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Playoff Rollercoaster



Link To Article: http://ronil.net/

The first round finale created a long awaited smile in this heated rivarly against the Blackhawks. It was strictly business and we were fortunate enough to witness a game that will be illustrated as one of the highlights of the 2011 season. All of the talk about the Canucks delivering, they almost failed to do so, but that’s what made it very entertaining. In all that misery, out of it was an iconic game. From the high of achieving a 3-0 lead, having Chi come back and being on the cliff of disaster made it one to remember. For those in the younger generation tired of constantly hearing about the vintage Canucks who had their 1994 run, this is your moment that you will share 20 years from now.

In terms of greatest goals ever scored, the Burrows goal is in the same category as the Bure’s in 1994. Burrows just as easily could have been the one to blame in game seven as he was extremely involved. From scoring the opening goal to taking a bad penalty in overtime, the long-time Canuck fan almost felt that it was a disaster bound to happen. 40 years of misery and only to the Canucks that a game of this magnitude would result in a heartbreaking loss in our own building.

But fans were able to wake up during a nightmare; for many, Burrows accomplished the unthinkable, allowing the province to exhale a sigh of relief burying the rolling puck top corner. Heading into overtime, understandably any Canuck fan would have believed this was just another chapter in the misery that has been the history of the current hockey club. But wait, they won, they came out on top, they defeated the arch nemeses, Shorthouse passionately emphasized, “they slayed the dragon.”

As we move forward, we have to forget about the ROUND ONE victory and move on to the Preds. After the first two games, does one have to buy a carton of milk from the market to find a picture of the Sedins because they have gone missing…

They have to go out there and prove why they are such praised assets in Vancouver. Burrows and the Sedins have to make a U-turn to the regular season and pick up whatever medicine they forgot to remedy their current sickness. The Preds are strong defensively but the Sedins have had this cup of tea before. It comes from everywhere; more shots that hit the net from the point could result in an easy tap in for the Sedins.

The approaches that work during the regular season are thrown out the window during the playoffs. However, watching the Sedins for multiple years, they can adapt to the opposing defensive structure, but how patient can one be? Maybe it’s the fact that their playing the same team night after night, the Preds are able to formulate multiple ways to shut down the twins because they see them every game during the course of the series. Coach V may have to throw the green men on the ice to get under the Preds skin, whatever works; we need our core players to step up.

All the focus through two games has been on the goaltenders, rightfully so. Coach V is playing that line juggling card again that seems to confuse the opposition. You could label it panic, or simply label it planning. I’m expecting the Canucks to show resilience and perform the way we are accustomed to. The Preds are no joke and it is no time to panic, but any Canuck fan has the right to let out a little steam before puck drop.

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DearCanucks: I am writing to you and to my dearCanadians and fellow Vancouverites from Spain, my new home. I seldom writeand I write only when my heart calls for it. On this occasion the motivation ismy son Carlos. He was born in Vancouveron a very beautiful October 27th 1991.It snowed on that great day and it hasnever snowed again on October since then. He was born with a congenital heartdefect and it was miraculously healed by what the doctors at Vancouver’sChildren Hospital called an unexplainablescientific miracle.

My son Carlos has been a Canuck fan sincebirth. My wife Natalia and I stood hours in line when he was 3 months old toget him the Russian Rocket’s autograph and a picture with Russell Courtnall.His first pyjamas were those of the Canucks. He has always been a loyal fan, inthe good times and in the not so good times, unlike me, older and more cynicalgetting off the bandwagon when things looked as in previous years, close but nocigar. I remember when he was 10 we use to argue about the Sedin brothers. Iwanted to trade them and he defended them then and for years to come sayingthey would evolve into great players. I stand corrected.

We moved to Spainto start up our Kermode Canadian Centerin Málaga. Our son Carlos and our daughter were not so happy with the move.Carlos couldn’t speak the language as his sister, but he was more saddenedabout the fact that he had to leave his hockey and his Canucks behind. He andhis sister have picked up the language and have integrated themselves very wellinto our new home, but Carlos has never allowed his love for the Canucks todie. He has picked up the love for soccer and for Barcelona Football Club, asit is expected from a normal integrated Canadian in Spain. It now makes my admiration for him evengreater because he has not allowed that integration to lessen his passion forhis Vancouver Canucks. He has risen at all times in the early morning sometimes 3, 4, 5 am, to catch the game via internet. Every morning he gives me anupdate on trades, injuries, record breakings etc. This has been the routine forthe past five years. We all know their record for the past years and I mustadmit again that I have given up hope here and there. I don’t think I need tomention the fact that my son Carlos has continuously stood behind his Canucksand kept arguing with me that they were on a journey, a process if you willthat they would evolve as the Sedin brothers into greatness.

Five years later we can watch the game on ourSpanish TV, even if its one day later, as a matter of fact the game is on rightnow as I am writing this letter. Technology now allows us to even record thegames. My son Carlos, now 19 years old patiently watches the game here in Spain missingthe voice of ¨Shorty, ¨ John Shorthouse, as the Spanish commentators tryvery hard but cannot give us back our traditional way to watch the sport.

I wanted to share this story, the story of myson Carlos as he is, in my proud opinion, the spirit of the Canucks, the perfect example of what we all should be:loyal, faithful, consistent positive, optimist and never ever lose hope. I loveyou Carlos as I love your sister and your mother, but my heart was telling meto write one more time and share with Canada and the millions of Canucksfans, the certainty I have because of you and your example that the Canuckswill be winners of the Stanley Cup.

Your loving dad,

Carlos R Reygadas

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