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A Weekend in Whistler - SEP.20.08

Cory Schneider


<table align="center" border="0" width="80%"><tbody><tr><td><img src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload//2008/06/cory_blog.jpg" align="left" border="0" hspace="4" vspace="1">If you've never been to Whistler, I highly recommend it. I had never been here before and yesterday I spent some time outside while it was so sunny and it's pretty gorgeous here with all the mountains. The hotel is great too and I really like the village, I went down there and just walked around.

Training camp is obviously the main focus this weekend, but we do get some time to ourselves and that's a good thing because there is definitely plenty to see and do here. We have tonight off and I'm not too sure what's on the agenda, I want to lay down for a bit and then if I can get out of bed I'll probably go wander around a little more with some of the guys. There are some shops and some scenic places that I'd like to go see.

This weekend is as much about coming together as teammates as anything else and I think we're gelling nicely so far. The training camp roster is filled with guys who were either with Manitoba or Vancouver last year, so it's been good to see all the familiar faces, unlike last year when everything was kind of new. The new guys seem like great guys, great character guys, and I'm sure they won't have a hard time fitting in because I know this organization stresses character so much.

Training camp is really only this weekend so it's tough to get acquainted with everyone, but I think good chemistry is formed on the ice during games. We've got a lot of exhibition games coming up so that should give us plenty of time to come together.

<img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/09/sep2008_camp13_t.jpg align=right vspace=2 hspace=4>Today we finally hit the ice, which was awesome. It was very tiring and very high-paced because everyone's putting it into another gear and trying to give it all they've got. We definitely put in a good day's work, but we still have tomorrow so that's another chance to progress on what you already did or improve on things that didn't go so well today.

This is my second camp with the Canucks so I'm feeling much more comfortable. There's no sense of entitlement, it's just a more comfortable feeling and I have a lot more confidence. I really believe now that I can play at this level whereas last year I was kind of stunned to even be here, so I'm not taking anything for granted by thinking that I've accomplished something, because I haven't, but at the same time it's definitely been a confidence boost so far.

The biggest difference between rookie camp and main camp is that everyone is a step better at main camp. The best guys in rookie camp are the young guys here, so you just went from being one of the best to being one of the worst. There's a lot of great players here, a lot of great guys and they sometimes make that extra play that some of the rookies can't. You've got to be a little more on your toes here but also be a more patient and let them make the first move.

Playing alongside Roberto Luongo has been great so far, we both stayed on the ice after practice to work with Ian Clark, which was a great learning experience for me. Ian is really brilliant, and Roberto, what can't you say about him as a goalie. Just watching him and seeing how he does things is great because he makes it look so easy. He's got so many strengths to his game that if I even pick up one or two things it's huge. He's a great guy, he's very open and willing to talk and discuss things, so this is a great learning experience. I had never really worked on-one-on with him like that so it was good.

I'm impressed with the way he controls rebounds, they kind of die when they hit him or he puts them in the corners, so he doesn't give up a lot of second chances. And just the way he moves across the net laterally as well, he gets across so quick, it's just great to see how he reads the play and how he reacts and moves.

<img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/09/sep2008_skate07_t.jpg align=left vspace=2 hspace=4>We're starting to develop a good relationship, we didn't really see each other a lot last camp but we're roommates this camp and there's a bit of a bond there already. He's been very supportive and encouraging of me so far and I know I'm a young guy, but hopefully we'll get to the point where we can bounce things off one another.

As a roommate Roberto is great. We talked a little last night then had breakfast this morning so we're starting to get more comfortable with each other. He doesn't have any annoying habits, he doesn't snore, he isn't messy, he's just a great roommate. It has only been one night so we'll see if that continues, but he's been great so far. He's the older guy so he gets the remote and all the privileges, so I just do what he wants to do.

I think, or I guess I should say I hope, that I'm a good roommate as well. I don't think I snore, at least no one has told me I have, I just usually go to bed and don't cause a lot of problems.

I've been spending a lot of time on my computer following my Red Sox these days, they are right in the thick of a great playoff battle. They're probably going to make the playoffs, I'm hoping they can even with the division because right now they'd get the wild card which would mean that they'd play Anaheim, which I don't want. If they win the division they get home field advantage so I'd rather have them go that route. I think they're two games behind the Devil Rays and I'd like to see them over take Tampa in the last couple weeks here.

It's nice right now because they're playing the Jays so I get it on TV. They lost today but that's alright, they'll just have to win tomorrow.

Time for a quick nap, thanks for reading (especially my buddy Drew from back home).



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haha really fun reading ur blogs...nice to know roberto's an awesome roommate

although, if he had any bad things u probably wouldn't have told us anywyas =P

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Hey Cory!

Must be pretty fun rooming with Roberto and nice to know he's a great roomate

Glad to hear you guys are enjoying whistler!

Goodluck tomorrow

Thanks for the blog , they are always fun to read.

Can't wait til Monday. GO CANUCKS GO!!!


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Hi Cory,

Does Roberto do lots of clicking with the remote or focus on one or two shows. Enjoy reading your blog and look forward to your NHL debut in a Nuck's uniform.

Probably like a lot of fans I really like how you have handled being in an organization with a top notch goalie already. The fact that you are sharing a room with Roberto I think says a lot about who you are and your importance to the club.

Good Luck with the season.

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Hey Schneider, you should play like you are there to make the team.

It may only be 10-15 games but you can make a difference.

You are the future.

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Hi Cory!

Great blog! I really enjoy reading it! The Jays & RedSox are playing as I type this! Good to hear you and Lui are roomates and really bonding! Anywhoo, Good Luck the rest of camp!


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Unbelievable game today, can't wait for your first season as an NHL starter. There is no denying it. With games like today, you're gonna make it awfully hard for management to choose between bobby lou and you in two years time.

Quick question, how hard are Souray's shots, from a goalie stand point. Are they really as hard as they look on TV?

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Hey Cory, good luck on the upcoming season and great job last night against the Oilers. You looked phenominal out there! Keep up the great work.

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