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CDCGML 2014-15


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Welcome to CDCGML 2014-15!

Ever thought you could run a team better than those rich suits in the NHL front office? Well, here's your chance to prove it! The CDCGML returns for it's 6th season loaded with features that make this the most interactive, realistic fantasy GMing experience on the internet! From the entry draft to deadline day, build your team as you see fit and try to manage your way to the top of the League, and make a run at the ultimate prize, the coveted CDC Fantasy Cup!!



35bb78l.jpgDion Phaneuf - cdcgm1989@hotmail.comhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dEpqdURrb215X09jT3FmRzl2a1V5aXc#gid=0' shape="rect" title="Dion Phaneuf - cdcgm1989@hotmail.com" /> Drouinhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dFI0MWRvU0cyYkJ2R3NIOEVpWDhncWc#gid=0' shape="rect" title="Drouin" /> Canuck Surferhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dDVHUXpRT2RMZ2ZqVnBZcndZWFJmelE#gid=0' shape="rect" title="Canuck Surfer" /> Ace Of Spades - gpbernard@live.cahttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dFNkZGtTTVJ5c2hveTFvNFdUZDc0VEE#gid=0' shape="rect" title="Ace Of Spades - gpbernard@live.ca" /> Squeak - squeakcdc@hotmail.comhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dExFc3Z0dDI1R2F2M3Jma1JvRG1lZ2c#gid=0' shape="rect" title="Squeak - squeakcdc@hotmail.com" /> ThatMikehttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dFBNeHZMNWVmekZYWkpRV3BYRHRYWVE#gid=0' shape="rect" title="ThatMike" /> Cal and Gary's Phlegms - matt.cooke.24@hotmail.comhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dE5Fdm9GOEtFNXZ4MzViZzUtWHl0bHc#gid=0' shape="rect" title="Cal and Gary's Phlegms - matt.cooke.24@hotmail.com" /> Buddahs Handhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dGk1UHNGZVNOWEg4N1h6UXpXOFFGZmc#gid=0' shape="rect" title="Buddahs Hand" /> nuxrule420 - nuxrule420@hotmail.cahttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dGZrSGlyOUk1T0k0Z2FCVHNxZE1fenc#gid=0' shape="rect" title="nuxrule420 - nuxrule420@hotmail.ca" /> Ty Webbhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dDJrbFowOUZHamZjZldfdHNTRmY3R2c#gid=0' shape="rect" title="Ty Webb" /> Wilb - d_wilb@hotmail.comhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dFREaWRVaEs1VzJfVm9LcHVLbHRrTGc#gid=0' shape="rect" title="Wilb - d_wilb@hotmail.com" /> Caboosehttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dE5DdE55cXBFZHpiZTZXYWkxYXFNMWc#gid=0' shape="rect" title="Caboose" /> Sergei Bobrovskyhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dG1RVmVlZ0Z3SUtzd1FMbmx4bzNlUEE#gid=0' shape="rect" title="Sergei Bobrovsky" /> Bombastik der Teutone - thegermancanuck@hotmail.dehttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dE1McEVocEc2Njc5aUZ6ZXhJc0hLdFE#gid=0' shape="rect" title="Bombastik der Teutone - thegermancanuck@hotmail.de" /> canuck2xtreme - indestructablesoul@hotmail.com https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dGhTZUtZdXZ2TTRacmExWXk4RmF4YlE#gid=0' shape="rect" title="canuck2xtreme - indestructablesoul@hotmail.com " /> greensman - tylermerkel@hotmail.comhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dFpJV3ktcjJBd2ZKbHlFemhhRmVudHc#gid=0' shape="rect" title="greensman - tylermerkel@hotmail.com" /> lethunder - cdc_lethunder@hotmail.comhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dDhMaVFSZkhWM3ltWTBiNkV6WHhtVnc#gid=0' shape="rect" title="lethunder - cdc_lethunder@hotmail.com" /> RobertoLuongo.https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dHJnOS1raHFmREtIeUJIdWFQZUQ3dnc#gid=0' shape="rect" title="RobertoLuongo." /> OurTimeToShine - mp74nucks@live.comhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dGlDcWxXRDZlZUJRZ2wwX3QtcEdVQ2c#gid=0' shape="rect" title="OurTimeToShine - mp74nucks@live.com" /> _arby_18 - rblight18@hotmail.comhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dGVUZTZWWGd4THluZ1ctX0dCQXVnTnc#gid=0' shape="rect" title="_arby_18 - rblight18@hotmail.com" /> winterhawks - senators-gm@hotmail.comhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dHp3cloxNEV1bG1fcV84UVhYNnloa0E#gid=0' shape="rect" title="winterhawks - senators-gm@hotmail.com" /> y0shihttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dENoa0VfS1kzYWp1cThhVl95d25rdWc#gid=0' shape="rect" title="y0shi" /> oldnewshttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dHhmMVJWTV8wV2tGaWVWYjI3ZjdxN2c#gid=0' shape="rect" title="oldnews" /> Tony Romohttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dEJqQVhTRmxkdmVORE02dzNFZkgtX1E#gid=0' shape="rect" title="Tony Romo" /> Mike Vanderhoek - m-vanderhoek@live.comhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dDdSNTNEc3ZfVkhkYnp0SUlWTTlkNGc#gid=0' shape="rect" title="Mike Vanderhoek - m-vanderhoek@live.com" /> theminister - theministerCDC@hotmail.comhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dGRpSXpfNERuNGl6QVNobmk0QmhWLVE#gid=0' shape="rect" title="theminister - theministerCDC@hotmail.com" /> Primal Optimist - primal.optimist@hotmail.comhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dEJhVkxVczlYYXhIRUpCNVFLc3dZV1E#gid=0' shape="rect" title="Primal Optimist - primal.optimist@hotmail.com" /> TheRussianRocket™https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dEdpU2VyNzZzSGZndjBpaXVlQURLdUE#gid=0' shape="rect" title="TheRussianRocket™" /> ActionJax09 - action_09@hotmail.comhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dERVd1pURXFCU3NxRUlMR3loRFZ4Q2c#gid=0' shape="rect" title="ActionJax09 - action_09@hotmail.com" /> da.moose - da.washington_caps@hotmail.comhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au8R3FC_53Y7dEVua3h5THZaYkhsdEdyYVczVVpOQkE#gid=0' shape="rect" title="da.moose - da.washington_caps@hotmail.com" /> Image Maphttp://www.image-maps.com/index.php?aff=mapped_users_8201306151403101' shape="rect" title="Image Map" />
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CDCGML Collective Bargaining Agreement

Article 1: Scoring Structure

1.1 – Scoring Table
Goal/Assist: 3 points
PP Point: +1 point
SH Point: +2 points
OT Point: +2 points
GWG: +2 points
PIM: 1 point per minute
+/- : 2 points per each + rating

Goal/Assist: 5 points
PP Point: +1 point
SH Point: +2 points
OT Point: +2 points
GWG: +2 points
PIM: 1 point per minute
+/- : 2 points per each + rating

Win: 10 points
OTL: 5 points
SO: +10 points
Goal: 99 points
Assist: 10 points
PIM = 1 point per minute

* - scoring table subject to change prior to start of season.

1.2 – Stat Tracking Site
- Stats for the 2015-16 season will be tracked on www.pickuphockey.com.

League name: CDCGML 2015-16
Password: cdcgml

Article 2: Regular Season/Playoff Structure

2.1 – What To Do

The name of the game is simple. Build a Stanley Cup winner. As it is a fantasy game, it will be points driven, but like real life, having the most dynamic scorers doesn't mean you'll win. Players will accumulate points throughout the season, and the top 8 teams in each Conference will make the playoffs. Divisions are shown on the map below, and the top team in each division will be seeded first through third, just like the NHL.

2.2 – What Not To Do

Obviously, somebody has to come in last. But that doesn't mean it has to be for lack of trying. Like in the real NHL, a good General Manager is always looking for ways to improve their team. Inactivity might pay off if you're ahead in the standings, or have a good reason to wait. Maybe you're hoping the team will pull out of its slump. Maybe you have key injuries. Any number of things could result in a wait and see approach, and team owners would surely understand. But be careful, if your team is slumping for long periods, and you as GM aren't doing anything to improve the teams fortunes, you may find yourself on the hot seat with the guys upstairs. Spend too long there without some sort of attempt (even failed ones) at improving your team, and the GM might end up getting fired.

Also, remember that a good GM keeps his players competitive, but content. Players that aren't happy with their role on your team (like a 50 goal scorer on the third line, a 18-20 minute defenceman on the bottom pairing, or having two starting goaltenders competing for playing time) may end up asking for a trade. If they aren't dealt within an acceptable period of time (dependent on the player and situation) they may refuse to play until they are moved. Make sure you keep your players happy. Teams will be notified of any potential issues in their Roster Review PM and have the chance to respond to player concerns there. If an issue regarding player happiness is brought up, address the issue, don't make excuses. Each team is reviewed on a regular basis and subject to the same standard as every other team.

2.3 – Executive Team

Mike Vanderhoek
Primal Optimist

2.4 – Annual Awards

Near the end of the regular season, teams may vote for one player for each of the major NHL awards by submitting their votes via secret ballot to canuck2xtreme. Teams are NOT permitted to vote for their own players. The winners will be announced upon the conclusion of the regular season. Award winners will earn an extra 50 pool points for their team, and those points will count towards making the playoffs. The following awards will be handed out for 2015-16.

Hart Trophy - Awarded to the league's MVP

Vezina Trophy - Awarded to the league's most outstanding goaltender

Lady Byng Trophy - Awarded to the player who displays gentlemanly conduct combined with a high level of play.

Calder Trophy - Awarded to the league's most outstanding rookie

Norris Trophy - Awarded to the league's top defenceman

Selke Trophy - Awarded to the league's best defensive forward

Ted Lindsay Award - Awarded to the league's most outstanding player

Art Ross Trophy - Awarded to the league's top point producer

Rocket Richard Trophy - Awarded to the league's top goal scorer

William M. Jennings Trophy - Awarded to the goaltender(s) for the team that allowed the fewest goals against during the season (minimum 25 games played)

2.5 – Playoffs

The top 3 teams from each Division will make the playoffs along with two wild card teams in each conference. The two teams with the highest point totals of the remaining teams in each Conference will earn the wild card playoff berths. The division winner with the most points in each conference will meet the 2nd wild card team, the other division leader will face the 1st wild card team. The second and third place teams in each division will play each other. Teams will accumulate points via their players, and at the end of the first round, the teams with the most points in each playoff bracket will advance to the second round, and so on, until a champion is crowned at the conclusion of the playoffs. Points are exclusive to each round and do not carry over to the next in any fashion.

In the event of a tie at the end of a series, the tie-breaking procedure is as follows:

1. Total Goals
2. Game Winning Goals

3. Overtime Goals
4. Goalie wins
5. Points per game

Article 3: Roster Limitations

3.1 – Active Roster Guidelines

Each active roster will consist of a maximum of 23 players. Teams are limited to a maximum of 14 forwards, 8 defencemen or 2 goaltenders on an active roster at any one time. An empty goaltending roster spot cannot be filled by a forward or defenceman. Teams can dress any roster at their discretion, within these guidelines, provided that teams keep their players happy as outlined in Article 2 Section 2.

Prior to the beginning of the regular season, teams must submit an opening night roster post in order for their lineup to be entered into the system to collect points. These rosters MUST be submitted before the start of the regular season to avoid penalties. If a team is late in submitting their opening night roster, they will be penalized 100 points for each day their roster is late. When the roster is submitted, the roster will be input as though it was for the start of the season and the penalty will be applied via negative 'bonus' points. GMs who put their teams in this predicament will face heavy scrutiny and possible dismissal.

Any roster move must be made in it's own post and clearly phrased. Roster moves that do not follow this format will not be processed. NOTE: Players who are suspended while on the active roster cannot be moved off the active roster for the duration of their suspension.

Teams can request a player be dressed in a different position (i.e: forward playing defence, defenceman playing forward) on an emergency basis, but this will be accepted for no more than a seven day period. In order to do this, you must post a roster move indicating your player is being placed out of position. This roster move must be in it's own post and clearly phrased.

3.2 – Salary Cap

The CDCGML salary cap for the 2015-16 season has not yet been announced. During the season, no move will be processed that would put your team over or under the salary cap. In the off-season, the 10% rule is in effect. Teams cannot be over the cap by more than 10% of the cap ceiling at any point. Trades or signings that would put a team more than 10% over the cap during the off-season will not be processed by the league.

3.3 – Minor League System

This is where you can keep your prospects and depth players. These players are in your system but not on your active roster. You can have as many players in your minor system as you have budgeted money for. Some players must clear waivers to be assigned to your minor league system after the season begins as provided in Article 5 Section 3. You can name your minor league team if you like, just submit your proposed location and team name to the league for approval. As long as it's appropriate and not already taken, the league will approve it.

3.4 – Junior System

The Junior system is where you can assign players who have signed entry level contracts but are still eligible to play at the junior level (18-20 years old). Players who are eligible to be assigned to juniors must meet the age criteria (20 years old or younger) at the time of their assignment to junior. Players assigned to junior will not have their salaries count against either the cap or your clubs minors budget. Once a player is assigned to junior during the season (beginning on the first day of the regular season), they cannot be recalled until the end of the regular season. EXCEPTION: Players assigned to the juniors at the start of the season can be recalled if they have turned 21 years old and cannot be re-assigned to junior. Once recalled, their salary will begin to count against the salary cap/minors budget. Eligible players will not be assigned to Junior automatically, they must be placed there via a post in the thread.

Article 4: Contracts

4.1 – Contracts

In order to be eligible for a teams active or minor league roster, they must be signed to a contract with that club by negotiating a deal with one of our agents. A team may at no time have any greater than fifty (50) signed players in the organization. If a player has hired a specific agent, it will be displayed in a pop up note on the UFA/RFA tracker, and teams must speak to that agent for that player.

Player Agents

Mike Vanderhoek


4.2 – Entry Level Contracts

Drafted players signing their first contract will be subject to entry level contract limits. A player signing an entry level deal can only have a maximum base salary of $900,000. Teams can add bonuses and incentives in negotiations as they see fit that would raise the cap hit of the player, but the base salary cannot exceed $900,000. The total maximum salary of an entry level player including bonuses is $3.775 million per season. Players signed to entry level contracts by teams with a qualifying investment in Player Development can have their players contract slide either one or two seasons provided they meet the criteria listed in CBA Section 7.5.

4.2 - Restricted Free Agents

Players who have played fewer than 7 seasons or are younger than 27 years of age are Restricted Free Agents.

4.2.1 – Qualifying Offers

Teams looking to retain the rights of their pending Restricted Free Agents would need to submit a qualifying offer based on the following scale.

  • $500,000 - $1.5 million = 110% of previous contract
  • over $1.5 million - $3 million = 105% of previous contract
  • over $3 million = 100% of previous contract

Qualifying offers are calculated using a players base salary only, bonuses are not included in the calculation. The deadline for submitting qualifying offers is 5:00pm Pacific Time on June 25th of each season. Qualifying offers are valid contract offers and are subject to being accepted at any time prior to their expiration. This offer may or may not be accepted, but the player will go to Unrestricted Free Agency if the qualifying offer is not extended before the deadline.

Qualifying offers will expire on July 31st at 11:59pm Pacific time and at that point will no longer be eligible to be accepted by the player. Teams with players in this situation will still retain the players rights. A qualified player who is not signed by December 1st of each season will be released to Unrestricted Free Agency and will be eligible to sign with any team.

4.2.2 – Offer Sheets

Teams are permitted to extend offer sheets to the RFA players of other teams beginning July 1st. These offer sheets may or may not be signed by the player. If they are signed, the club that holds the players rights has 1 (ONE) week to match the offer sheet. If the team declines to match, they would receive compensation based on the following chart.

$1,000,000 or less - None
$1,000,001 - $2,100,000 - 3rd round pick
$2,100,001 - $3,000,000 - 2nd round pick
$3,000,001 - $4,100,000 - 1st round pick
$4,100,001 - $4,750,000 - 1st and 3rd round picks
$4,750,001 - $5,500,000 - 1st, 2nd and 3rd round pick
$5,500,001 - $6,000,000 - 1sts, 2nd and two 3rd round picks
$6,000,001 - $6,500,000 - 1st, two 2nd and two 3rd round picks
$6,500,001 and up - two 1st, two 2nd and two 3rd round picks

Teams who would present these offer sheets must have their own teams draft picks as compensation before they are able to sign the player to an offer sheet. If a team matches an offer sheet, they CANNOT trade the player for at least one season. In order to match an offer sheet, the team must have room under the salary cap to accommodate the player and their new salary. The 10% rule does not apply in this situation.

4.2.3 – Arbitration

- Players 23 or 24 years of age as of July 1st are eligible for team elected arbitration.
- Players 25 or 26 years of age as of July 1st are eligible for player elected arbitration.
- A player with arbitration rights cannot be asked by their club to file for arbitration, that decision is at the sole discretion of the player and their agent. Doing so will result in the club losing the player to unrestricted free agency.
- Electing for arbitration removes the possibility for the player to sign offer sheets.
- Teams can have a maximum of one team elected and one player elected arbitration case per season.
- The deadline to file for arbitration is noted in the Dates to Remember section of each season.
- Arbitration cases will be scheduled and held via PM during the month of August.
- Through arbitration, only a 1 year deal will be awarded.
- canuck2xtreme will serve as arbitrator. In the event that canuck2xtreme is the players representative, greensman will serve as arbitrator.
- The arbitrator will hear both the teams position and the players position via separate PMs, and then will have up to 7 days to make a decision.
- Both the team and the player are required to submit their proposed dollar figure in their statement.
- The arbitrator has the right to award either:

1. The players desired contract proposal,
2. The teams desired contract proposal, or
3. Any dollar figure in between the two figures provided by the team and player.

- If an arbitration award is within $1 million dollars of the teams desired contract proposal, the award is binding.
- If an arbitration award is more than $1 million higher than the teams desired contract proposal, the team has the right to walk away from the arbitration award, making the player an unrestricted free agent. Teams in this situation will NOT receive any compensation.
- All arbitration awards are final. Disrespect towards the arbitration system as a result of an unfavorable decision from either party will result in penalties levied by the league at their discretion. This can include, but is not limited to: cap space penalties, forfeiting of draft picks, loss of future arbitration rights, etc.

4.3 – Unrestricted Free Agents

Players who are 27 years old or have played in 7 NHL seasons are Unrestricted Free Agents. Unrestricted Free Agents who are without a contract are eligible to be signed to a contract by any team beginning on July 1st. No player eligible for the next seasons CDCGML Entry Draft is eligible to be signed as an unrestricted free agent. When signing a new unrestricted free agent to your club, the maximum allowable contract term is 7 years.

4.4 – No Trade/No Movement Clauses

No Trade Clauses or No Movement Clauses will be honoured by the League and agents. Any requests to have a player waive their NTC/NMC must be submitted to canuck2xtreme. If a player demands a trade, the NTC or NMC will be considered waived and the player may be dealt to any team. Players with these clauses will only waive a clause ONCE per season. These clauses will not be waived often. Players who are 26 or under are not eligible for NTC or NMCs.

If a player has a provision to list teams and is requested to do so, the list will be provided and posted in the players information pop up on their team chart. Unless otherwise specified in the wording of their NTC/NMC, lists will be valid for 30 days. Players will not waive to go to a team that is not on their list, regardless of circumstance.

4.5 – Extensions

Teams are permitted to discuss a contract extension with one player who's contract expires at the end of the upcoming season beginning on July 1st of each summer. This negotiation will not count towards the 6 negotiation limit in place later in the season, provided that the negotiation begins prior to January 1st of each season. As with any negotiation, sometimes the player will not desire to sign an extension that early. Clubs can only begin these discussions with ONE player, regardless if that player ends up re-signing or not.

Beginning on February 15, 2016, teams can hold preliminary discussions with 2 players of their choice (ballpark figures only, no full negotiations take place). Then, beginning on March 5, 2016, teams are permitted to enter formal negotiations with one player and hold preliminary discussions with an additional 2 players regarding their contract desires before the end of the season. After the regular season ends, teams may hold formal negotiations with up to 6 players, but remember only a handful may sign extensions. When negotiating an extension with a player that has played with your club for the entire season (beginning on opening night of season), teams may offer up to an 8 year contract term if desired.

4.6 – Buyouts

There are two separate one week buyout periods, one from June 20th-27th and one from Sept.23rd-30th. During these buyout periods, teams can buy players out of their contracts if they so desire. Any teams buying out a contract will incur a cap hit of 33% of the players annual salary for each remaining year of the contract. Players must clear unconditional waivers before they can be bought out.

4.7 – Tampering

Tampering is a serious offense and will be dealt with strictly. Tampering occurs when a team contacts a player under contract to another team before their contract expires, or when a team tries to negotiate a contract for the same player with two separate agents. In these cases, the team will lose the ability to negotiate with the player in question, and further fines/penalties may be handed down at the leagues discretion.

Article 5: Player Movement

5.1 – Trades

You may make an unlimited amount of trades, but both GMs involved in the trade must PM canuck2xtreme. Points are not transferred when a player is traded. For example, if Alex Ovechkin has 38 points for Team A and then is traded to Team B, his point totals remain on Team A. Ovechkin would start on Team B with 0 points. Trades are not official until posted by the League in the thread, and may take up to 48 hours to confirm. All trades are backdated to the day they were submitted to the league and agreed upon by both GMs, so teams will not miss out on any points. Players who are traded must remain at the same league level as they were on their original team at the time of the trade (Active roster to active roster, minors to minors, etc. ) unless they are eligible to be assigned otherwise. Waivers rules apply to players who are subject to waivers before being sent down if teams want to place a player from his original teams active roster in the minors.

If you are trading draft picks, the picks must be tracked and properly labeled. Failing to do so will result in the trade being rejected by the League.

A properly labeled draft pick: TEAM 2011 1st Round Draft Pick

An improperly labeled draft pick: Anything else.

The trade deadline for the 2015-16 season has not yet been announced.

5.2 – Trading Cap Dollars

Teams can retain up to $3 million dollars of a players salary as part of a trade (listed as Future Considerations). Teams are permitted to retain cap dollars for a maximum of 2 seasons (including the current season) of any contract.

- Teams cannot retain more than $4 million dollars in salary total in any given season.
- Teams cannot retain salary on more than 3 players in any given season.
- Teams can have a maximum of 3 players on the roster with reduced contracts.
- The combined amount of salary retained by other teams for players on a teams roster cannot exceed $4 million at any time.
- No player can have his cap hit reduced under $750,000 per season via this method.

5.3 – Injured Reserve

Any team with a player on the NHL injury reserve may put that player on injured reserve starting Oct 1st. Players on injured reserve will not count against your cap but will not earn points. While your player is listed on injured reserve, you may replace him on your active roster with another player, be it a free agent signing or a player brought up from your minor league system. To place a player on injured reserve you must send your request to canuck2xtreme who will confirm the addition. Approval of your player to injured reserve depends on the players official injury status as well as your clubs budget set out for the medical and training section in accordance with Article 7 Section 2. When you want to activate your player from injured reserve, you must create an available roster spot for that player first.

For additional information on injured reserve, see theministers instruction post here.

5.4 – Waivers

Any player that has exceeded the Waivers Exemption threshold is required to pass through waivers in order to be assigned to the minors after the start of the season.

Waivers Exemption Thresholds

23 years old or younger - 150 NHL game threshold (100 games for goaltenders)

24 years old or younger - 100 NHL game threshold (75 games for goaltenders)
26 years old or younger - 50 NHL game threshold (25 games for goaltenders)

To place a player on waivers, you simply post in the thread that you are placing that player on waivers. The waivers placement must be in it's own post and clearly phrased. Waivers assignments that do not follow this format will not be processed and the player will not be on waivers. Players will remain on waivers for 24 hours.

- In order to claim a player, send a PM to canuck2xtreme indicating your desire to claim the player. The claim must be made within the 24 hour window. After the 24 hour period expires, canuck2xtreme will post whether the player has cleared waivers, or if they have been claimed.

- A player that is on waivers will remain in their roster position until either:

  • The player has cleared waivers and been assigned elsewhere.
  • The player has been claimed by another team. (Once a player has been claimed, their roster spot will become available for call-ups/replacements etc.)

- Players that are claimed by more than one team will be awarded to the team that is ranked lowest in the overall league standings at that time.

- Unclaimed players can either be placed into your clubs minor league system or back onto the active roster. Your team must designate where your player is to go either at the time of being placed on waivers, or shortly after the 24 hour waiver period has expired. If a player clears waivers, they will not be subject to waivers for the 14 day period after they cleared.

- Players claimed on waivers cannot be assigned to their new clubs minor league affiliate without clearing waivers again.

- When a player is claimed, both the team that waived the player and the team receiving the player incur a waivers fee of $50,000 chargeable against the salary cap.

5.4.1 – Unconditional Waivers

A player on unconditional waivers will be available to be claimed following the same basic waiver rules for a 48 hour period. The waivers placement must be in it's own post, clearly phrased and must specifically indicate that the player is being placed on unconditional waivers. Players that clear unconditional waivers are then eligible to have their contract bought out. If a player on unconditional waivers is claimed, the waiving team will incur the waivers fee for both teams (totaling $100,000), while the team claiming the player will not incur any fees. Teams claiming a player on unconditional waivers are permitted to place the player in their minors system, but only provided the team already has a full 23 man active roster.

5.5 – Rumour Mill

If you have any rumours regarding trades etc. about your team, you can post about it in the Rumour Mill by sending a PM to TheInsider and indicating who you have available, and possibly what sort of player you hope to get back in return. The information will then be posted in the Rumour Mill post for other GMs to view.

Article 6: Entry Draft

6.1 – Entry Draft Guidelines

The draft will take place on Saturday June 20, 2015, beginning at 5:00pm Pacific time.

Teams will have one draft pick for each of the first three rounds. At the conclusion of the playoffs, we will conduct a draft lottery that mirrors that of the NHL, and the rest of the draft order will be determined by regular season standings. Our League will select from the same pool of draft eligible players that the NHL clubs will select from. Players can then be signed (or released) and placed into a teams minor league system. Unsigned prospects will return to the entry draft after 2 years if they remain unsigned. Players from previous draft years who went undrafted in the CDCGML are eligible to be selected provided they are under 21 years of age.

6.2 – Draft Lottery Guidelines

The draft lottery will occur as the NHLs draft lottery in April 2016.

The 14 teams that miss the playoffs will be eligible to enter the draft lottery. Teams eligible for the draft lottery will be entered into the lottery in a mirror position to the NHL team that finished in the corresponding ranking (e.g. - the team that finishes 30th overall in the CDCGML will be linked to the team that finished 30th overall in the NHL for the draft lottery. The team that wins the draft lottery will have the right to select 1st overall. If a team has traded their draft pick, the team that holds the draft pick will be entered into the draft lottery in the corresponding position as the original team.

Article 7: Front Office

7.1 – Front Office Budgets

Every team is able to set their clubs front office spending. Each team has $45 million dollars to spread around over four different areas, and each department comes with benefits at certain investment thresholds. These budgets can only be set once per season. Once they've been set, they cannot be changed until after the playoffs have ended. The benefits are outlined in the sections below.

7.2 – Medical/Training Facilities
The amount of money invested here dictates which injured players can be placed on injured reserve based on the following scale.

- @ $0 million, 'on injured reserve' can be placed on IR.
- @ $12 million, 'out indefinitely' can be placed on IR.
- @ $15 million, 'expected to miss...' can be placed on IR.
- @ $18 million, 'day to day' can be placed on IR.

7.3 – Player Relations
The amount of money invested here represents locker room and facility upgrades for training, air travel and accommodations, increased PR staff and charity affiliations. These effect a players likelihood in signing or re-signing with your club, how favorably undrafted/college free agents view your club and is a consideration when asking a player to waive a NTC/NMC to join your club. There are no set thresholds in place as each situation is different and it is a sliding scale. The higher the investment, the more favorably players will view your club.

7.4 – Minors Budget
The amount of money invested here is the salary cap for the teams minor club. A team cannot be over this limit at any time during the season.

7.5 – Player Development
The amount of money invested here determines if a club is eligible to utilize the entry level slide rule, and if so, for how many years. Under the ELC slide provision, a player on an entry level contract can have their contract slide to the following year provided:

- the team had the appropriate investment in their Player Development budget at the time the player signed their contract; and
- the player signed their ELC contract prior to their 21st birthday; and

- the player participated in fewer than 10 NHL games during the course of the first season of their contract.

Entry Level Slide Investment Thresholds

- @ $0 million, not eligible for entry level contract slide.
- @ $5 million, eligible for 1 year entry level contract slide.
- @ $8 million, eligible for 2 years entry level contract slide.

NOTE: Players on ELC slide eligible contracts who are traded will not have their ELC slide status transferred to the acquiring team unless the acquiring team also has the appropriate investment in their Player Development Budget to support the ELC slide system.

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Dates To Remember

Deadline to file for Arbitration - June 25, 2014 @ 5:00pm Pacific Time
Summer Buyout Window - June 20-27, 2014
Deadline to qualify/sign pending RFAs - June 27, 2014 @ 5:00pm Pacific Time
Deadline to sign pending UFAs - June 27, 2014 @ 5:00pm Pacific Time

Initial Offer Phase of Free Agency - July 1, 2014
Free Agency Negotiations Open - July 5, 2014
Qualifying Offers Expire - July 31, 2015 @ 11:59pm Pacific Time
Regular Buyout window - September 23-30, 2014
Waivers Mandatory - October 8, 2014 @ 12:00pm Pacific Time
Start of Regular Season - October 8, 2014
Holiday Roster Freeze - Dec. 23rd 12:01am - Dec. 28th 8:00am
Deadline to Sign Unrestricted Free Agents - December 31, 2014 @ 11:59pm Pacific Time
Start of Initial Contract Extension Discussions - February 15, 2015
Trade Deadline - March 2, 2015 @ 8:00pm Pacific Time
Initial Contract Extension Discussion Window Expands - March 3, 2015
Full Contract Extension Negotiations Open - End of regular season
End of Regular Season - April 11, 2015
CDCGML Draft Lottery - April 15, 2015
Deadline to sign 2013 draft selections - June 17, 2015 5:00pm Pacific Time
2015 CDCGML Entry Draft - June 20, 2015 @ 5:00pm Pacific Time

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Rumour Mill

small.png - The cap crunched Avs, coming off their best season yet, are looking to move some salary out. Eric Brewer is on the block but the team may look at dealing Jason Pominville or Brent Seabrook as well.
small.png - The Panthers have hit a snag in negotiations with defenceman Jonas Brodin. Sources say the team may look at dealing the young defender.
small.png - The Habs are looking to move Alex Tanguay, and Erik Johnson could be moved as well but sources claim the price will be high.
small.png - The Rangers could be looking to move out a high priced defender in order to find a roster place for RFA Jon Merrill.
small.png - Justin Faulk has not backed away from his trade demand and the defenceman will be moved sometime this summer.
small.png - Negotiations with RFA defenceman Ryan Ellis appear to have gone sour very quickly and it's unlikely the young defender will sign an extension.
small.png - The Winnipeg Jets are pushing hard to pick up a draft pick in the 7-12 range.

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How do I join this game?
Send a PM to canuck2xtreme explaining why you want to join and why you feel you would be a good addition to the game. There is a steep learning curve if you are not familiar with the style of the game, so make sure you read our Collective Bargaining Agreement so you are sure you are willing to commit to the game.

What happens if my team is not over the cap floor or is over the cap ceiling when the season starts?
Teams that have not submitted a cap compliant roster (both active and minors) are not entered into the database to collect points. Any longer than 3 days, and a change in management is likely. During the off-season you can go over the cap by 10% maximum, but need to be compliant when the season begins.

What happens if I make a trade or sign a player and it puts me over the cap?
Any trade or signing that would put either team over or under the salary cap guidelines set forth above will be rejected by the league and will not be processed. To avoid headaches, simply make sure your trades and signings leave you cap compliant.

What if I get banned from CDC? Can I keep GMing my team via email and instant messenger?
No. This game is based on CDC and therefore getting yourself banned from CDC effectively removes you from the game. We have tried this in the past and it's not a tenable situation.

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2014 CDCGML Entry Draft

The draft will begin on June 21, 2014 at 5:00pm Pacific time. The guidelines are as follows:

- For the first round, teams will have 5 minutes to make their selection. In the 2nd and 3rd rounds, teams will have 3 minutes to make their selection.
- Please do not post your draft pick until you are called by the commissioner. The time to make your selection begins when your turn is called.
- Trading is permitted during the draft.
- Teams not present during the draft will not be awarded the "best player available". You must be present to make your draft selection, and if you cannot be present, please submit a draft list to canuck2xtreme. If everyone on your list is already gone, you will be passed over.
- Missed draft picks can be made up at the end of the round during the 10 minute intermission between rounds, or after the draft.

Players eligible to be drafted must be 20 years old or younger and not drafted by anyone in our league in previous seasons. Players that weren't drafted in our league in past drafts are eligible to be selected, as are players that were selected but were not signed to entry level deals within the two year period, provided they are 20 years old or younger on draft day.

Round 1

1. Boston (via Calgary) - Sam Reinhart

2. Vancouver (via Columbus) - Aaron Ekblad
3. Dallas - Leon Draisaitl
4. Colorado (via Philadelphia) - Sam Bennett
5. St. Louis - Nicolaj Ehlers
6. Ottawa (via Colorado) - Michael Dal Colle
7. NY Islanders (via Nashville) - Nick Ritchie

8. NY Islanders (via Montreal) - Jake Virtanen

9. Toronto - William Nylander

10. NY Islanders (via Anaheim) - Brendan Perlini

11. NY Islanders (via Tampa Bay) - Alex Tuch
12. St. Louis (via Detroit) - Kevin Fiala
13. Montreal (via NY Islanders) - Dylan Larkin
14. Arizona (via Pittsburgh) - Kasperi Kapanen
15. Toronto (via Edmonton) - Robby Fabbri
16. Florida (via Carolina) - Ivan Barbashev

17. Calgary (via Washington) - Sonny Milano

18. Buffalo (via Vancouver) - Haydn Fleury

19. Winnipeg (via Arizona) - Travis Sanheim

20. Boston (via Buffalo) - Adrian Kempe

21. Columbus (via Winnipeg) - Julius Honka

22. Florida (via Ottawa) - Nikita Scherbak

23. Chicago - Anthony DeAngelo

24. NY Rangers - Josh Ho-Sang

25. San Jose - Roland McKeown

26. Boston - Jack Dougherty

27. Dallas (via New Jersey) - Thatcher Demko

28. Minnesota (via Los Angeles) - Jared McCann

29. Florida (via Minnesota) - David Pastrnak

30. Calgary (via Florida) - Marko Dano

Round 2

31. Winnipeg (via Columbus) - Ryan MacInnis

32. Pittsburgh (via Calgary) - Cole Cassells
33. Dallas - Conner Bleackley
34. Nashville (via Philadelphia) - Brayden Point
35. Detroit (via St. Louis) - Jakub Vrana
36. Winnipeg (via Colorado) - Brendan Lemieux
37. Florida (via Nashville) - Marcus Pettersson

38. Ottawa (via Montreal) - Nick Schmaltz

39. Toronto - Nikolai Goldobin

40. Florida (via Anaheim) - Brett Pollock

41. Buffalo (via Tampa Bay) - Ryan Donato
42. Winnipeg (via Detroit) - Hunter Smith
43. NY Islanders - Vladislav Kamenev
44. Tampa Bay (via Pittsburgh) - Nick Sorensen
45. NY Rangers (via Edmonton) - Eric Cornel
46. Buffalo (via Carolina) - John Quenneville

47. Vancouver (via Washington) - Jon Gillies

48. Tampa Bay (via Vancouver) - Tyler Bertuzzi

49. Arizona - Cedric Paquette

50. Calgary (via Buffalo) - Jack Glover

51. Winnipeg - Dysin Mayo

52. Columbus (via Ottawa) - Mason McDonald

53. Chicago - Chase De Leo

54. Washington (via NY Rangers) - Andrew Copp

55. San Jose - Daniel Zaar

56. St. Louis (via Boston) - Brycen Martin

57. Ottawa (via New Jersey) - Philippe Desrosiers

58. Pittsburgh (via Los Angeles) - Alex Nedeljkovic

59. Ottawa (via Minnesota) - Connor Brown

60. Detroit (via Florida) - Tristan Jarry

Round 3

61. Vancouver (via Columbus) - Will Butcher

62. Vancouver (via Calgary) - Josh Anderson
63. Dallas - Dominik Masin
64. Nashville (via Philadelphia) - Juuse Saros
65. Arizona (via St. Louis) - Anton Karlsson
66. Pittsburgh (via Colorado) - Justin Kirkland
67. Tampa Bay (via Nashville) - Linus Arnesson

68. Arizona (via Montreal) - Spencer Watson

69. Toronto - Ben Thomas

70. Washington (via Anaheim) - Connor Carrick

71. Vancouver (via Tampa Bay) - Michael Downing
72. Florida (via Detroit) - Gustav Possler
73. Vancouver (via NY Islanders) - John Hayden
74. NY Rangers (via Pittsburgh) - Reid Gardiner
75. Winnipeg (via Edmonton) - Dominic Turgeon
76. Ottawa (via Carolina) - Jake Guentzel

77. Calgary (via Washington) - Remi Elie

78. Vancouver - Zach Sanford

79. Vancouver (via Arizona) - Brett Pesce

80. St. Louis (via Buffalo) - Nick Magyar

81. Dallas (via Winnipeg) - Joshua Jacobs

82. Nashville (via Ottawa) - Juho Lammikko
83. Chicago - Jayce Hawryluk
84. St. Louis (via NY Rangers) - Blake Siebenaler

85. Vancouver (via San Jose) - Warren Foegele

86. Vancouver (via Boston) - Gustav Olofsson

87. Dallas (via New Jersey) - Michael Bunting

88. Florida (via Los Angeles) - Aaron Irving

89. Ottawa (via Minnesota) - Michael Prapavessis

90. Vancouver (via Florida) - Vincent Dunn

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CDCGML Archives


CDC Fantasy Cup Champion: Buffalo Sabres (lethunder)

Presidents Trophy Winner: Buffalo Sabres (lethunder)


CDC Fantasy Cup Champion: Buffalo Sabres (lethunder)

Presidents Trophy Winner: Los Angeles Kings (Ace Of Spades)
Rocket Richard Trophy - Corey Perry (NJ)
William M. Jennings Trophy - Roberto Luongo (BUF)/Cory Schneider (WPG)
Art Ross Trophy - Daniel Sedin (BOS)
Frank J. Selke Trophy - Ryan Kesler (WPG)
Lady Byng Memorial Trophy - Jordan Eberle (WPG)
Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy - Steven Kampfer (MIN)
Calder Memorial Trophy - PK Subban (DET)
Ted Lindsay Award - Daniel Sedin (BOS)
James Norris Award - Keith Yandle (WSH)
King Clancy Award - Scott Hartnell (DET)
Vezina Trophy - Roberto Luongo (BUF)
Hart Trophy - Daniel Sedin (BOS)



CDC Fantasy Cup Champion: Los Angeles Kings (Ace Of Spades)

Presidents Trophy Winner: Buffalo Sabres (lethunder)
Rocket Richard Trophy - Steven Stamkos (PIT)
William M. Jennings Trophy - Jaroslav Halak/Brian Elliott (CHI)
Art Ross Trophy - Evgeni Malkin (PIT)
Frank J. Selke Trophy - David Backes (FLA)
Lady Byng Memorial Trophy - Jordan Eberle (WPG)
Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy - Manny Malhotra (NYI)
Calder Memorial Trophy - Gabriel Landeskog (BUF)
Ted Lindsay Award - Evgeni Malkin (PIT)
James Norris Award - Shea Weber (WPG)
King Clancy Award - Scott Hartnell (DET)
Vezina Trophy - Jonathan Quick (DET)
Hart Trophy - Evgeni Malkin (PIT)

Final Standings


01. Los Angeles* - 5617
02. Winnipeg* - 5322
03. St.Louis* - 5143
04. Edmonton - 5194
05. Detroit - 4750
06. Nashville - 4737
07. Vancouver - 4717
08. Anaheim - 4571
09. Calgary - 4538
10. Chicago - 4358
11. Colorado - 4087
12. Dallas - 3993
13. San Jose - 3691
14. Minnesota - 3463
15. Columbus - 3058


01. Buffalo]* - 5920
02. NY Islanders* - 5682
03. Pittsburgh* - 5598
04. New Jersey - 5365
05. Florida - 5281
06. Ottawa - 5076
07. Washington - 4956
08. Boston - 4850
09. Montreal - 4583
11. Philadelphia - 4297
10. Toronto - 4285
12. NY Rangers - 3928
13. Quebec - 3798
14. Tampa Bay - 3693
15. Carolina - 3238

* denotes division leaders


CDC Fantasy Cup Champion: New York Islanders (theminister)

Presidents Trophy Winner: Florida Panthers (OurTimeToShine)
Rocket Richard Trophy - Alexander Ovechkin (NJ)
William M. Jennings Trophy - Corey Crawford (FLA)/Ray Emery (BOS)
Art Ross Trophy - Martin St. Louis (LA)
Frank J. Selke Trophy - Patrice Bergeron (NYI)
Lady Byng Memorial Trophy - Logan Couture (NYI)
Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy - Josh Harding (CAR)
Calder Memorial Trophy - Jonathan Huberdeau (QUE)
James Norris Award - Kris Letang (BUF)
King Clancy Award - Patrick Elias (WSH)
Vezina Trophy - Sergei Bobrovsky (LA)
Ted Lindsay Award - Sidney Crosby (WPG)
Hart Trophy - John Tavares (TB)



CDC Fantasy Cup Champion: Florida Panthers (OurTimeToShine)

Presidents Trophy Winner: Florida Panthers (OurTimeToShine)
Frank J. Selke Trophy - Patrice Bergeron (NYI)
Lady Byng Memorial Trophy - Ryan O'Reilly (DET)
Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy - Manny Malhotra (FLA)
Calder Memorial Trophy - Nathan MacKinnon (CAR)
James Norris Award - Duncan Keith (ANA)
Vezina Trophy - Tuukka Rask (NYI)
Ted Lindsay Award - Sidney Crosby (WPG)
Hart Trophy - Sidney Crosby (WPG)

1small.png Florida Panthers 5723 P
2small.png Ottawa Senators 5240 X
3small.png Boston Bruins 5137 X
1small.png New Jersey Devils 5530 Y
2small.png New York Rangers 4928 X
3small.png Washington Capitals 4899 X
1small.png Buffalo Sabres 5067 X
2small.png Carolina Hurricanes 4842 X

3small.png Pittsburgh Penguins 4821
4small.png New York Islanders 4788
5small.png Detroit Redwings 4488
6small.png Tampa Bay Lightning 4328
7small.png Toronto Maple Leafs 4189
8small.png Montreal Canadiens 4185
9small.png Philadelphia Flyers 3857

1small.png Minnesota Wild 5136 Y
2small.png Winnipeg Jets 5076 X
3small.png Chicago Blackhawks 4441 X
1small.png Los Angeles Kings 5690 Z
2small.png Phoenix Coyotes 5011 X
3small.png San Jose Sharks 4982 X
1small.png Vancouver Canucks 4962 X
2small.png Edmonton Oilers 4610 X

3small.png Anaheim Ducks 4274
5small.png Nashville Predators 4097
6small.png Colorado Avalanche 4088
4small.png St Louis Blues 4087
7small.png Dallas Stars 3411
8small.png Calgary Flames 3409
9small.png Columbus Blue Jackets 3215

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CDCGML Draft History


Round 1
1. Kelowna - Taylor Hall
2. Ottawa - Cam Fowler
3. Detroit - Tyler Seguin
4. Ottawa (from Columbus) - Brett Connolly
5. Buffalo (from Carolina) - Erik Gudbranson
6. NY Rangers - Brandon Gormley
7. New Jersey (from Boston) - Alexander Burmistrov
8. Ottawa (from Chicago) - Nino Niederreiter
9. New Jersey (from Philadelphia) - Derek Forbort
10. Boston (from Edmonton) - Vladimir Tarasenko
11. Calgary - missed
12. Columbus (from Washington) - Mikael Granlund
13. Tampa Bay (from Montreal) - Jack Campbell
14. San Jose - Kirill Kabanov
15. Kelowna (from Minnesota) - Ryan Johansen
16. Carolina (from Tampa Bay) - missed
17. Florida - Mark Visentin
18. Philadelphia (from Anaheim) - Maxim Kitsyn
19. New Jersey (from Pittsburgh) - Nick Bjugstad
20. St. Louis - Jeff Skinner
21. Dallas - Mark Pysyk
22. Pittsburgh (from Toronto) - John MacFarland
23. NY Islanders (from New Jersey) - Emerson Etem
24. Montreal (from Winnipeg) - Austin Watson
25. New Jersey (from Vancouver) - Stanislav Galiev
26. NY Islanders - Calvin Pickard
27. NY Rangers (from Los Angeles) - Quinten Howden
28. Columbus (from Buffalo) - Dylan McIlrath

Round 2
1. Kelowna - Jon Merrill
2. Ottawa - Riley Sheahan
3. Detroit - Alexander Petrovic
4. Carolina (from Columbus) - missed
5. Carolina - missed
6. Los Angeles (from NY Rangers) - Jordan Weal
7. Boston - Tyler Pitlick
8. Chicago - Tyler Toffoli
9. Philadelphia - Jarred Tinordi
10. Boston (from Edmonton) - Jaden Schwartz
11. Calgary - missed
12. Detroit (from Washington) - Brock Nelson
13. Ottawa (from Montreal) - Justin Faulk
14. San Jose - Petr Straka
15. Kelowna (from Minnesota) - Teemu Pulkinnen
16. Detroit (from Tampa Bay) - Ludvig Rensfeldt
17. Florida - Justin Holl
18. NY Islanders (from Anaheim - Evgeny Kuznetsov
19. Philadelphia (from Pittsburgh) - Ryan Martindale
20. NY Islanders (from St. Louis) - Ryan Spooner
21. San Jose (from Dallas) - Charlie Coyle
22. NY Islanders (from Toronto) - Beau Bennett
23. San Jose (from New Jersey) - Kevin Hayes
24. NY Islanders (from Winnipeg) - Calle Jarnkrok
25. Chicago (from Vancouver) - Ivan Telegin
26. NY Islanders - Troy Rutkowski
27. Los Angeles - Joey Hishon
28. Ottawa (from Buffalo) - Brad Ross

Round 3
1. Vancouver (from Kelowna) - Oscar Lindberg
2. (none) via fine: tampering (OTT)
3. (none) via fine: tampering (DET)
4. Philadelphia (from Columbus) - Brock Beukeboom
5. Chicago (from Carolina) - Stephen Johns
6. NY Rangers - Kevin Sundher
7. Boston - Steven Shipley
8. Chicago - Bill Arnold
9. Philadelphia - Kent Simpson
10. Edmonton - missed
11. Calgary - missed
12. Kelowna (from Washington) - Jason Zucker
13. Montreal - Justin Shugg
14. San Jose - Mark Alt
15. Kelowna (from Minnesota) - Pathrik Vesterholm
16. Detroit (from Tampa Bay) - Max Gardiner
17. Florida - Jerome Gauthier-Leduc
18. Kelowna (from Anaheim) - Ponthus Vesterholm
19. Chicago (from Pittsburgh) - Patrick McNally
20. St. Louis - Joey Laleggia
21. Dallas - Matt MacKenzie
22. Ottawa (from Toronto) - Brandon Archibald
23. Ottawa (from New Jersey) - Tom Kuehnhackl
24. Detroit (from Winnipeg) - Victor Ohman
25. Carolina (from Vancouver) - missed
26. Buffalo (from NY Islanders) - Adam Pettersson
27. NY Islanders (from Los Angeles) - Patrick Nemeth
28. NY Islanders (from Buffalo) - Andrew Yogan


1st Round
1. Saskatchewan - Ryan Nugent-Hopkins
2. Ottawa (via Columbus) - Adam Larsson
3. Florida (via NY Rangers) - Sean Couturier
4. Buffalo (via Calgary) - Gabriel Landeskog
5. Quebec - Jonathan Hubradeau
6. Buffalo (via Florida) - Ryan Murphy
7. NY Islanders (via Toronto) - Dougie Hamilton
8. Colorado - Ryan Strome
9. NY Islanders (via Anaheim) - Mika Zibanejad
10. Winnipeg (via Philadelphia) - Nicklas Jensen
11. Buffalo (via Ottawa) - Joel Armia
12. Dallas - Sven Bartschi
13. Tampa Bay - Tomas Jurco
14. St. Louis (via Montreal) - Nathan Beaulieu
15. San Jose - Jonas Brodin
16. Florida (via Minnesota) - Matt Puempel
17. Saskatchewan (via Carolina) - Mark McNeill
18. Montreal (via Detroit) - Duncan Siemens
19. Washington (via Edmonton) - Daniel Cattenacci
20. St. Louis - Mark Scheifele
21. Boston - Zack Phillips
22. San Jose (via Washington) - Tyler Biggs
23. Chicago - Rocco Grimaldi
24. Columbus (via Pittsburgh) - Dmitrij Jaskin
25. NY Islanders (via Vancouver) - Vladislav Namestnikov
26. Florida (via New Jersey) - Boone Jenner
27. NY Islanders - Joseph Morrow
28. Buffalo (via Los Angeles) - Brandon Saad
29. Quebec (via Winnipeg) - Ty Rattie
30. Anaheim (via Buffalo) - Jamie Oleksiak

2nd Round
31. Minnesota (via Columbus) - Alexander Khokhlachev
32. Saskatchewan - Oscar Klefbom
33. Colorado (via NY Rangers) - John Gibson
34. Minnesota (via Calgary) - Scott Mayfield
35. Minnesota (via Quebec) - Rickard Rakell
36. Florida - JT Miller
37. Toronto - Lucas Lessio
38. Colorado - Victor Rask
39. Anaheim - Phillip Danault
40. Ottawa (via Philadelphia) - David Musil
41. St. Louis (via Ottawa) - Stefan Noesen
42. Ottawa (via Dallas) - Stuart Percy
43. Columbus (via Tampa Bay) - Shane Prince
44. Colorado (via Montreal) - Tyler Wotherspoon
45. Toronto (via San Jose) - Ryan Sproul
46. Philadelphia (via Minnesota) - Connor Murphy
47. St. Louis (via Carolina) - Brett Ritchie
48. Quebec (via Detroit) - Michael St. Croix
49. Colorado (via Edmonton) - Mario Lucia
50. Boston (via St. Louis) - Chris Gibson
51. Boston - Adam Clendening
52. San Jose (via Washington) - Joel Edmundson
53. Chicago - Reid Boucher
54. Ottawa (via Pittsburgh) - Nick Shore
55. Ottawa (via Vancouver) - Matthew Nieto
56. Saskatchewan (via New Jersey) - Seth Ambroz
57. Montreal (via NY Islanders) - Marcel Noebels
58. San Jose (via Los Angeles) - missed
59. Saskatchewan (via Winnipeg) - Xavier Ouellet
60. Columbus (via Buffalo) - Robbie Russo

3rd Round
61. Colorado (via Columbus) - Vincent Trocheck
62. Saskatchewan - Nikita Kucherov
63. Quebec (via NY Rangers) - Markus Granlund
64. Winnipeg (via Calgary) - Reece Scarlett
65. NY Islanders (via Quebec) - Adam Lowry
66. Vancouver (via Florida) - missed
67. Toronto - Logan Shaw
68. Colorado - Phillipe Hudon
69. Saskatchewan (via Anaheim) - Mike Reilly
70. Anaheim (via Philadelphia) - Miikka Salomaki
71. Ottawa - Max Friberg
72. Minnesota (via Dallas) - Alexander Ruutu
73. NY Islanders (via Tampa Bay) - Rasmus Bengtsson
74. NY Islanders (via Montreal) - Myles Bell
75. San Jose - missed
76. Ottawa (via Minnesota) - Samu Perhonen
77. San Jose (via Carolina) - missed
78. Colorado (via Detroit) - Colin Jacobs
79. Edmonton - Devante Smith-Pelly
80. Saskatchewan (via St. Louis) - Curtis Hamilton
81. Los Angeles (via Boston) - Brayden McNabb
82. Columbus (via Washington) - Shane McColgan
83. Chicago - William Karlsson
84. Toronto (via Pittsburgh) - Luke Lockhart
85. Columbus (via Vancouver) - TJ Tynan
86. Anaheim (via New Jersey) - Joachim Nermark
87. Boston (via NY Islanders) - Joseph Labate
88. Saskatchewan (via Los Angeles) - Tobias Reider
89. Colorado (via Winnipeg) - Nathan Lieuwen
90. NY Rangers (via Buffalo)- missed


First Round
1. Carolina - Nail Yakupov
2. Buffalo (via Columbus) - Alex Galchenyuk
3. Minnesota - Ryan Murray
4. Buffalo (via San Jose) - Filip Forsberg
5. Tampa Bay - Mikhail Grigorenko
6. Quebec - Morgan Reilly
7. Quebec (via NY Rangers) - Teuvo Teravainen
8. Dallas - Griffin Reinhart
9. Colorado - Matt Dumba
10. Colorado (via Chicago) - Radek Faksa
11. Toronto - Jacob Trouba
12. Columbus (via Philadelphia) - Codi Ceci
13. Minnesota (via Calgary) - Hampus Lindholm
14. Detroit (via Montreal) - Olli Maatta
15. Carolina (via Anaheim) - Derrick Pouliot
16. Quebec (via Vancouver) - Zemgus Girgensons
17. Columbus (via Nashville) - Brendan Gaunce
18. Boston - Malcom Subban
19. Montreal (via Detroit) - Slater Koekkoek
20. Pittsburgh (via Ottawa) - Oscar Dansk
21. San Jose (via Florida) - Tom Wilson
22. Toronto (via NY Islanders) - Andrei Vasilevski
23. Quebec (via St. Louis) - Tomas Hertl
24. Buffalo (via Edmonton) - Matt Finn
25. Tampa Bay (via Pittsburgh) - Sebastian Collberg
26. Colorado (via Buffalo) - Brady Skjei
27. Winnipeg - Tanner Pearson
28. Tampa Bay (via New Jersey) - Pontus Aberg
29. Detroit (via Washington) - Henrik Samuelsson
30. Philadelphia (via Los Angeles) - Scott Laughton

2nd Round
31. Carolina (via Columbus) - Tim Bozon
32. Colorado (via Carolina) - Colton Sissons
33. Minnesota - Dalton Thrower
34. Philadelphia (via San Jose) - Mike Matheson
35. NY Islanders (via Tampa Bay) - Stefan Matteau
36. Florida (via Quebec)- Martin Frk
37. NY Rangers - Ville Pokka
38. Dallas - Nicolas Kerdiles
39. San Jose (via Colorado) - Phillip Di Giuseppe
40. NY Islanders (via Chicago) - Ludvig Bystrom
41. Tampa Bay (via Toronto) - Jordan Schmaltz
42. Dallas (via Philadelphia) - Adam Pelech
43. Quebec (via Calgary) - Morgan Ellis
44. NY Islanders (via Montreal) - Daniil Zharkov
45. NY Rangers (via Anaheim) - Scott Kosmachuk
46. New Jersey (via Vancouver) - Cristoval "Boo" Nieves
47. Minnesota (via Nashville) - Mark Jankowski
48. Florida (via Boston) - Nick Ebert
49. Montreal (via Detroit) - Anton Slepyshev
50. NY Rangers (via Ottawa) - Mike Winther
51. Minnesota (via Florida) - Damon Severson
52. NY Islanders - Lukas Sutter
53. Ottawa (via St. Louis) - Andreas Athanasiou
54. Ottawa (via Edmonton) - Jarrod Maidens
55. Pittsburgh - Calle Anderssen
56. Carolina (via Buffalo) - Dylan Blujus
57. Philadelphia (via Winnipeg) - Devin Shore
58. Colorado (via New Jersey) - Tomas Hyka
59. NY Rangers (via Washington) - Mikko Vainonen
60. Quebec (via Los Angeles) - Kyle Rau

3rd Round
61. Ottawa (via Columbus) - Jake McCabe
62. NY Rangers (via Carolina) - Joonas Korpisalo
63. Pittsburgh (via Minnesota) - Nikolai Prokhorkin
64. Tampa Bay (via San Jose) - Matia Marcantuoni
65. San Jose (via Tampa Bay) - Brady Vail
66. NY Islanders (via Quebec) - Chandler Stephenson
67. Pittsburgh (via NY Rangers) - Anthony Stolarz
68. Dallas - Dane Fox
69. Colorado - Mitchell Moroz
70. Ottawa (via Chicago) - Emil Lundberg
71. Colorado (via Toronto) - Zach Stepan
72. NY Rangers (via Philadelphia) - Patrick Sieloff
73. St. Louis (via Calgary) - Erik Karlsson
74. New Jersey (via Montreal) - Brian Ferlin
75. Los Angeles (via Anaheim) - John Gaudreau
76. Tampa Bay (via Vancouver) - Max Iafrate
77. St. Louis (via Nashville) - Logan Nelson
78. Los Angeles (via Boston) - Coda Gordon
79. Vancouver (via Detroit) - Marek Hrivik
80. Vancouver (via Ottawa) - Andy Welinski
81. Montreal (via Florida) - Brian Hart
82. Dallas (via NY Islanders) - Brandon Whitney
83. Calgary (via St. Louis) - Kevin Roy
84. Philadelphia (via Edmonton) - Justin Kloos
85. St. Louis (via Pittsburgh) - Konrad Abeltshauser
86. New Jersey (via Buffalo) - Steffen Soberg
87. St. Louis (via Winnipeg) - Mathias Niederberger
88. Ottawa (via New Jersey) - John McFarland
89. Philadelphia (via (Washington) - Ben Johnson
90. Carolina (via Los Angeles) - Brian Cooper


1. Calgary - Seth Jones

2. Carolina - Nathan MacKinnon
3. Buffalo (via Anaheim) - Jonathan Drouin
4. Nashville - Aleksander Barkov
5. Colorado - Valeri Nichushkin
6. Colorado (via NY Rangers) - Sean Monahan
7. Colorado (via Columbus) - Darnell Nurse
8. Detroit - Elias Lindholm
9. Phoenix (via Montreal) - Bo Horvat
10. Montreal (via St. Louis) - Max Domi
11. NY Islanders (via Tampa Bay) - Rasmus Ristolainen
12. Philadelphia - Nikita Zadorov
13. New Jersey (via Toronto) - Alexander Wennberg
14. Washington - Frederick Gauthier
15. Pittsburgh (via Minnesota) - Hunter Shinkaruk
16. San Jose - Ryan Pulock
17. New Jersey (via Dallas) - Andre Burakovsky
18. NY Rangers (via Phoenix) - Anthony Mantha
19. Ottawa - Kerby Rychel
20. Florida (via Chicago) - Josh Morrissey
21. Nashville (via Pittsburgh) - Adam Erne
22. San Jose (via Buffalo) - Nic Petan
23. Tampa Bay (via Edmonton) - Madison Bowey
24. Boston - Valentin Zykov
25. Winnipeg - Jacob De La Rose
26. San Jose (via New Jersey) - Zach Fucale
27. Calgary (via Vancouver) - Ryan Hartman
28. New Jersey (via Florida) - Shea Theodore
29. Tampa Bay (via Los Angeles) - Justin Bailey
30. NY Islanders - Mirco Mueller

Round 2
31. Detroit (via Carolina) - Morgan Klimchuk
32. Calgary - JC Lipon
33. Tampa Bay (via Anaheim) - Samuel Morin
34. Pittsburgh (via Nashville) - Curtis Lazar
35. Boston (via Colorado) - Ian McCoshen
36. Ottawa (via NY Rangers) - Robert Hagg
37. Columbus - Michael McCarron
38. Edmonton (via Detroit) - missed
39. Philadelphia (via Montreal) - JT Compher
40. Florida (via St. Louis) - Jean-Gabriel Pageau
41. NY Islanders (via Tampa Bay) - Chris Bigras
42. Montreal (via Philadelphia) - Steve Santini
43. Phoenix (via Toronto) - Johan Sundstrom
44. Calgary (via Washington) - Ryan Fitzgerald
45. Minnesota - Laurent Dauphin
46. San Jose - Jordan Subban
47. NY Rangers (via Dallas) - Marc-Olivier Roy
48. Detroit (via Phoenix) - Emile Poirier
49. NY Rangers (via Ottawa) - Paquin Boudreau
50. Chicago - William Carrier
51. Phoenix (via Pittsburgh) - Charles Hudon
52. Dallas (via Buffalo) - Jason Dickinson
53. Edmonton - missed
54. Boston - Dillon Heatherington
55. Winnipeg - Hudson Fasching
56. Chicago (via New Jersey) -Artturi Lehkonen
57. Boston (via Vancouver)- Oliver Bjorkstrand
58. Chicago (via Florida) - Wilhelm Westlund
59. Nashville (via Los Angeles) - Patrick Bartosak
60. NY Islanders - Brendan Leipsic

Round 3
61. San Jose (via Carolina) - Zach Nastasiuk
62. Winnipeg (via Calgary) - Eric Comrie
63. Boston (via Anaheim) - Tyler Lewington
64. New Jersey (via Nashville) - Teddy Blueger
65. New Jersey (via Colorado) - Matt Grzelcyk
66. Ottawa (via NY Rangers) - Adam Tambellini
67. Pittsburgh (via Columbus) - Michael Mersch
68. Carolina (via Detroit) - Jackson Houck
69. Nashville (via Montreal) - Nick Baptiste
70. Nashville (via St. Louis) - Carl Dahlstrom
71. Vancouver (via Tampa Bay) - Matej Stransky
72. Philadelphia - Pavel Buchnevich
73. Tampa Bay (via Toronto) - Chris Tierney
74. New Jersey (via Washington) - Viktor Crus Rydberg
75. Florida (via Minnesota) - Connor Hurley
76. NY Islanders (via San Jose) - Brock McGinn
77. Dallas - Tommy Vannelli
78. Toronto (via Phoenix) - Josh Leivo
79. St. Louis (via Ottawa) - Curtis Valk
80. Vancouver (via Chicago) - Seth Griffith
81. NY Islanders (via Pittsburgh) - Dillon Fournier
82. Vancouver (via Buffalo) - Anthony Camara
83. Vancouver (via Edmonton) - Andrey Pedan
84. Vancouver (via Boston) - Riley Barber
85. Vancouver (via Winnipeg) - Jimmy Vesey
86. Vancouver (via New Jersey) - Chris Calnan
87. Vancouver - Garret Ross
88. Vancouver (via Florida) - Taylor Leier
89. Los Angeles - missed
90. NY Islanders - Nick Moutrey

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2014-15 Final Standings/Awards

CDC Fantasy Cup Champion: Florida Panthers (OurTimeToShine)
Presidents Trophy Winner: New Jersey Devils (Mike Vanderhoek)
Rocket Richard Trophy - Alexander Ovechkin (NJ)
William M. Jennings Trophy - Carey Price (TB)/Corey Crawford (FLA)
Art Ross Trophy - Jamie Benn (VAN)
Frank J. Selke Trophy - Patrice Bergeron (NYI)
Lady Byng Memorial Trophy - Henrik Sedin (BOS)
Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy - Devan Dubnyk (LA)
Calder Memorial Trophy - Johnny Gaudreau (LA)
James Norris Award - Mark Giordano (LA)
Vezina Trophy - Carey Price (TB)
Ted Lindsay Award - Carey Price (TB)
Hart Trophy - Carey Price (TB)



small.pnga Florida Panthers 5448
small.pnga Boston Bruins 5244
small.pnga Ottawa Senators 5118


small.pngm New Jersey Devils 5880

small.pngm Pittsburgh Penguins 5462

small.pngm New York Islanders 5134

small.pngm Washington Capitals 5102

small.pnga Buffalo Sabres 5041
small.pnga Detroit Red Wings 4572
small.pnga Montreal Canadiens 4537
small.pnga Tampa Bay Lightning 4535
small.pngm Carolina Hurricanes 3940
small.pngm Philadelphia Flyers 3883
small.pngm New York Rangers 3785

small.pnga Toronto Maple Leafs 3302


small.pngc Winnipeg Jets 5087
small.pngc Colorado Avalanche 4843
small.pngc Minnesota Wild 4755


small.pngp Los Angeles Kings 5252
small.pngp Vancouver Canucks 5038
small.pngp Arizona Coyotes 4643


small.pngc Nashville Predators 4663
small.pngp San Jose Sharks 4338
small.pngc Columbus Blue Jackets 4270
small.pngp Edmonton Oilers 4182
small.pngc Chicago Blackhawks 4111
small.pngp Anaheim Ducks 3819
small.pngc St Louis Blues 3443
small.pngp Calgary Flames 3336

small.pngc Dallas Stars 2941

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2015 CDCGML Entry Draft Order

Round 1

1. Calgary (won lottery)
2. Dallas
3. NY Rangers (via Toronto)
4. Detroit (via St. Louis)
5. Detroit (via NY Rangers)
6. Anaheim
7. NY Islanders (via Philadelphia)
8. Toronto (via Carolina)
9. Chicago
10. Edmonton
11. Toronto (via Columbus)
12. Tampa Bay
13. Buffalo (via Montreal)
14. Detroit
15. San Jose

16. Arizona

17. Philadelphia (via Nashville)

18. Buffalo (via Colorado)

19. Buffalo

20. Toronto (via Washington)

21. Ottawa

22. Arizona (via NY Islanders)

23. Winnipeg

24. Toronto (via Los Angeles)

25. St. Louis (via Boston)

26. NYI (via New Jersey

27. Montreal (via Vancouver)
28. Pittsburgh
29. Minnesota

30. New Jersey (via Florida)

Round 2

31. Columbus (via Dallas)
32. Toronto
33. NY Islanders (via Calgary)
34. Minnesota (via St. Louis)
35. Winnipeg (via NY Rangers)
36. Columbus (via Anaheim)
37. Toronto (via Philadelphia)
38. Arizona (via Carolina)
39. Chicago
40. Edmonton

41. Detroit (via Columbus)
42. Edmonton (via Tampa Bay)
43. New Jersey (via Montreal)
44. Montreal (via Detroit)

45. Arizona (via San Jose)

46. NY Islanders (via Arizona)

47. Philadelphia (via Nashville)

48. Columbus (via Colorado)

49. Buffalo

50. Nashville (via Washington)

51. Ottawa

52. San Jose (via NY Islanders)

53. NY Rangers (via Winnipeg)

54. Columbus (via Los Angeles)

55. St. Louis (via Boston)

56. Calgary (via New Jersey)

57. Columbus (via Vancouver)
58. Columbus (via Pittsburgh)

59. Minnesota

60. Columbus (via Florida)

Round 3

61. Arizona (via Dallas)
62. Toronto
63. Arizona (via Calgary)
64. New Jersey (via St. Louis)
65. Detroit (via NY Rangers)
66. Arizona (via Anaheim)
67. Philadelphia
68. Vancouver (via Carolina)
69. Chicago
70. Toronto (via Edmonton)
71. Colorado (via Columbus)
72. Buffalo (via Tampa Bay)
73. Calgary (via Montreal)
74. Ottawa (via Detroit)

75. San Jose

76. Vancouver (via Arizona)

77. Arizona (via Nashville)

78. Colorado

79. St. Louis (via Buffalo)

80. New Jersey (via Washington)

81. Detroit (via Ottawa)

82. Pittsburgh (via NY Islanders)

83. Edmonton (via Winnipeg)

84. St. Louis (via Los Angeles)

85. New Jersey (via Boston)

86. Calgary (via New Jersey)

87. Arizona (via Vancouver)
88. Calgary (via Pittsburgh)

89. Calgary (via Minnesota)
90. Toronto (via Florida)

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