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Sophomore Year - JUN.23.08

Cory Schneider


<table align="center" border="0" width="80%"><tbody><tr><td><img src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload//2008/06/cory_blog.jpg" align="left" border="0" hspace="4" vspace="1">Like most of the other players before me, this is my first attempt at a blog and I'm hoping to keep up the tradition. I'm going to try to continue this throughout the week and hopefully through training camp in before the season (we'll see how I do). I haven't really even read many blogs so writing one could be difficult to upkeep but I'll do my best. I guess a blog is really just kind of like a diary – almost just a rambling of random thoughts.

I've read some blogs in passing but nothing that I can remember or maybe just none that have been memorable. I heard some of the guys on the team like to dabble in Hollywood gossip and all that but it's not really my thing. I don't care enough about that stuff and honestly, I'm too lazy to keep up with all of that, I'll just stick to sports.

Coming into camp this year, I'm one of the older guys here so I know my way around and I know what's going on unlike last year, where I came to camp for the first time. I guess I'm just kind of expected to be one of the leaders and try to set an example to the younger guys and help them out if they need it.

<img src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload//2008/06/jun2308_camp08_t.jpg" align="right" border="0" hspace="4" vspace="1">Personally, I want to try to do better than I did last year. Over the last year, I think I've learned a lot and physically gotten stronger and I'm more fit.

The way camp is set up this year is a little different because they've added an on-ice component that we didn't have last year. But the way they're going about it is just keeping the on ice portion of it light and doing stride analysis, which is more educational. From what I hear from other guys on other teams and other camps is that they're doing bag skates and sprints and they have to start skating before they want to in order to get in shape to go on the ice at camp.

I like the way we've got it set up here, coming in and not having skated as much and still be able to do what you need to do and learn something at the same time. I think some of the stride stuff probably doesn't pertain to me as much as a goalie but I think just improving your agility, balance and explosiveness on the ice is better no what matter what position you play. I'm going to try to use this camp as much to my advantage as possible.

I've looked at the schedule so I know kind of what to expect since it's very similar to last year and coming in the second year, you're not as nervous, you're not as scared of what comes next and you kind of know what to expect.

<img src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload//2008/06/karate04_t.jpg" align="left" border="0" hspace="4" vspace="1">I think I'm most looking forward to doing... maybe the mixed martial arts because that was fun last year. We learned a lot and it was a good twist to a workout, which made it more entertaining for the guys. I haven't really gotten into the sport since I tried it at last year's camp but I watched a little bit when I can. Back where I'm from, no one really does it as a training method so it's not something I would naturally go and pick up. I think it could be a good method to use for guys who fight all the time but I'm not a fighter so it probably doesn't benefit me as much but it's still a lot of fun to do.

I'm least looking forward to doing: the Grind. I'm not good at it and I can't stand it. My time was 40 something last year – probably in the high 40s – I'm not the quickest. My goal for this year? To do better than that – nothing specific haha. We'll see how it goes, that won't be until Friday so I'll have time to work up to that.

I'm going to go grab some rest before going back at it tomorrow.</td></tr></tbody></table>


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The way the goalies were run in the Nhl last year,you might want to learn a few tricks in the martial arts class.j/k

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Thanks alot Cory,

keep us up to date, I think you'll be a great keeper for years to come, I can really see the potential in you :)

Vancouver is behind your back no matter what happens, So go get em tiger :D

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I was wondering if you could provide us with a list of those in attendance at the conditioning program with you. Thanks, and thought you did a solid job with your first blog, keep it up.

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I just started watching Canucks games last fall and have been reading your name on the forums for months. Now I get to match your name with a face and a "voice". Pretty cool. Good luck to you this summer!

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