blast from the point.

Congrats on your first as a Canuck, and the 100th on the PP.

Glad your getting the rhythm

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awesome lol really wanted u to play against dallas sry for AV but he also din change the strategy from dump in and chase on turco....but besides that lmao nice blog dude

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Welcome to Vancouver! You are a very welcome part of the team, and the city welcomes you with open arms! Always nice to have a solid guy like you in the lineup, and what you bring to this team really puts us over the top! Best of luck, and have a great season!

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Welcome to Vancouver as well. It is good to have you as it helps to make Vancouvers Defence even better. Keep up the good work

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Hey Mathieu,

Great blog! thanks for sharing, nice seeing you playing. Congrats on your 1st goal as a Canuck & your 100th pp goal!Good luck to you this season and the rest of the road trip.

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Hey Mathieu,

Great blog! thanks for sharing, nice seeing you playing. Congrats on your 1st goal as a Canuck & your 100th pp goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck to you this season and the rest of the road trip.

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Thanks for taking the time to share with us a little of what life is like in the NHL. It's always interesting to know about the "ordinary" things in your life too. Makes us feel like we know you personally.

Looking forward to your next post. In the meantime, good luck in the upcoming games. We're glad you're a Canuck!

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I predict that, by the end of next month, the Canucks' powerplay will look like the Harlem Globetrotters.

And that doesn't even factor in Demitra (or Forsberg)

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Always interesting to get some insight from the players themselves, so thanks for taking the time to write!

wishing you good luck from Australia :D!

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Hey Mathieu

Thanks for the blog. It's great. But I have to say your point-shot is more exciting! I can't remember the last time a Canuck player broke the glass.

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Hey Mathieu,

Thanks from all of Canuck Nation for coming to help our team. I think its fantastic that you wanted to come here and play so badly and I know Im not alone. You and your teammates have shown a huge commitment to working hard and it is such a difference to what it was like ten years ago. Theres only one thing left to do! Im looking forward to seeing what you can do, that shot is a bullet, with a scoped rifle! Best of luck out there!


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