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Just played 3 games. The first two were a disaster - the supports just ran right into them initiating and went down in a split second. I won the 3rd game but only by a margin :sadno:

On that note, I think Riot is giving users 2x IP/EXP for 10 wins (people are saying games though, and that it's just a glitch making it say "wins"). Not too sure how long it'll last, so take advantage? :P

Yup. Riot is giving all the users 2x IP, because they won the Golden awards for Joystiq. :D

Now. To play BF3, or LoL... hmmmmm....

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Sooooo... Guess who I'm watching on stream right this minute?

StealthCanuck!!! (he be playing dat Cait)


Unless my eyes deceived me... :(

Stream offline now... :(

Thought it was pretty amazing that I was able to find StealthCanuck; by randomly clicking people's streams :P

Hahahah yeah i was playing duo queue ranked, that cho on my team was really good. It was a pretty decent game.

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I hate getting disconnecters and feeders in ranked :( I've actually done pretty good in my ranked games, almost always have a positive score. I have a 6.1-3.7-8.0 kda averaged ratio, but a 13-14 record :(

For example my last game, I had the best ranked game thus far... went 20-4-6 with cait, but still lost b/c halfway through my game a guy on my team said "he had to go" :| We were pretty much winning in towers and kills (with one inhibitor destroyed)... but ended up getting steamrolled 4v5.

Edit: not to mention, another guy was like "oh since we're down a guy now and gonna lose anyways, i'm gonna go afk".... :|

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I really want to play ranked but my friends were in on this game way before me so it wouldn't be a good idea to do ranked with them, might have to do solo queue ;_;

Once I reach 30, we can try ranked!! You probably don't that though... You've seen me play haha... :(

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And you can't really blame solo que, there's an equal chance that the other team has a feeder or someone who disconnects. The best way to get out is duo because with communication(esp bot lane) you can definitely own the lane if you're relatively good. I think you face higher elo but everyone below in the 1200-1400 area are equally bad, won't make much a difference.

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Duo que with someone you know that's good. I'm almost silver but I duo with someone who's gold and we wreck. Especially a support ad carry lane at bot. Skype/Vent and own your lane.

Yeah duo queue is the way to go. I've only ever done 3 solo ones, and suprisingly went 3 for 3, but duo queue with a buddy on skype is much more fun and better.

Just got bronze on my 5v5 premade ranked. I feel like I can get to silver in my solo queue if I keep playing more.

On a side note, there's so many OP champs in this weeks free rotation eh? First time trying Trynd and Graves, and loving em! Malzhar's fun too.

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