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Dealing the Cards - FEB.13.08

Ryan Kesler


<table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/kesler_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=2 hspace=6>As most of you know, Dice and Ice was last night and it was very successful and a lot of fun. We dealt some cards, got some entertainment, good food, and all for a good cause so it was all great.

I dealt blackjack and of course, being dealer, I didn’t win… but I gave out a lot of money. I’m not much of a card player but if I played something, it would be blackjack – although it doesn’t really require that much skill. I try to stay out of the cards but once in a while I’ll get sucked in. the guys mostly play poker any way with Roberto being a big poker player and Burr’s really into it too but that’s more their thing.

<a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/02/diceice2008_keslerbieksabur.jpg"><img vspace="1" hspace="4" border="0" align="right" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/02/diceice2008_keslerbieksabur_t.jpg" /></a>Last year, the rookies had to tell their best joke, but this year it was a little different. There are actually four of them this year, Luc, Alex, Mason, and Nathan. I see Mason wrote in his blog that he knew something was going to happen last night but he didn’t know what. He and the rest of them had to surrender to a dance contest.

Mason and Mac looked nervous to begin with but Luc and Eddy got right in there. The battle was definitely between Luc and Eddy. It looked like Luc had it at first but I think in the dance-off, Eddy might have been a little better. They stole the show for sure. I think if I got up there, I could win – my best quality is my dancing (of course).

<a target="_blank" href="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/12/121007_vinnick12_b.jpg"><img vspace="1" hspace="4" border="0" align="left" alt="" src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/12/121007_vinnick12_t.jpg" /></a>Three more months and my wife and I will welcome a baby girl into our family and I’m very excited. It will definitely be different but it’s going to be better. My wife has been so great through everything. She’s looking as great as ever and at this stage in the pregnancy, she’s barely even gained any weight. She just looks like she’s smuggling a basketball inside.

As far as names are concerned, we’ve been throwing around a couple but we’re not set on anything right now. My wife had originally suggested Kennedy a couple months ago but it reminds me too much of the president so that might not go. I like Mckayla and now she’s saying maybe Rylan but honestly we won’t know until we see her.

We’re all about the pink and brown right now. My mother-in-law has a crib and a room all set up back home in Michigan but we’re not even sure where she’ll be born right now. It’s all very exciting and new to me right now and I’m going along with everything that comes with it.</td></tr></table>


Recommended Comments

Hey Ryan!

Sounds like the Dice & Ice was tons of fun! Haha, I hope there will be video of the dance-off, cause I'm sure it was pretty funny! I like the names you and your wife are thinking of, very pretty. :) Anywhoo, good luck tomorrow against the Wild & have a good Valentines Day!

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I hope everything goes well for you Ryan. You're a good player and everyone around the league would have you as an important part of their team if they could. Best wishes to you and your family. Good luck choosing a name for the baby.

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Hey Ryan,

Sounds like alot of fun last night! :)

The dance competition sounded really fun I want to see it now

The pics are great, nice to see everyone having fun!

Those are great names, glad to hear both of you are doing great.

Goodluck tomorrow vs minny, get those 2 points!!!


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Hi Kes.

Thanks for the post and info on the D&I. Congrats and best wishes to you, your wife and your respected families regarding your babygirl. (Go with the name you chose for hehe)

Good luck tomorrow and hope you have a similar (fantastic) game you played in Minnesota after the Ohly and Koivo incident.

Keep your head up.

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Hey Kesler!

The Dice & Ice sounds like alot of fun!

McKayla and Rylan are nice names!

Hopefully they'll show us the dance competition!

Goodluck Tomorrow!!!

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Thanks for posting, its always good to hear from the players.

Dice & Ice sounded like a lot of fun, and they got a couple of good pics of you on canucks.com. Congrats on the baby, I'm sure she'll be a handfull, but plenty of joy :). McKaylas a really nice name, but wouldn't Rylan remind you a bit about youself?

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Hey kesler, sounds like you had fun at the dice and ice last night.

Mason and edler dancing ahaha that would be a good video to watch.

Mckayla is a pretty name. Rylan is pretty unique. sounds good though.

Thats cute your mother-in-law already got stuff set up in Michigan.

I heard you on the radio yesterday morning, i was getting ready to go to school.

You sounded so tired. where you late for practice??? I called in,

but they wouldn't let me ask you a question -_- Hope all is good with every thing.

I'm glad to hear your wife is doing good with the baby.Oh and Happy Valentines day.

Good luck in the game VS the wild. Score a goal for your #1 fan :P

By the way your amazingly awesome!!!!!

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Hey Ryan,

Sounds like you guys had a great time last night. That's good to hear because it's going to be a tough stretch in the up coming months. Congratulations to your baby girl once again! I'm just curious to know how your wife came up the name Rylan? Hahah, anyways enjoy however much time you have for Valentine's day tomorrow and keep up the good work! I'm rootin' for ya.

- Ishers

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Hi Kes -

Always great to hear from the players!

Thanks for sharing a few personal details. We fans are always eager to hear a few snippets about the off-ice lives of our Canucks, though we all (OK, most of us, at least) know we need to respect player privacy. So when players do choose to share a bit of what's going on in the non-hockey part of their world, it's really appreciated.

All the best to you and your wife as you wait to welcome your daughter, and good luck to all the team with the rest of the season!

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Hey Kes!!

Thanks for the blog!! we always appreciate it! I'm glad the dice and ice was fun and that's hilarious that mason, alex, nathan and luc had to dance!!! from ur point it seems like edler won but you could have probably beaten him right?! lol I just wanted to let you know that you're doing awesome and that we all love you!! Keep up the good work! and goodluck with the rest of the season and your new baby girl that is expected!! byee for now <3


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Hey Kesler! Thanks for the blog. Haha, the dance-off sounds hilarious! :D It must've been fun to watch. That's great that everything's going well with your daughter. :) And, nice job against Chicago! It was a nail-biter, haha. Best of luck against the Wild tomorow!! Blog again soon!

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wow.. seems like you had a great time...

rylan is actually a very cute name..

best of wishes to you, your wife and the baby girl.

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I like these blog's you do

it's good to keep people updated.

as for namesi think that you should name her

Lea as in Princess Lea.

just a thought. good luck tomorrow night!!!!

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Hey Kes,

Mckayla like an alternative spelling of Michaela? That's an interesting one but it kind of reminds me of South Park! Looks like you both like the "la" syllable in a name, but as you said, when you see her the name will probably come to you instinctively.

Hope you have a kick-arse game tomorrow, no Valentine gifts for the Minny boys please!

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Hey Kes,

Mckayla like an alternative spelling of Michaela? That's an interesting one but it kind of reminds me of South Park! Looks like you both like the "la" syllable in a name, but as you said, when you see her the name will probably come to you instinctively.

Hope you have a kick-arse game tomorrow, no Valentine gifts for the Minny boys please!

Minny teammates spend a half an hour on Valentines Day giving chocolate and cards to everyone on the Wild. ;):P

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Glad you had fun at D&I, and that Andrea is doing well, it sounds like pregnancy really suits her :)

Maybe young Rylan/Kennedy/Mckayla Kesler will be the first of many? :)

Thanks for taking the time to keep us all updated


(who is counting down the days until March 17th when I finally get to fly over from England and see you guys play at GM Place , yay!!!!)

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Hey Ry-Guy,

Just wanted to show you some support, you da man!

Congrats on almost being a new dad! It will be the most amazing experience for you, followed shortly thereafter by winning the Cup for the first time.

Not sure if it will be this year, but Any Stanley cup winning team needs a guy just like you. So, thanks for sticking around. (not that you have much say in it).

McKayla is an ok name, but, It's a bit "New age" don't you think, I am bit of a traditionalist. But whatever you and your wife decide is right, IS RIGHT. Enjoy every minute of it.

Keep up the good work, PS... Bug AV to stick you on a line with Pyatt and Mason. I think if he's looking for some offensive spark, that's where it's at.

Keep, shooting!


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Well i just wanted to say good luck for the future: Hockey, family, and everything!

Best wishes. and yeah i had fun reading your blog, a dance comp. would've been awesome to see :lol: :D

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Hey man,

I finally got my new RBK jersey finalized and I got Kelser on the back because I think you're an awesome player for the Canucks and I hope you are here for a while.

I'm finally seeing my first game at GM Place on Feb 29th VS Columbus and I'll be wearing your jersey proud!

Good luck the rest of the season!


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Good stuff sounds like Dice + Ice was a blast, hopefully some vids of the dancing will surface!

Not that my opinion should matter to you, but McKayla is a gorgeous name.

Good luck with the rest of the season!

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Hey Kes,

Ahahah, they had to dance, that I would've loved to see... and I like the names you two are thinking of esp. the one you liked, it's very different, well I haven't heard of it before, I'm glad you all had fun, I hope everything goes really well with your baby girl=)


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Hi Kes,

I would've LOVED to have seen the rookies dancing! I bet it was really funny. Congratulations again on your baby. You sound so excited! I'm very happy for you.

Go 'Nucks Go!

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