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Could the Canucks Part With Raymond?



Gillis needs to do the right thing. The right thing is to analyze Raymond's performance for the rest of the season and make the decision to trade Raymond at off season.

People need to understand that Raymond could demand a lot of money as a RFA and the Canucks cant simply throw money at another player when the Twins, Luongo, Kesler should be locked up. You can talk all you want about prospect development and how important it is. Yes, It's important when there is a young player that is contributing at a low price and it becomes OBSOLETE when the prospect is asking for a lot of money. Now, all you can do is get value for him. I shake my head in disgust, when i see people continue to use the words, "Young", "Develop", or "Developing" as a reason to keep Raymond, only to see the same people contemplating about using cheap young player's with potential as trade bait. Most notably, Michael Grabner.

I've said three years ago, and I continue to believe that Grabner is faster, has a better shot, and is much more skilled than Mason Raymond. I'll give that Raymond has improved drastically, but it's due to working with Kesler. Whose to say Grabner won't do the same. We've seen players improve defensively. Offense is something that cannot be taught and Grabner has a MUCH higher ceiling than Raymond.

It doesn't even make the slightest sense to trade Grabner over Raymond. Anyone who thinks Grabner should be traded, really don't know what they're talking about. Why would you trade Grabner? Even If you sign Raymond to a long term contract, you have no cap space to do anything to begin with. Why would you trade a forward, who makes little money, that can be used as depth, and has little trade value because the NHL emphasizes on being "NHL Ready/Proven".

Raymond does show flash and dash and it's great, so why trade Raymond? He has high value as of right now, that none of the other prospects have and his cap hit could be used for something more important, such as re-tooling the injury prone defense, who, by the way could drastically change with only Alex Edler signed passed 2011 season.


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Tough call either way. Raymond is still inconsistent but when he is playing well it definitely shows! Raymond is also NHL proven, which Grabner is not. I know Grabner played well during his last call up, and trust me I was rooting for him, so I guess it depends what Raymond's salary demands are. Do you sign him for 1 year $1.7M or 3 years $2.5M? Is he even worth it? Do you want to pay him more then Burrows? I agree with you in the sense that at the end of the day I don't know if you need both players on your roster, and Raymond definitely has more trade value then Grabner. I'm sure Gillis will evaluate it after the playoffs and see how well Raymond performs.

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Definitely depends on Raymond's salary demands. I don't think 1.7M or 2.5M are Raymond's demands. If it was, we wouldn't have to have this conversation. We're looking at 3M lows and 4M highs. Even then, I would imagine that Kesler should be the priority and he could get 4-5M.

Trying to look at players to compare with M.Raymond, 24 years old, has 22 goals, 45 points in 64 Games. Is projected to hit, 28 goals, and 57 points;

P.Kessel at 21, 36 goals, 60 points in 70 games got 5.4M cap hit over 5 years. Plus, TO gave up 2 1st rounders and a 2nd.

D.Krejci at 22, 22 goals, 73 points in 82 games got a 3.7M cap hit over 3 years.

T.Ruutu at 25, 26 goals, 54 points in 79 games got 3.64M cap hit over 3 years.

R.Clowe at 25, 22 goals, 51 points in 71 games got a 3.5M cap hit over 4 years.

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