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Posts posted by canucklekassian

  1. i knew it when those bad trades started happening, ballads, booths, kassians, all second and third rate,,,,, minor leaguers, booth is the biggest wool cap ever pulled over an organization on all of the nhl. the guy somehow fooled everyone, just shows that one good year can make a hacker a fortune these days. Gives us fathers the hope that mediocrity is rewarded and only the best make the nhl is a totally untrue. because when i look at the canucks and watch booth, ballard, bieksa, sestito, kassian, and countless others play, i know everyone has a chance at making the nhl if they just will agree toplay for the canucks.

  2. I mean all respect to the owners when I say your plan has backfired, you should have kept burke, whoever got their feelings hurt by Burke should have been fired, not the other way around. This was the only time this team was on the right track. Once we started with the Nonis' and Gillis' is when it all went back to same ole same ole. This team is destined for mediocrity for decades. Thanks Gillis and Nonis for nothing. I pray we find someone with the cajones like Burke to get this team to the upper echelons. We once brushed shoulders with the great teams. Now we are bottom feeders once again. When we can beat the red wings in a season head to head meetings is when we are back on track.

  3. He left out the part......

    I also am terribly wrong and sorry for trading a you fast gifted hockey player for a cross eyed galoot named Zack Kassian. Although as i stated in my mission statement we are trying to get faster, stronger, blah blah blah, I made a major mistake by giving away exactly what I said we are looking for.....for a CROSS EYED GALOOT NAMED KASSIAN. I know I know he won't score more than ten goals a year but he WILL lose more games to suspension than he will get goals. Again i say sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, what was I thinking, sorry sorry, I am an idiot, he is cross eyed...sorry again, one more sorry, sorry, sorry," Mike idiot Gillis

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  4. Fire Gillis, trade Kassian back to Buffalo plus a draft pick and see if Buffalo would give us Hodgson back. I think we may have to sweeten the pot by throwing in Hansen. Ok Hansen and Kassian for Hodgson with an apology to all of BC and Canada from Arthur Grifiths (the only guy that could connect with the fans). WE will forgive and forget and maybe fire Torts and bring Linden in as coach. I think the bozo's we have as owners are more concerned in what table they have at the shark club at game night than who wins. We have seen the best, now we are at our worst. IT didn't happen with players, it happened with our gm and whoever else attached to the underside of his genitals like a flea widdling away key players that left us with a sack of hammers. We miss you Salo and Brian Burke ( the only one with balls in the organization to upset the rock the boat that has been sinking for some time.

  5. We had Salo, now we don't. Thats where the problems started. For a stretch Salo was "mr.glass" but it seemed before contract year his resilience improved. But one thing always consistent was his howitzer of a shot and his benefit to the power-play.

    The main reason why we can't replace a player like that is because NOONE will come here to play anymore. We have been black-balled by the NHL players and no-one except has beens, Messier, Dave Gagner, Chris Higgins, Ballards, Booths. Ever since the Sedins have been here we can't get one damn gifted goal scorer to compliment their playmaking ability. All we rest our hopes on is a Kesler firing on all cylinders or a Burrows that was getting under a Million some years ago. But hey our worries are over, we have Santorelli and now our organization will rest their hopes on because he is dirt cheap and our problems are over LOL LMAO RFLMAO, what else can i say. WE never get the superstar to come here ever again and if we did, the Sedins will not be here,

  6. If anyone just saw burrows get cross-checked 4 times in a spans of 10 seconds and not one official sees it before he barely tripped sea brook. Right after the trip he was cross-checked again by chalmerson. . Whats so funny is the other official was watching and as the camera zooms to centre ice you see the other referee skating away looking in the other direction. Now this is exactly the example that canucks are always getting screwed. One official watching not seeing the cross-checking but happens to see the trip and the other idiot official is skating away looking at luongo. This is as bad as it gets. I hope someone makes something of this. Please NHL you are f***** the canucks over!.

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