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Game 4 Tonight



Wow!!! I cant wait for the game tonight!!! The only thing that I look forward to all week is Dancing with the Stars and Canucks Hockey!!!

I just had an idea...what if Roberto does Dancing with the Stars???? OMG!!! Do you think he will do it???

Anyway I hope they figured out that Buff guy. My brother Matt was at the game on Wed and was sitting first row when Buff did his celebration. He said it was worse then seeing Roberto lying face first on the ice after Versteeg got one by him. "Get up Roberto" "Get up Roberto" "It is going to be all right" Thats all that was going through my head.

I guess it just shows the class of the individuals Chicago has playing for them.

GO Canucks!!! Don't forget we will be combining the jewelery party tonight with the Canucks game! So bring your checkbooks!!!!

#1 fan of Roberto.


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I think you have your 'jewelry party' mixed up with your 'sex toy party' there dnebs. But then again, I'm doing my best to understand how difficult it must be for you to try and think rationally with that Hawks butt plug so firmly wedged in place.

Class isn't a word even remotely associated with players the likes of Buttfuglyan or Burish, or for that matter, some of their fans (or should I say, “trolls”), either when they spew garbage like the quote below on another team's message board.

I hope Burish slams Roberto's head off the crossbar.

Sorry, you fit the only part of the word left once one drops the “c” and the “l”.

My original post has been edited because quite frankly, you aren't worth the possibility of being banned for what I had written and posted before the edit.

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