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A Retrospective - APR.14.08

Mason Raymond


<table width=90% align=center><tr><td><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/09/raymond_blog.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=3 hspace=4>I can’t believe that’s it for the season. It’s always nice to get the first one under your belt so I know more of what to expect next year.

The biggest thing this year is that there was such a huge learning curve – I mean, everyday I was learning something new. I don’t think I can put my finger on what the most significant lesson I learned was but something that really sunk in for me was don’t take anything for granted because you never know when your chance will be. Trevor’s always been somebody that I’ve gone to look for advice and he’s been very good to me all year.

Unfortunately, it ended much earlier than I had liked with the injuries but that’s just part of the game and that’s the way it goes. It’s my first ever real injury so I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. At first, obviously it was really frustrating especially with the time of the year and with all the guys out going down the stretch run. Now it’s just focusing on rehab and getting better. The trainers are obviously great and I’m getting better everyday but it’s a slow process unfortunately but with this type of injury it just takes time.

It’s hard to say when I’ll be good again – it still feels like I’ll be at least a couple weeks, if not more than that from playing again. It’s just one of those things where I don’t even know the answer myself but time will tell. I haven’t gotten the final word about what’s happening with my situation, whether I’ll stay here to rehab or go back to Winnipeg. I'm still here for now but those types of things will sort themselves out.

<a href=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/02/022108_preds02_b.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2008/02/022108_preds02_t.jpg border=0 align=right vspace=3 hspace=4></a>Having been up and down all year, it was mentally tough for sure but again, it’s part of the game and something you learn to deal with and take one day at a time. It was a major seize your moment and make the most of your opportunities type of mindset that I had to come to the rink with everyday. Hopefully I won’t have to do that next year and get to spend the full year in Vancouver.

In my first blog, I said that the biggest adjustment that I worried about was the schedule because back in Minnesota there were a lot of practices and games were just Friday and Saturday. I did have a little taste of a more hectic schedule in junior hockey but that was a couple years before. This schedule is definitely grueling but I think I managed just fine and kind of just get used to. My schedule was maybe a little more crazy because I did have to travel to and from Winnipeg a few times this year. But I prefer this scheduling because I like playing more games.

My dream has always been to play in the NHL so leaving college when I did was beyond a doubt the best decision for me. I wouldn’t trade this for anything.

Besides rehabbing, this summer will be quite exciting because I’m getting married in July. My finacee’s been taking care of all the wedding details – she insists – because she likes doing all of that type of stuff. I left her with that and I planned our honeymoon in Mexico. We’ve both been there before separately so we’ll get to together for the first time.

<a href=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/12/dec1207_canuckgameday06_b.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://cdn.nhl.com/canucks/images/upload/2007/12/dec1207_canuckgameday06_t.jpg border=0 align=left vspace=3 hspace=4></a> I’m also very excited about getting to go back home to see my family and work on the farm. I know, I know, it doesn’t sound like much of a break but to me working on the farm isn’t a job, it’s something I enjoy doing so I’ll be out there a lot. Other than that, there will be lots of training and working out.

It’s been an incredible seven months and an amazing experience through my first year pro. I still remember the first day in September when we came in for testing before going to Victoria for camp. I wrote my first blog that day too and when I was approached to do this, I barely even knew what a blog really was. I think I did okay but it’s hard to keep up with writing all the time and having Kes as the other blogger – those are some high standards’ he’s set with his blogs. But seriously, it’s unbelievable how quickly time passed and that’s it for my first year. Thanks for following my ramblings!</td></tr></table>


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hey mason! :)

i thought ur season went amazingly! cant wait to see you back on the ice next season.

congrats on the wedding! hope everything goes just as you want it to.

thanks for the blogs and hope your injury recovers fast.

:wub: talkhockeytome8

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Thanks Mason for your insights into the Canucks' dressing room this season. You were amazing to watch and it was a stab to the hearts of many Canucks' fans - myself included - when you got hurt, but like you said, it's a part of the game and you just have to get used to it. Good luck with rehab this summer and advance congrats to your wedding this July! Have a great time in Mexico and see you next season for a full 82 games!!! Take Care! :)

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Was a pleasure to see you in a Canucks uniform. You gave us that offensive flare we have been seeking for years. I am looking forward to a full season of Mason Raymond highlight goals. Best of luck with the ACL. Must be frustrating to have an injury that is so unpredictable in its healing process.

Oh.... Sign with us long term.... K? Been a suffering Canuck fan since the 70's and hope you are part of our first SC win!


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I had alot of fun reading your blogs this season! Thanks for taking time to write them :lol: Wish you and your future wife all the best..Have a great summer, and have a good time in mexico!. Cant wait for next season!
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hey canucks!I cant believe that we r out of th playoffs im so frusturated maybe next year though :P:P

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I hope more of the dimesion of excitement and opportunity you bring offensively to the Canucks can be expanded on by coaches and mgmt. We want fun hockey in Van again and you are blazing the trail in my opinion. Can't wait to see ya back next season. Funny though, I'll be living in Wpg then going to Moose games! haha

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hey mason raymond!this year nice try u guys im still a canucks fan im it for life show us what u guys got next year!GO CANUCKS GO!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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It was amazing watching you play! and I also loved your blogs :P..

hope you get better soon...have fun in Mexico!

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hEYY Mason,

Congrats on your Wedding! Hope you had fun this season because you did great me and all my Canucks friends are soo happy for you! Hope the honeymoon goes because going your going to Mexico! Just to warn you ma buddy went their and he put HALF a bottle of spf 50 or whatever. and he still got a sunburn so watch out!

Everybody LOVES LOVES LOVES Raymond!

Agam Nota#26 :mellow:

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Heyy Mason,

Be Proud! Your getting married and going back to the farm!

Man You had a great season don't worry you are trully the fastest skater on the team,

See You Next Year!!,

Thx For All The Blog Entries!

Agam Nota#26

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Mason!!! What happened to your blogging? I really enjoyed reading your updates, start it up again! It would have been so cool to read about what it was like to experience your first playoffs last season :)

By the way, NICE job today. Keep up the great work! Best of luck!

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