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Out at The Jake - SEP.29.08

Curtis Sanford


<table align="center" border="0" width="80%"><tbody><tr><td><img src="http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/09/sanford_blog.jpg" align="left" border="0" hspace="4" vspace="1">Two days of intense training camp and then straight into preseason games, the season's keeping us very busy but in the midst of it all, we got a chance to slow down a bit and enjoy some golf too.

Don't get me wrong, we're not going out to hit a leisurely round of 18 in the middle of our preseason bid, it was for the annual Jake Milford Charity Golf Tournament.

I think it's huge to do events like this and I enjoy getting the opportunity to help a great cause and raise money for charity. When you get to go out into the community and raise money for certain causes like the BC Children's Hospital and Canuck Place, word gets out about the causes and people get behind us even more when they see the type of work that we do. We have these things to look forward and it gives us a break in our schedule to get out and enjoy different aspects of life.

<img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/09/sep2508_milford_sanford_t.jpg align=right vspace=2 hspace=4 border=0>All the teams in the NHL are good in their community but I notice particularly notice the amount of work that's done in Vancouver with Canuck Place and the BC Children's Hospital and it's incredible.

At the end of the year, when we find out about the amount of money we've raised for the different charities is just mind blowing. To say that you are a part of that is a huge achievement at that.

The tournament was good and we all had a lot of fun but it was wet for sure. The rain did end up slowing down enough for it to be at least bearable. There wasn't much of a rain strategy, it was pretty much run out to the ball, hit it, and run back into the car as quickly as you can. It was quite a pace to keep up for 18 holes, I can tell you that.

I'm sure you're all wondering what my golf game is like and well, on that day I would say it wasn't that bad actually. My approach is pretty simple – just look at the ball and try to hit it – as a goalie, I don't think I have the Happy Gilmore-type swing but I managed okay. As far as golf goes, I'm happy with where my game's at and I don't think it'll get much better, it'll probably get a little worse actually.

I don't actually know how well the other guys play so I couldn't compare myself to them since I've never played with anyone else on the team. There wasn't really any chance for me to check our the competition that day but I know that Matt Pettinger's pretty good. He lives in Victoria so he's got plenty of courses for him to practice on out there, I'm sure.

My group was some guys from the Great Canadian Casinos, they're a gaming group, they own venues like River Rock in Richmond. I'm not too big into the casino action but I got to learn a few things from them and what they do.

<img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/09/milford26_t.jpg align=left vspace=2 hspace=4 border=0>Our group was pretty solid, well at least I think we did pretty good. Although our whole group was good, I think Milt was definitely the MVP of the group.

Willie's group won this year but I think he had four sandbaggers in his group, so that's probably why he won. Like I said, we played well too - maybe he's been practicing for the tournament? Who knows?</td></tr></table>


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Thanks for blogging again Curtis! Good to hear you had fun at the golf event :D By the way, you played great last night and your mask looks great!

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Hey Curtis, thanks for blogging!

You played awesome last night! and your mask looks really nice...

and thats cool that you put a totem pole on it!

Glad to hear you had fun at the golf tournament

Goodluck this season!!

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224.gifHi Curtis,

First I would like to say that I am glad the Canucks re-signed you. I wanted you to come back. Smart move by management. It's good to get your mind off hockey and stopping the puck. Some fun with your teammates is good for the soul. I like your new mask. I wish you a good year. After last year the team 3 points out of the playoffs and having a melt-down, losing 7 of their last 8 games was very discouraging. I hope you play more games this year and that management gives Bobby Lou a break more often so that he will be more ready for the playoffs. We've been waiting for something significant to happen since 1994. I hope we have some encouragement that we are going to at least get that far again, hopefully this year.

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I Curtis fist of all i would like to say im glad the canucks resinged you anyways you are a pretty good golie , im like your biggest fan ever, you rock , and i would like to wish you a happy season

Bye bye from yor #1 fan. :wub::wub::wub:

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224.gifHi Curtis,

First I would like to say that I am glad the Canucks re-signed you. I wanted you to come back. Smart move by management. It's good to get your mind off hockey and stopping the puck. Some fun with your teammates is good for the soul. I like your new mask. I wish you a good year. After last year the team 3 points out of the playoffs and having a melt-down, losing 7 of their last 8 games was very discouraging. I hope you play more games this year and that management gives Bobby Lou a break more often so that he will be more ready for the playoffs. We've been waiting for something significant to happen since 1994. I hope we have some encouragement that we are going to at least get that far again, hopefully this year.

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Hi Curtis,

Congratulations on your win and taking all that rubber (12 in the 3rd period) while Burrow's sat in the penalty box. Tell Burrows not to take any penalties so close to the end of the 3rd period. That put a lot of stress on you! I was surprised to read that that was your 1st win in a Canucks jersey. I wish you many many more. Have a awesome year.


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Sorry Curtis it is what it is, you've done your best but.......

Dec. 27 - Mr. Gillis, I'm speaking once again about the goaltending department that has won 8 games out of 17 since Luongo went down, sports a winning % of .383, and has now lost 3 of the last 4 games. Since Roberto Luongo was signed (2006) none of the current or former managers have bothered to look at the possibilities of playing without Louie for an extended period of time, and thus there was no signing of a quality backup. Danny Sabourin (2 W) 2006/07, Curtis Sanford (4W) 2007/08; (6W) 2008/09 and Cory Schneider (2 W) is to date, a total of 12 WINS from the backups since 2006 and this problem is about to affect this team's possibilities of a playoff position. In case you missed it Mike, during the next 15 games, (the expected time before Luongo returns) the ‘Nucks will play 7 of these games against Western Conference teams

Currently in the Western Conference, this team is in 5th place (41 pts) out of the 8 positions available for a playoff spot, with 4 points separating Vancouver with the 8th and final spot. With the current goaltending tandem's winning % of .383, that would relegate the Canucks out of a playoff spot by a substantial number by the time Luongo returns, and everyone knows how hard that will be to make up, IF Luongo is able to play the remainder of the season.

This current team is in a whole lot of trouble playing undisciplined hockey (leads the league in penalties), has poor special teams, has still too many soft and slow players, plays without passion (what happen to this grittier team we were suppose to have) , and even with the addition of Mats Sundin, will not make the playoffs this year unless it adds a quality backup goaltender that can win at least 8-9 of the next 15 games (with 5 of those wins having to be against Western Conference teams).

Mr. Gillis, you brought us Mats to help in the scoring department, now shows us that you can go out and add that other key piece.



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