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StealthCanuck. You're a beast!

That is all... emot-parrot.gif

hahaha too bad we didnt get the win... although those two quadras i got was pretty awesome :P the one where i revived and teleported for those 4 kills wouldve been a penta but trynd died a lil earlier before i got those 4 kills. karthus is so funny to use :P if only top didnt feed so much we shouldve won. you and kog did really well bot.

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Played a couple of games with Dellins and StealthCanuck

:emot-parrot: I think it went okay... :unsure:

you did really well! just gotta be careful about going gung ho all the time :P you're like a mike green i guess, high risk high reward :P

I think we have a pretty decent cdc team... Dellins, Krazz, Chenwei, StealthCanuck... need 1 more guy. Dellins you're a pretty good tank i must say.

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you did really well! just gotta be careful about going gung ho all the time :P you're like a mike green i guess, high risk high reward :P

I think we have a pretty decent cdc team... Dellins, Krazz, Chenwei, StealthCanuck... need 1 more guy. Dellins you're a pretty good tank i must say.

Yeah tanking is pretty fun :P

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Here's a list of champs that I consider myself somewhat efficient at...

Tanky Bruiser:

Jarvan, Garen, Blitzcrank, and Jax.

Ranged AD Carry:

Kogmaw, and maybe Twitch, and Ashe.


Nocturne, Rammus (tank), Amumu (tank), Udyr (tanky), Fiddlesticks, and Nunu (tanky). Maybe Xin Xiao, and Master Yi.

AP Carry:

Annie, Brand, Xerath, Veigar, Cassiopeia, and Janna. Maybe Ryze, and Kennan.




Janna. I also have Kayle, and Alistar, but absolutely suck with them...

How you don't have Talon on your Assassin baffles me. Talon is OP once he's fed early game. Also, I don't really like Janna support. I like Taric support because he has a stun and a heal. How OP is that. And you don't have Cait on your AD carry? That's funny. Because Cait is probably one of the best AD carries in the game, early, mid, and late. Ashe sucks early and mid even if she's slightly fed. She won't do much until late game.

Also, most OP character is probably Anivia. Bird can do so much damage if she's mid and gets at least two kills before she hits lvl 9. And she's OP with blue buff and her egg is just insane. Cap that with GA you're done. If the Anivia is good, you'll win for sure unless your team just somehow sucks ass

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I hate it when people don't understand that mages need to solo, in order to be effective in game... >.>

And to make it worse... The person that takes the solo lane starts feeding the other guy... :C

How you don't have Talon on your Assassin baffles me. Talon is OP once he's fed early game. Also, I don't really like Janna support. I like Taric support because he has a stun and a heal. How OP is that. And you don't have Cait on your AD carry? That's funny. Because Cait is probably one of the best AD carries in the game, early, mid, and late. Ashe sucks early and mid even if she's slightly fed. She won't do much until late game.

Also, most OP character is probably Anivia. Bird can do so much damage if she's mid and gets at least two kills before she hits lvl 9. And she's OP with blue buff and her egg is just insane. Cap that with GA you're done. If the Anivia is good, you'll win for sure unless your team just somehow sucks ass

I don't have Talon, is because I don't usually play assasins... So there's no use in me getting Talon, and I got Akali before Talon came out. No Taric, is because I play ap champs, and Janna can be built into a very good ap champion. I agree that Ashe sucks... But again, I mostly play AP champions, and Kog can go AP (hybrid kinda). Same with Twitch.

I agree that Anivia is very good, but she's not my type of champion, therefore; I won't be buying her anytime soon...

Got anymore?...

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Have some extra IP lying around and am planning on switching it up from Talon/Twisted Fate :P What would you guys suggest between Ezreal/Xerath? Both look like tons of fun. :emot-parrot:

Xerath is free this week, so you'll probably want to try him out as much as you can till next Tuesday...

I personally love Xerath. Purchased him day one release, with no regrets what so ever. :D

Not a huge fan of Ezreal...


We had the game in the freaking bag, but my teammates decided that it was a great idea to focus the farmed up Nasus, instead of the nukes like Brand, and Tristana.

To make things worse, they continued to do so in future team fights, even when I TOLD them to focus the main damage dealers... So many idiots in solo q...

/rant, and QQ

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We had the game in the freaking bag, but my teammates decided that it was a great idea to focus the farmed up Nasus, instead of the nukes like Brand, and Tristana.

To make things worse, they continued to do so in future team fights, even when I TOLD them to focus the main damage dealers... So many idiots in solo q...

/rant, and QQ


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Just played 3 games. The first two were a disaster - the supports just ran right into them initiating and went down in a split second. I won the 3rd game but only by a margin :sadno:

On that note, I think Riot is giving users 2x IP/EXP for 10 wins (people are saying games though, and that it's just a glitch making it say "wins"). Not too sure how long it'll last, so take advantage? :P

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