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How to be popular/not a loner¿?


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Once you graduate high school no one cares how good you are at sports. The suggestion of finding people with common interests is good. I wouldn't sweat it (pun intended) if you're not good at sports though.

Generally people want to be around other people that are both confident (stand their ground) and make others feel good about themselves.

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Play Spice Girls "Spice Up Your Life" on a boombox and dance like no one's watching. Preferably in platform shoes. That "hi cya" part? Pay close attention to that part...throw your arms up over your head, that's tilted back with eyes closed, and work it like you mean it. Feel it. That should quickly see a crowd gather...your followers. Your people. Or, possibly, people on the phone to 911 to have you arrested or for medical help?

My real answer has already been said: "be yourself". I knew someone who felt "different/like a loner" and I tried to reassure them that what made them stand out in what they felt was a bad way made them stand out period. That one day they would shine in their own light and it would benefit them and be a positive thing as they would not be lost in the shuffle of the crowd of "sames".

Going it alone sometimes simply proves more about your unwillingness to "settle" than anything else. Of course, social disorders can be a problem and also worked through...but in highschool everything is earth shattering and monumental. On the grand scale of it all...barely a blip. A couple years after graduation and they're (high school dilemmas) but a distant memory and of little significance. Be true to yourself. Quality in friends, not quantity.

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oh yeah, and you're only saying that cause you're angry some guy didn't tell you he liked you! BLAH! ssss'ok, I'm progressive... I'm angry at a couple girls I knew back in the day who liked me and they didn't say anything either... lets form a club


no, I said something equally silly on msn about some guy when I was in gr.9 to a "friend" of mine and she proceded to try and hold it over my head, only thing was the guy knew I liked him before so her plan back fired. Which was funny to see.

Play Spice Girls "Spice Up Your Life" on a boombox and dance like no one's watching. Preferably in platform shoes. That "hi cya" part? Pay close attention to that part...throw your arms up over your head, that's tilted back with eyes closed, and work it like you mean it. Feel it. That should quickly see a crowd gather...your followers. Your people. Or, possibly, people on the phone to 911 to have you arrested or for medical help?

omg flashback to 1998. :lol: me and my friends were so going to be the next spice girls. :picard:

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Being popular is like being funny, it comes naturally. The harder you try the less likely you will succeed. If you want to get to know people try paricipating in functions where you have to interact with them (student council, yearbook committee, intramural sports etc). Once you've interacted with them in these groups it will be easier to speak to them outside of these groups. Personally I don't see the big deal in being popular, people in general suck, the less I have to do with them the better.

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Once you graduate high school no one cares how good you are at sports. The suggestion of finding people with common interests is good. I wouldn't sweat it (pun intended) if you're not good at sports though.

Generally people want to be around other people that are both confident (stand their ground) and make others feel good about themselves.

Find a few things you enjoy/are good at and dive in to them. You'll likely find some like minded people doing the same and build friendships.

I literally speak to no one I went to high school with. I had a decent amount of friends in HS but quite frankly we had rather "surface" commonalities and largely just wasted time and got drunk/high together.

When I left HS, and started to do things I enjoy outside my circle of friends and community I found FAR more people that I had far more in common with. Many of whom I'm still friends with to this day.

So basically, learn to enjoy yourself and find some interests, hobbies etc that make you happy. Also, don't really worry about how many friends you have in high school. It means almost less than nothing.

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Stand up for at least an hour after every meal.

I can't believe this is still brought up today. Must have been over 3 years since I posted that.

Guess I'm in the CDC hall of fame now

RIP me

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