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Posts posted by LLYNCES

  1. unbelievable. We are thinking long term. These last 12 games mean nothing, while putting us in a better draft position in a position to draft a player that will help us for the next 12 years mean more then a meaningless 12 games. And even if we make the playoffs, do you honestly think we can beat St.Louis without Kesler, Daniel and a number 1 goalie? Now you guys are the crazy ones.

    "These last 12 games mean nothing"

    Such a bad attitude to have. No matter what the statistics are - they still can get into the play offs. All it takes is for Dallas to lose a few (which they have already lost last nights) and for the Canucks to go on a solid winning streak.

    Play off time who knows - this team could be on fire by then. Hoping we tank to get lucky when the draft comes around is retarded, that's the edmonton mentality and look where they are. We need to WIN now.

    All it takes is a few games and some luck.....you aren't thinking longterm if you want this team to tank - you're just being a moron with a defeatist attitude.

    • Upvote 1
  2. ughh,,,,well....okay...how to approach this?

    The only conclusion I can draw is that it isn't our players specifically - more so the way our players play together. It's like if you take a group of guys who all have good individual stats, but when grouped together absolutely blow. What else reason is there?

    I also have a feeling Bieksa and Kesler aren't really seeing eye to eye, and that there is a lot of drama going on within the team right now. These guys just aren't playing well together. Lack is inconsistent, not exactly sure why....could be lack of NHL experience possibly or the pressure of replacing Luongo (or both) Markstrom should get the start next game, it's not like losing anymore is going to matter at this point so might as well see what the guy is capable of.

    Summer time we need to reevaluate and restructure (not rebuild)

    Keep Bieksa, Burrows, Edler, Sedins (give them one more year to produce) GIve leadership © of team to Bieksa. Fire Torts and acquire a coach who is going to be less harsh on our players. GIve Gillis one more year.....maybe give Jensen a full time position on the team next year.

    Play Markstrom more and see what numbers he can throw up, this is for the most part an untested NHL goalie. We need some new players who play well together. We need to get rid of Kesler asap, and Booth needs to go. Everybody else should be at risk for being traded. This all needs to happen before September.

    If Burrows and the Sedins cant produce by this time next year they need to be traded.

    • Upvote 2
  3. No reaction really; we are a far cry from what we used to be.

    Happy Kesler is still here, though I doubt he's too happy about it. Lack is a good goalie and goaltending isn't going to be an issue for us.....as for our offense we are dead in the water.

    We cant score - and at the end of the day that's all that matters. The only way we are making play offs this year is if we win 90% of our games and start scoring - and that isn't going to happen with our injuries and players not stepping up.

    There is no heart in this team. The most useless player on the team right now is probably Jan Buli...or I mean Booth.....either him or the Sedins considering their pay to performance ratio.

    Luongo has more luck of seeing a cup then this team does.

  4. Keep Lack and call up a sh*t ton of players from our farm team and let them go at it.

    I guarantee you that we would be doing better as a team right now if we did that, rather than continuing to let the majority of the players we have now play for the rest of the season.

    Also Henrik needs to be stripped of the C and it needs to be given to Kesler (if he stays) Bieksa (if he stays) or Burrows (if he stays) for obvious reasons.

    and if none of them stay give the C to Lack or nobody at all because I cant think of anybody but Kesler, Bieksa or Burrows who really deserve a C (I would say Lack but nobody is in favour of giving Goalies C)

    also what the **** is wrong with Booth? That guy reminds me so much of Jan Builis, how many times does he have to mess up on passing the puck? Almost every time that guy is out there the team looks dreadful.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Basically this

    "- getting traded by NYI to make way for Rick Dipietro

    - getting stripped of 'C' by Canucks

    - losing Game 6 starts against CHI and BOS in 2011 playoffs

    - getting told he was traded and then trading other guy

    - losing starting job for 2014 Olympics despite posting shutout

    - being passed over for Heritage Classic for backup goalie"

    Losing the C was probably his biggest downfall here - something that should have never happened to begin with because it showed how ridiculous our management was. Even if him getting the C was ridiculous in the first place, it should have never been dropped. This guy was the heart and soul of our city, his name is yelled throughout our building and while the fans dont always treat him "well" their support has always came back.

    After losing the C and losing against Boston, there was really no coming back for Luongo though at that point. This isn't even the worst part of it all, the worst part is how our management treated him after by promising a trade and then trading Schneider. So now he was stuck here, but at least he was going to be our #1 Goalie......at least he was guarenteed that position, right? I mean Gillis said it himself on multiple occasions.

    Guess again......Lack comes in plays well and Luongo is back riding the bench. 10 million a year to be a benchwarmer just because our back up is putting up some good numbers and we dont have trust in playing our #1 Goalie; who by the way is given no leeway or room for confidence by our coach as his position is quickly stripped anytime he makes a small mistake.

    and after it all....we get a heritage classic a game - a game that is a NO brainer for Luongo to start it, almost every fan in this city was expecting him to play in it. Why? Well he's been here for most of his career, he's gotten us much farther as a team than we could have ever gotten without him, and if anybody on this team should have felt entitled to play in that game it should be him.

    but nope, we start Lack and yet again Luongo is stuck riding the bench. Our #1 paid player, our #1 fan favourite, the guy who wears #1 on his jersey, the guy who's contributed loads to winning us the presidents trophy 2 times to be #1 in our division......is riding the bench in our heritiage classic game infront of thousands of fans wanting to see him play.

    "but he's paid 10 million a year stop being a cry baby"

    No, sorry that isn't an argument. This guy was willing to STILL play and try for a cup with the Canucks after this - even after himself saying it hurt that he couldn't play in heritage classic.....but now hours later is traded to Florida. Man he must be smiling now. Every player to play here should be feel like "Vancouver" is a second home; but we basically pushed our all star player out.

    and what are we left with? Unproven goalies and a mediocre forward combined with a team that cant score and a coach and GM that are clueless.

    These next few years are going to be depressing.....

  6. Luongo has been a key player for years and means more to this teams fanbase than a 10 million dollar a year bench warmer.

    It was because of Luongo we even got into the play offs back years ago (and not just once) People also like to forget that he was our team captian at one point who has had basically everything taken from him. Even if he didn't deserve to play that game (not like he's getting games to prove himself lately) he at the very least was ENTITLED to play it based off of his years with this team.

    This guy has been a part of our team for years, he has given his heart and soul to this city and he gets....to ride the bench for our one heritage classic game where he is more part of this team than the majority of the players out there skating? Because Lack is playing good?

    Torts is a moron for not viewing players as human beings, and Gillis and the entire management should be ashamed with how they treat our key players. As much as people might want to hype up the Luongo hate in this city, the vast majority of the fans want Luongo playing the majority of the games and want him in our key games. Nobody wants a 10 million dollar playing sitting on the bench half the time and being excluded from our key games.

    Lack is a good goalie, but Luongo is a 10 million dollar a year key player that is consistently getting benched and not being allowed to prove himself. How are you going to build confidence in a goalie when you are giving him no leeway at all and taking away his net the moment he makes a mistake?

    Lack should have never gotten that game.

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