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I just downloaded this this week. So late to the party. I played a lot of DOTA back in warcraft 3 but just never got into any of the new games that came out and only got LoL cause I had nothing else to play ATM. Its smooth and just what I remember the original DOTA being.

I love looking at characters in LoL and then instantly knowing what character he was in Warcraft. Super easy to get into. Just have to figure out how the runes and meni stuff work now. Any suggestions?

Do not buy any runes until you're at least level 20. Any runes below tier III are garbage, and a waste of IP. You can look up mastery guides online like lolpro.com. Or you can choose the mastery that fits your needs best.

The current meta is one top, one mid, one jungle, adc bot, with support. But since you've just started, I wouldn't worry about it till level 20ish.

Be warned that you will run into a crap load of smurfs.

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Do not buy any runes until you're at least level 20. Any runes below tier III are garbage, and a waste of IP. You can look up mastery guides online like lolpro.com.Or you can choose the mastery that fits your needs best.

The current meta is one top, one mid, one jungle, adc bot, with support. But since you've just started, I wouldn't worry about it till level 20ish.

Be warned that you will run into a crap load of smurfs.

Ah good thing I didn't buy any yesterday, I was looking at them for awhile. It is pretty easy to get into if you have played a ton of DOTA. So many acronyms to learn if you haven;t played before.

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Ah good thing I didn't buy any yesterday, I was looking at them for awhile. It is pretty easy to get into if you have played a ton of DOTA. So many acronyms to learn if you haven;t played before.

haha Yeah, I didn't bother explaining the acronyms as I assumed you understood them with your DOTA experience :P

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After getting in a bunch of games now, I am surprised how balanced most of the heroes are. Gone are the late game heroes who would suck at the start then just get super OP at the end and gone are the early game heroes that if the game went to long were completely useless at the end from DOTA.

It seems that every hero can be pretty great and it relies more on the player than on the heroes skills. I like that.

Granted, it could be that I am pretty low level to start and so are most of the people in my games. Also LoL seems to be a lot more forgiving than Dota was. No losing money when killed and no tower or creep denies.

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After getting in a bunch of games now, I am surprised how balanced most of the heroes are. Gone are the late game heroes who would suck at the start then just get super OP at the end and gone are the early game heroes that if the game went to long were completely useless at the end from DOTA.

It seems that every hero can be pretty great and it relies more on the player than on the heroes skills. I like that.

Granted, it could be that I am pretty low level to start and so are most of the people in my games. Also LoL seems to be a lot more forgiving than Dota was. No losing money when killed and no tower or creep denies.

There are still some champions that dominate early game like Kha Zix or Rengar but as long as they're not extremely fed like 6-0, then you have no problem against them late game.. Whereas late game champs like a Shen or Singed, if you play against them correctly, they won't do anything late game. It really depends on the player's skills whether or not they have the intelligence to not be super stupid and feed like crazy or do nothing in lane.

Yeah, LoL is like the nicer version of DotA and is just easier to learn/play, which is why it's continuously growing

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There are still some champions that dominate early game like Kha Zix or Rengar but as long as they're not extremely fed like 6-0, then you have no problem against them late game.. Whereas late game champs like a Shen or Singed, if you play against them correctly, they won't do anything late game. It really depends on the player's skills whether or not they have the intelligence to not be super stupid and feed like crazy or do nothing in lane.

Yeah, LoL is like the nicer version of DotA and is just easier to learn/play, which is why it's continuously growing

Ya they are still there but the gap between them is a lot less noticaeable. Making for better games and teams that use a variety of heroes rather than everyone clamoring for the same character.

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I'll put the question out there to you guys - I have 6700 ip and I'm looking to get an expensive new champion. In terms of position I currently have:

Mid: Brand, Zed

Top: Singed, Zed, Garen

Support: Soraka, Taric, Kayle

ADC: Graves, Corki

Jungle: Voli, Kayle, Amumu, Warwick

I usually main jungle, with Zed or Voli. I'm thinking I need some beef, either a fighter or mid caster. Thoughts?

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I'll put the question out there to you guys - I have 6700 ip and I'm looking to get an expensive new champion. In terms of position I currently have:

Mid: Brand, Zed

Top: Singed, Zed, Garen

Support: Soraka, Taric, Kayle

ADC: Graves, Corki

Jungle: Voli, Kayle, Amumu, Warwick

I usually main jungle, with Zed or Voli. I'm thinking I need some beef, either a fighter or mid caster. Thoughts?

My personal favorites for each role:

Mid: Ahri, Xerath, Ziggs, Brand

Top: Shen, Wukong, GP, Shyv, Rumble

Support: Lulu, Janna, Sona, Thresh, Leona, Taric

ADC: Graves, Corki, Cait, Trist, Draaaaven

Jungle: Udyr, Noc, GP, Shyv

Note: Most of these picks are S2 picks, S3 I've basically only played the support role. So yeah...

Too lazy at the moment type out who I'd recommend for S3... -_-

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If you're going ADC, I would get Caitlyn... Been playing her since she was first released and I've loved her since. Easily the easiest ADC to use because it's all auto attack and some skill level but her range is the farthest in terms of auto attacking. I see some really bad Catilyn's and I see some really good ones but as long as you get her mechanics down and understand how much damage she can do/requires, she is a viable option. She works best with, well for me anyways, Taric, Lux, Thresh, Leona, and Zyra.

If you're gonna buy an expensive champion, maybe Leona just because she's viable in almost every team comp and her 3 stuns are very useful.

Why not get Swain? He's pretty beefy in mid if played and built properly. Can easily 1v3, maybe even 1v4 if fed enough and has the proper items.

EDIT: how about Diana? She's really annoying too.. Or Hecarim as jungle? Hecarim ruins everyone's day

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Thanks guys. I went with Nasus, he seems unbeatable this season. I've seen some bad Hecas so i was a little turned off. Cait will be my next buy.

Guess it's too late to tell you that Nasus is getting his wither nerfed... The move that has made him dominate thus far.

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I just bought Shen as my first purchase. He was on sale and had some skills i wanted to try out. I like him so far pretty simple to use, so I use him in games where I dont want to think to hard. Any tips on him that might be useful?

I love surprising the other team with his teleport from across the map.

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I just bought Shen as my first purchase. He was on sale and had some skills i wanted to try out. I like him so far pretty simple to use, so I use him in games where I dont want to think to hard. Any tips on him that might be useful?

I love surprising the other team with his teleport from across the map.

The one and only tip you willl find useful is that Shen is OP when built properly.

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Any tips on him that might be useful?

Sunfire Cape and Randuins are great items.

Shen is an absolute OP beast in teamfights: don't waste your taunt on tanks, try to catch the AD carry if they are too far up. Make sure to TP onto your own AD/AP if they take some heat, even if you're in really close range. The shield can save people.

I haven't played LoL for a couple months though so idk if much has changed. Also I'm a support main so take that advice with a grain of salt lol.

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must suck to have to buy a hero to play

He was free. You don't have to spend any money if you don’t want to. I bought this guy with free points that I started with and he was on sale too. Didn’t have to spend a dime.

You also have a bunch of free heroes every week. It is a very smart setup if you ask me.

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He was free. You don't have to spend any money if you don’t want to. I bought this guy with free points that I started with and he was on sale too. Didn’t have to spend a dime.

You also have a bunch of free heroes every week. It is a very smart setup if you ask me.

Best to just ignore Glass, he's a Dota II elitist.

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