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Captain Aerosex

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Everything posted by Captain Aerosex

  1. Captain’s Log, Stardate 4 Active Players: 
 Bo Hunter Booth
 Peaches GreenDemons Drouin Final Vote Count, Round 4: GreenDemons (3) - [Kesler87, PPCLI, Mushrooms] Peaches (3) - [Dral, GreenDemons, Intoewsables] Intoewsables (1) – [g_bassi13] g_bassi13 (1) – [Bo Hunter Booth] Dral (1) - [Tanikins] Peaches has been universe-killed. --------------------------------------------------------- The good crew of the Sonus Album has come to an agreement: GreenDemons is to be jettisoned out of the airlock. As GreenDemons is flushed out into the deep dark chill of outer space, the pioneers hold their breath, praying their decision was the right one… --------------------------------------------------------- Tanikins stared blankly at the ceiling. Her stress continued to mount as each hour passed in this metal prison floating in the blackness. In times like these, where the world wasn’t ride side up or upside down, but innumerable miles away, there was only one person she knew she could consult. Her head turned over, her eyes landing on a framed picture on the steel dresser in her room. Picking it up, she stared at it with glistening eyes. It was her most prized possession: an autographed picture of Rob Ford. She had met him at a party; he was full of a certain energy and enthusiastically agreed to sign it “To Tanikins. May your star shine bright in the sky forever. – Rob Ford” The jiggle of his jowls was discernable, even in the freeze frame. His eyes had a certain brightness to them. His signature was…majestic. She could always consult him in times of need. She whispered gently, “…What do I do, Rowdy Rob?” Suddenly, it came to her. She picked up a lighter, flicking it on and off. She had to go to the late Captain Aerosex’s forbidden stash. Meanwhile, a Sith faced his own dilemma. For a while now, it had been the pride of his people that they claimed their victims’ lives with the noblest of weapons: the plastic spoon. But it had been horribly inefficient and wasn’t as environmentally friendly as reusing metal spoons to slowly murder. He tapped his fingers on the desk, staring gravely at the white scooping utensil. I guess the times were changing. Even the Sith had to adapt. Just as he was about to pick it up and throw it away, a hyperactive Tanikins literally crashed through the door. “HEY! HEY! HEYEHEYEHEYHEHEYEHEY CAN I BORROW THAT SPOO?!?!??!?!” Before he could respond, she placed a massive crack rock on the spoon and started lighting the bottom. “What are you doing, you need metal to do that! That’s just going to melt!” He yelled at her crazy ass. Her bloodshot eyes shot up to his as the spoon fell from her shaking hands. After a second or two of silence, she looked back down at the partially melted spoon. “HEY! HEY! HEYEHEYEHEHEYHEYEHEY UM UM DO YOU MIND IF I EAT YOUR TWINKIEEEEEEEEE?!?!?!??” Once again, she gave him no time to respond as she grabbed the spoon she had just been trying to light a few moments ago, and stuffed it down her gullet. Almost immediately, she began choking and quickly died. Flabbergasted at what he just witnessed, he stared at the carcass of Tanikins for a while. Then he stood up, jaw set and eyes steely. The Sith grabbed his bag of plastic spoons, and kissed them tenderly, then walked out of the room with a newfound resolve and belief in the ways of his order. --------------------------------------------------------- Mal Reynolds did not act! --------------------------------------------------------- Peaches was universe-killed! GreenDemons was jettisoned out of the airlock! Tanikins was killed by the Sith! Mal Reynolds did not act!
  2. Vote count thus far: GreenDemons (3) - [Kesler87, PPCLI, Mushrooms] Peaches (3) - [Dral, GreenDemons, Intoewsables] g_bassi13 (1) – [Bo Hunter Booth] Dral (1) - [Tanikins] Peaches, final warning. In the event that Peaches doesn't vote and the vote is still tied by nightfall, Peaches will be universe-killed and GreenDemons will be jettisoned.
  3. Baaaack. You are the new Han Solo. Do not shirk your responsibilities.
  4. Extremely ho-hum round, but here's the vote count thus far: Peaches (2) - [GreenDemons, Intoewsables] Dral (1) - [Tanikins] Bo Hunter Booth (1) - [Dral] Step up the drama you guys. UNIVERSE-KILL WARNING!!! Peaches Again, Nightfall@11:00.
  5. Active Players, Stardate 4: Aladeen
 One one two
 Bo Hunter Booth
 Peaches Go Faulk Yourself GreenDemons Drouin Total: 11/19 players Deceased VICanucksfan5551 [Jettisoned: Not a Pioneer] Kryten [sith Kill: Not a Pioneer] otherwise [Jettisoned: Pioneer] Go Faulk Yourself [sith Kill: Pioneer] OurTimeToShine [Mal Reynolds Kill: Not a Pioneer] Aladeen [Jettisoned: Not a Pioneer] One one two [sith Kill: Pioneer] JE14 [Mal Reynolds Kill: Not a Pioneer] Total: 8 players
  6. Captain’s Log, Stardate 3 Active Players: Aladeen
 One one two
 Bo Hunter Booth
 Peaches GreenDemons Drouin Final Vote Count, Round 3: Aladeen (7) – [Bo Hunter Booth, PPCLI, Intoewsables, Tanikins, Drouin, One one two, Kesler87] Tanikins (3) - [Mushrooms, Dral, Aladeen] Dral (2) - [JE14, GreenDemons] Intoewsables (1) - [g_bassi13] The good crew of the Sonus Album has come to an agreement: Aladeen is to be jettisoned out of the airlock. As Aladeen is flushed out into the deep dark chill of outer space, the pioneers hold their breath, praying their decision was the right one… --------------------------------------------------------- One one two sat alone in her room, flipping through the pages of the late, great Captain Aerosex’s diary. “This mission to Mars is already pretty taxing,” she read out loud. “It’s just the little things I suppose. The other night, I swear Otis took 45 minutes in the shower. I could’ve been wrong, but it sounded like he had a girl in there with him. Maybe he managed to seduce One one two or something…” She shook her head. As if. Must’ve been some other girl. Bored, she flipped the diary over her head and went out for a walk on the starship poop deck, or as the colloquial term was, the space-s**t space. She needed to clear her head…the saboteurs may have been dwindling in number, but that didn’t make the risk of death any less present. Everybody on board knew of the murders, the grisly deaths by plastic spoon. As she turned a corner, she felt a slight poke in her midsection and heard footsteps suddenly walking past her. Sartled, she turned around to see a fellow crewmember, grinning, waving a plastic spoon covered in red. The horror mounted…until she saw what the redness was. Raspberry Jell-O. She laughed, he laughed as he licked the spoon and went away. She kept laughing, nervously still. Now feeling a little uneasy, One one two retreated back to her room and picked up Aerosex’s diary and resumed reading. “Dear diary, I found the strangest thing under my nutsack the other day…” Her voice tailed off. She dropped the book. Breathing heavily, a sudden realization occurred to her. “I’m…Jell-O…” She looked down and saw the beloved gelatin-based dessert of children everywhere oozing from her gut, caused by the Sith wound. One one two collapsed to the floor, coughing up more fruit gel. Her whole body splattering the floor with an artificial red colour. “…what…a sh**ty plot twist…guhhhh…” --------------------------------------------------------- The water bottle fell to the ground, sliced in half. As water spread across the floor, JE14 sheathed his totally cool katana and bowed to his fallen enemy. “You fought well, Aquafina-san. But hyoo are no match for myyyy…KASUMA-JIIIII!!!” He spun around and sliced yet another Aquafina, and another! Breathing heavily, he dropped his shoulders. “Do not think I forgot about you…FIIIIJIIIIII!!!” He did a 540 and stabbed the jug of natural artesian bottled water through it’s transparent gut. ...It was a 1 litre. As he smirked, he wiped the katana dry on his robes, and noticed the man leaning against the wall, softly clapping. “Very impressive, JE14” “Yeah very impressive, more like epic impressive,” he scoffed, pouring the rest of the jug on his hair and whipping it about. “I practice you know. My sensei says I am the warrior they speak about in prophecies.” The man raised an eyebrow. “Who is your sensei, if I may ask?” JE14 looked him square in the eyes. He held his hand in between his legs as a turd dropped from out of his robes and into his palm. Raising the turd in between his and the man’s face, he squeezed it with all his might. “ME.” JE14 turned back to his bottles, as the man buried his face in his hands, muttering “The weirdest goons on this spaceship, I swear.” An enfuriated JE14 twisted around, his face beet red. He drew his katana. “YOU HAVE OFFENDED MY HONOUR. I AM JE14-SAN, MIGHTY NINJA WARRIOR. I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL.” The man smirked, pulled out a revolver, and fired a single bullet through JE14’s temple. “And I’m Mal Reynolds, you fool.” --------------------------------------------------------- Aladeen was jettisoned out of the airlock! One one two was killed by the Sith! JE14 was killed by Mal Reynolds!
  7. Vote count thus far: Aladeen (6) - [PPCLI, Intoewsables, Tanikins, Drouin, One one two, Kesler87] Tanikins (3) - [Mushrooms, Dral, Aladeen] Dral (2) - [JE14, GreenDemons] Intoewsables (1) - [g_bassi13] JE14 (1) - [Bo Hunter Booth] Votes and specials locked in at 11:00.
  8. I'm baaaaaack. Let me just get everything in order quickly.
  9. 11 today and tomorrow. Vote count thus far: Aladeen (2) - [GreenDemon, Tanikins] Tanikins (2) - [Dral, Aladeen] Peaches (2) - [intoewsables, One one two] Intoewsables (1) - [g_bassi13] UNIVERSE-KILL WARNING! Drouin JE14 PPCLI
  10. Active Players, Stardate 3: Aladeen
 One one two
 Bo Hunter Booth
 Peaches Go Faulk Yourself GreenDemons Drouin Total: 14/19 players Deceased VICanucksfan5551 [Jettisoned: Not a Pioneer] Kryten [sith Kill: Not a Pioneer] otherwise [Jettisoned: Pioneer] Go Faulk Yourself [sith Kill: Pioneer] OurTimeToShine [Mal Reynolds Kill: Not a Pioneer] Total: 5 players
  11. Captain’s Log, Stardate 2 Active Players: Aladeen
 One one two
 Bo Hunter Booth
 Peaches Go Faulk Yourself GreenDemons Drouin Final Vote Count, Round 2: otherwise (9) - [OurTimeToShine, Bo Hunter Booth, Mushrooms, Tanikins, Go Faulk Yourself, Peaches, Kesler87, Intoewsables, One one two] Mushrooms (1) - [GreenDemons] One one two (1) - [otherwise] Go Faulk Yourself (1) - [Dral] Kesler87 (1) - [Aladeen] Aladeen (1)- [g_bassi13] The good crew of the Sonus Album has come to an agreement: otherwise is to be jettisoned out of the airlock. As otherwise is flushed out into the deep dark chill of outer space, the pioneers hold their breath, praying their decision was the right one… --------------------------------------------------------- With a sigh, Go Faulk Yourself poured himself a 1384960193857.6th shot of tequila. Back on Earth, his family had told him he had a drinking problem. He told them, “I DNT FKJN HVE SHEEEETTTTTT YARH NET EVN MY MOOOOOOOOOMMMMM HOOOOOOORRRRRRRR…SE.” The intervention was what compelled him to leave. He gulped the shot down with a grimace. Now, aboard this lifeless metal tomb, the only thing he desired was his family back…and more tequila. Well, he could remedy half of those issues. As he reached for the liquor, he noticed a distorted, shadowy reflection on the bottle and turned around. And a plastic spoon plunged into his ribs. “Ow, what the…why did you poke me with a plastic spoon?” The Sith stared at him blankly for a few silent moments, and then jabbed him again. “Dude, stop. What the hell-STOP, YOU DOUCHE CANOE!” “YOU’RE THE DOUCHE CANOE, DIE PIONEER!” “Seriously, I’m going to slap you across the face.” “NOT IF I SLAP YOU FIRST!” And hence, an epic slapping fight ensued for 5 hours (in which absolutely nobody entered the room for whatever reason). After a pimpin’ backhand caught Go Faulk Yourself across the chops, he finally dropped to the floor. “And now, you die…” the Sith proclaimed as he repeatedly jabbed his mildly annoyed victim with the plastic spoon of death. “OK, just stop, I’ll just kill himself OK?!?” Go Faulk Yourself shouted as he grabbed a knife and cut his wrists. He stared at the blood, at the knife, and then at the Sith with his rapidly failing eyes. “Oh, goddamnit I could’ve just-gluhh….f**k…” --------------------------------------------------------- OurTimeToShine leaned back against the wall in the shower, letting the hot water rush over him. He let his hair soak up the water and then fall to the floor. ‘I should do something with my hair’, he thought to himself. Would an afro be cool? Or would it look stupid…no, it couldn’t look stupid. He was OTIS! All praised the great Otis! They would fawn over him like the God he was. He should totally grow a beard too. And then just to really blow peoples’ minds, he’d be hairless from the neck down. Yeah, that’d be cool. He smiled, and started talking to himself as he shaved his armpits. “Wow Otis, your armpits are so smooth and aerodynamic…Yeah baby, you know it. Your afro is so luxurious…Sure is. Want to take a guess what the hair down there is like? Oh please show me, big daddy Otis.” He put the razor down and rubbed his hands together. “How you gonna praise Otis, baby? With your hands, your mouth…or something else? Hmmm, let me think-“ “WHAT THE HELL DUDE?!?!?” Mal Reynolds shouted from outside the shower, his gun pointed at Otis’ face. Otis let loose a girly scream. Mal seemed to hesitate, befuddled by the weirdness he had just seen. Then he fired 4 shots through the glass door. --------------------------------------------------------- otherwise was jettisoned out of the airlock! Go Faulk Yourself was killed by the Sith! OurTimeToShine was killed by Mal Reynolds!
  12. Made the 11:30 pm nightfall taking into account having to pack up all the gear, make the drive home, and then collect all the votes etc. I only got home roughly quarter to, but still ahead of when I thought I'd be here. So maybe 11:00 nightfall for the next 2 days. But 11:30 today still stands.
  13. ^ @11:30, I don't want to change the nightfall in case people are AFK and won't be able to see the change.
  14. Vote count thus far... Otherwise (8) - [Bo Hunter Booth, Mushrooms, Tanikins, Go Faulk Yourself, Peaches, Kesler87, Intoewsables, One one two] Mushrooms (2) - [OurTimeToShine, GreenDemons] One one two (1) - [otherwise] Go Faulk Yourself (1) - [Dral] Kesler87 (1) - [Aladeen] Aladeen (1)- [g_bassi13] And yes, specials have until 11:30.
  15. Vote count thus far... Aladeen (3) - [Kesler87, g_bassi13, Bo Hunter Booth] Kesler87 (1) - Aladeen] Mushrooms (1) - [OurTimeToShine] GreenDemons (1) - [Mushrooms] Go Faulk Yourself (1) - [Dral] Tanikins (1) - [Intoewsables] Reminder that I'm indisposed from 6-10 tonight, nightfall is pushed back to 11:30.
  16. I'm doing this...taking away a little bit of bench and military press on chest/shoulders day, and doing extra rows and flies on back day. And of course, making sure my posture is good throughout the day. I would guess that's your issue. I'm not one of those machine haters, but I think most of them can be avoided and in particular I've noticed the shoulder press machine could cause uncomfortable feelings in the same area as well as my rotator cuff. Stick to free weights for shoulders (and really everything, if you can...I do like using lat pulldown machines and sometimes tricep pushdowns though), I think it's easier to visualize which muscles you're using when you do it and really target them (and work your stabilizers at the same time).
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