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Thankyou Ehrhoff



I want to say thankyou to a couple of people, the first being a gentleman named Devon who sold me some amazing seats for the canucks vs calgary game on saturday. My 7rd old son and I were amazed at how great the seats were.A quick story of how our saturday went...We left early to go to the Canucks hotel to see if we could manage to maybe get my sons jersey autographed but were a few minuets late as we watched the team bus leaving the hotel heading for the saddledome. I reassured my son that maybe if we get to the dome we might be able to catch them there so off we go..As we reach the saddledome and watch the team bus unload we were unable to get the jersey signed, but again I reassured my son that we would try again after the game and maybe we would be luckier then. Sitting in amazing seats and seeing a thrilling 3rd period comeback and watching my son dance in the stands was an amazing sight that any father would be proud of. The overtime winnner by Ehrhoff was a truely amazing thrill for both of us as we cheered on the amazing Canucks. Here is were the story gets better though, We hustle out of the saddledome to head for the team bus again, waiting patiently there are a few devoted Canucks fans hopeing to get the illusive autograph, along comes Christian Ehrhoff to sign a few autographs,I have to say thankyou to Mr. Ehrhoff as he was gracious enough to even take a picture with my son to which he will never forget, in his hast he forgot to get Christian to sign the jersey he was holding but would then wait patiently for maybe another opportunity to get his jersey signed, as we watched several of the Canucks exit the saddledome and get on the bus we waited patiently. Then the horror...everybody out of the way the bus is leaving yells the saddledome employee, the look on my sons face was of complete horror, the tears start pouring as we watch the team bus leave, Again i want to thank the young girl that came to my son and said here little boy you can have my autograph and stopped the stream of tears. My son was releaved that he got an autograph and a picture of Mr. Ehrhoff to which my son will never forget. I understand the team must get bombarded with fans everywhere they go but just wish a few more had been able to come forfill a 7yr olds dream of getting the dream autograph of the amazing Canucks. Thanks for the amazing year Canucks lets go all the way!! GO CANUCKS GO !!

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