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Lovin' Xerath. Awesome range :P

I haven't played him in pvp yet tho... so not sure how I'd do... :o

His Q might be the most annoying thing ever. It does so much damage early game and it barely gives you any time to run..

But, Veigar will destroy all mages with his ultimate :)

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Exactly. I tell people to buy wards but nobody buys wards and I can't afford to waste 150 gold every time I recall to waste money on wards.

lol, I don't mind warding a bit early game, but I do need the gold to rush my Triforce. :emot-parrot:

Anyway, just to keep things organized (if this whole "team/clan" thing gets off the floor):

Krazz: Talon (AD Carry?), Twisted Fate (AD Pusher/Mid)

ChenWei91: AP Carry/Jungle

Szbo: _______________

Just don't expect me to tank. :P I tried for a few games and it was a disaster.

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lol, I don't mind warding a bit early game, but I do need the gold to rush my Triforce. :emot-parrot:

Anyway, just to keep things organized (if this whole "team/clan" thing gets off the floor):

Krazz: Talon (AD Carry?), Twisted Fate (AD Pusher/Mid)

ChenWei91: AP Carry/Jungle

Szbo: _______________

Just don't expect me to tank. :P I tried for a few games and it was a disaster.

Ugh its so hard to tank when one guy is fed. Or if both AD and AP carries are fed, its tough to balance both out.

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Here's a list of champs that I consider myself somewhat efficient at...

Tanky Bruiser:

Jarvan, Garen, Blitzcrank, and Jax.

Ranged AD Carry:

Kogmaw, and maybe Twitch, and Ashe.


Nocturne, Rammus (tank), Amumu (tank), Udyr (tanky), Fiddlesticks, and Nunu (tanky). Maybe Xin Xiao, and Master Yi.

AP Carry:

Annie, Brand, Xerath, Veigar, Cassiopeia, and Janna. Maybe Ryze, and Kennan.




Janna. I also have Kayle, and Alistar, but absolutely suck with them...

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I was playing Singed, and i wrecked it with him.. I'm not supposed to get kills, but i would always go in 1v2 testing what he can do, and i could always get a kill and get the other guy to half before i really have to run.


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I was playing Singed, and i wrecked it with him.. I'm not supposed to get kills, but i would always go in 1v2 testing what he can do, and i could always get a kill and get the other guy to half before i really have to run.


Rule #1 when facing Singed:

Never chase.

Also, updating our "roster" :P Feel free to put down names if anyone else is interested! :)


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You don't need tanks in today's meta. Just saying. Solo top, jungle, and ad carry bot with a support. This is the standard set up for most games. You really don't need a tank, no one attacks the tank anyway.

This is sad, because it's true. :( But since we're more of a casual group/still trying to get our feet wet with one another, I think it'd make more sense to let people play what they want to/had success with. :P

@ Dellins (can't believe I missed you):


Also, man, you guys are crazy high leveled. It's gonna be hell for me to catch up :frantic:

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