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2012-2013 season predictions:eastern conference



2012-2013 season standings and reasons

1.New Yorkk Rangers(wins Atlantic Division)

-with the addition of nash they now have the best top 6 in the league and an extremely dangerously offensive team. but they have a average bottom 6. and defense although good its still not as well rounded or as deep as other teams. they might be better than the canucks on paper but there division and conference has gotten better so i dont see them winning the presidents trophy.

2. Boston Bruins(wins North East Division)

-the bullies of the NHL there the top tier team in there division. more physical and a lot more rounded than other teams. rask is a question mark if he can handle a full season. other than that they are good too go.

3. Washington Capitals(wins South East Division)

-they started playing a lot better latter in the season and if there stars can stay healthy they have a god team. im still not sure about holtby. corey crawford had a great playoffs before he had a full season and now there looking for another goalie. but im going to have to go off the playoffs alone so i think there going to be alright.

4.Pittsburgh Penguins

- with crosby returning they now have the 2 best players in the world. they almost won the west last year without crosby but NYR upgraded there roster more and have a better top 6, defense and goaltending imo. they come 2nd points wise behind NYR but 4th due to divisional rankings

5. Buffalo Sabers

-they got off to an extremely rocky start and never seemed to overcome the hole that they have dug at the beginning of the year. they added a lot of good pieces and filled needs. if miller can get back to the top of his game like he was doing at the end of last season they are a good well rounded team.

6. Phillidelphia Flyers

-offense is great defense took a major hit regarding injuries and loosing some guys to FA. Mr.Universe(bryzgalov) is still a big mystery in net. i think he will have a better season but there team just doesnt look as good as last year and other teams have gotten better.

7. Ottawa Senators

-they have decent depth good top 6 and average defense. i think karlsson will have a big drop off of points and there overall team will drop a bit. spezza will dominate alfredsson`s age will catch up to him

8.Carolina Hurricanes

-they added a lot of pieces and have an explosive top 6 now. there defense is still sub par and depth is somewhat lacking.


9. Florida Panthers

-they lost a few good players(mainly garrison) but there young guns are coming up nicley i see them slot in a few positions but there team is still not good enough. if they get luo i woudld put them higher but with theo and clemmensen im not sure. theo gets injured and clemmensen is decent at best.

10. Winnipeg Jets

-there still missing a few key pieces to make this a playoff team. i think another top 6 winger and top 4 d-man and they will maybe even win the division. they did improve however.

11. New Jersey Devils

-they lost there captain and best player. i dont see them having a good enough team to even make the playoffs. i think brodeurs age will catch up on him and they will be left with no number 1 in net.

12. Tampa Bay Lightning

-they addressed there defense issues and got a goalie. however i dont think lindback is good enough to be a number one and i think he will falter. there forward lines arent the deepest either, with the lack of depth this team just isnt ready yet.

13. Toronto Maple Leafs

-goaltending needs to change if they want a playoff spot. there team lacks depth and structure. they dont have a number one center or a number one goalie. there defense is the only good part of the team imo.

14.Montreal Canadiens

-with no improvements to this roster see them do slightly better than last year. they need to rebuild.

15. New York Islanders

-this team just needs to let there young guns develop. there whole team just isnt good enough for the NHL at this point. in a few years when there young talent develops they will have a good team but for now there not good. and depietro sucks

Playoff Predictions

1.NYR vs 8. Carolina: NYR in 5.

Carolina has a good team but NYR have a better team. better in almost every way. if NYR stars dont under perform they will take this one easy.

2.Boston vs 7. Ottawa: Boston in 6

-Bostons grit and toughness will conquer ottawas skill just like they did to the canucks.

3.Washington vs 6.Phillidephia: Philly in 7

-both have questionable goal tending, good offense and decent defense. very even matchup but i think philly is a better coached team, considering oats hasnt coached in the NHL yet.

4. Pittsburgh vs 5. Buffalo: Pens in 6

-pittsburgh has a better offense, buffalo has the better defense. if fleury doesnt choke again pittsburgh will win

round 2

1.NYR vs 6.Phillidephia: NYR in 6

-philly just cant match up to the rangers team. there tougher, deeper, better defense and philly has gotten worse while NYR have gotten a lot better.

2.Boston vs 4.Pittsburgh: Boston in 5

-Boston wins because they can bully crosby and malkin and shut them down. the pens lack of secondary scoring will leave them vulnerable, boston has a very deep team. bruins good hockey beats pits skill hockey. crosby tries any of his crap and there dead. crosby get injured again by marchand too.

Eastern Conference Finals

1.NYR vs 2.Boston: NYR in 7

-both teams have very good contradiction to eachother. NYR forward top 6 is better. bostons defense top 4 is better. rask is worse than king henrik though so they loose. NYR get extremely beat up in this series though.


Vancouver Canucks vs New York Rangers

game 1:van wins 3-2 OT

-lapierre gets the OT winner

game 2: NYR wins 2-0

-cory gives up a bad one at the beginning and the canucks cant bounce back. they score an empty netter.

game 3:NYR wins 3-1

-van gets out muscled and outplayed

game 4. van wins 4-2

-we get 3 pp goals in a penalties ridden game

game 5. van wins 2-1

-best game of the series. raymond scores to put us ahead

game 6. Van wins 4-3 tripleOT

-burrows gets the game winner. we win our first stanley cup, the city riots again it becomes a cup finals tradition that cant be changed. lol

reason: cuz im a canucks fan what kind of person would i be if they didnt win. also we have a lot more depth than NYR. our defense is better. there goaltending is better but cory is good enough to win. there top 6 is a lot tougher but we have a more skilled team. sedins are better than nash and richards. our team is good we just needs a few pieces and im 100% sure we will win


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