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Posts posted by Mimerez

  1. 21 hours ago, Baer. said:

    Thoughts on Orisa?


    I noticed is she is rather slow. And her head is HUGE. So it's easy to get headshots on her.


    Widowmaker is a great counter.

    Super slow, but I love her barrier (and the lack of a timer, like Winston's bubble). She'll get destroyed by dive comps though, since the whole giant head thing will make it easy for Genji and Tracer to destroy her

  2. 9 hours ago, Qwags said:

    Meanwhile, I'm just got the game last week, and it lives up to the hype. I see everyone here appears to be super amazing at this game already, though.

    It's amazing until you start playing competitive mode, where it then becomes an addiction and you feel bad about yourself 

    • Upvote 1
  3. 31 minutes ago, StealthNuck said:

    What rank are you folks? I'm ~2800 so far, but usually balance around 3200. 


    I'm in same boat. I have one friend who's better than me and super into it, and one friend who's worse and more casual. It's hard to balance with either :|

    Bought two accounts for that reason haha...


    I have a bunch of low gold friends that want to queue with me, but I've learned that (unfortunately) that does nothing but hurt my rank (~3.1k so far). So, I just bought a second account when OW was 50% off and now I can climb guilt free while also hanging out with my friends.

  4. 3 hours ago, Tigs said:

    Enjoying the Mercy rez buff. Trying to get back into this a bit. Forgot how hard solo q'ing is....the struggle to get back into plat is real.

    Duo q'ing is more reliable in the long run if you're trying to climb (for me anyway)

  5. 19 minutes ago, Silky mitts said:

    Uhm you sound like a real dbag. It's more if the console is even worth it in itself to buy. 


    6 hours ago, Silky mitts said:

    should I just buy a wii u to play this game? or wait and try to get a switch

    To answer your question, if you have any interest in any of Nintendo's other 1st party franchises (Mario, Fire Emblem, Splatoon etc) then I definitely recommend getting the Switch. However, if you're only interested in BoTW, then get a Wii U and save yourself some money.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 1 hour ago, SabreFan1 said:

    Early adopting console peasant problems:



    Not sure why you feel the need to act superior in every way because you game on PC. It's not like computer hardware doesn't arrive faulty?

    • Upvote 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Duds said:

    I would love to see Nintendo pull a Sega-esque move and quit making consoles and stick to games. I would gladly buy Zelda, Donkey King, Mario, Super Smash bros etc for my PS4, but I won't buy a Nintendo console at this point

    Nintendo own's the best console-exclusive games, so good in fact that there are millions of people buying the Switch just to play Zelda, Mario, Pokemon etc... So basically, if they like money, they'll stick with their consoles

    • Upvote 2
  8. 20 minutes ago, GLASSJAW said:

    brutal. do you know where the amazon warehouse is? my pre-order of SE zelda was shipped from bestbuy and should be delivered this morning


    what's up with amazon?

    It's in Mississauga, which is weird since I live 45 minutes away in Waterloo. 


    Basically, I won't be getting my Switch and BoTW SE for another week according to the rep I spoke with <_<

  9. Even after the 450$ price tag with tax, I still woke up a little earlier for the 9AM PST pre-ordering time on Amazon. Pre-orders finished in like, 30 seconds so if I don't like it I'll just sell it when Nintendo (inevitably) releases like 3 of them to the world.

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