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Everything posted by Aladeen

  1. Lynch me if you want monkey I will flip green. Just don't potato town to a loss and use my flip as a way to win. I was wrong I admit and I own it, but if you can't see how MR doesn't deserve some of the blame by fake claiming then admitting as such, Wanting a us to Lynch him first round, contributing lame ass golden age of CDC mafia stories for his activity, then I don't know what to tell you. I'm not a rookie you're right I should have known you were claiming Lookout/Watcher but you left it open to yet another person claiming tracker. Like I said that information can be from watcher or tracker. Tracker Flipped, I have never see a game where there was Tracker and Lookout. In fact even the standard OG TOS only had Lookout/Watcher. It's only been recently that they included Tracker. So, MR Soft Claims Tracker, Tanev Flips Tracker, You "Hard Claim" by Saying "Ilunga Visited MR" which could have also been information a tracker could give, if you can't see that the "Aladeen Can't Read" line is complete and utter garbage well the fook you you dumbass monkey go back to the jungle because you were never meant to be using more than grunts, sex, or grooming for communication.
  2. If I am picking for my own vote only. I choose J23. He showed up at the bottom of my page at NF and said he wasn't there earlier when I KNOW I saw him. He was the counter wagon to a tied lynch vote on NIK Him giving us self meta that he would be way more invested if he was scum makes no sense because we don't know how active scum players are in scum chat. Out of those 3 he is really the only one I have a case on. So that is my rationale to, Vote J23
  3. I not just pinky promise but I Aladeenis promise - this is where entwine our junk and swear an unbreakable vow before the eyes of God and men in a ceremony like that of the binding of truth in the lame harry potter movies. But rather than wands its our Penises. Still a legal battle for the rights of this Unbreakable Vow in courts to this day. With that said I ask the same of you, to go back to your PM and really read it closely because I don't buy that you only win with the town. I would highly doubt BJ would put that as a role function that a survivor can only win with the Town. I find it highly highly unlikely but I am not saying it's not true, nor does it at this particular point matter. I just want you to be as truthful to the town as I being to you.
  4. Guess it wouldn't be a CDC mafia game without melvin melvining it up.
  5. At any rate I will leave voting for now. Tell me who to vote for or not to vote.
  6. Lol did you just break mafia? Technically that would work. If the confirmed TPs are the only ones to vote and the rest do take GK that would ensure a town win. I am sure it would be completely against the spirit of the game but it would work and save CDC Mafia the shame of ending it's life with a town potatoing.
  7. Great hit by vig. No doc save probably no doc. Whatever you guys want to do I’m fine with I’m emotionally spent from that round and won’t be playing that much tomorrow at all, so just tell me where to vote even if it’s for me. I need to sleep now. Seriously the high of lynching MR to when he posted again…. Fook Nite guys
  8. I swear your name has been at the bottom of my page for a long time.
  9. I thought I saw before nf. And even if it wasn’t why only post now? Been at least 30 minutes
  10. Your name has been at the bottom for a while now.
  11. Well I may as well hard claim VT squire as I wanted to give the doc some cover. I’m sorry I fooked us. I guess we will see how rest of nf goes but I can admit I shat the bed with this one so I’m done leading now and will defer all to TP PRs.
  12. If you say doc so help me I will throw my Fooking phone across the room.
  13. So you are a Power Role? May as well tell us now.
  14. Fine I do take responsibility for it, it was my mistake. But after I am lynched and flip green I want to know how you thought that play would lead town to a win.
  15. This is why we always potato these games. Mafia strat on CDC do nothing let the town players do scummy shit and town will potato their way to a loss.
  16. So you track LLs emotions, generally speaking? And then never actually denied that you soft claimed when confronted with it and simply said that sometimes TP soft claim too.
  17. Also let the record state that j23 has been here since before nf
  18. Good morning sunshine. Fook right off if this is serious. Why Dafaq did you fake claim? What possible townie purpose could that have served?
  19. If MR is not scum I will accept all shit thrown my way and ask for more.
  20. I think it’s fine just after he posts NF we have to wait for the next round to start.
  21. I wouldn’t try to lynch him if I didn’t believe he was for sure scum. It’s just a happy coincidence that he fits the scum bill and I got to feel the glorious sensation of hanging him. Gonna be a staple in the ole spank bank.
  22. I don’t think so at all. Fake claim and scummy all around game. He is scum man
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