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The Ghost of Tom Joad

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Posts posted by The Ghost of Tom Joad

  1. This DLC could not have come at a better time. I've been addicted to this game, and been playing it almost exclusively since launch. I was just starting to get bored with the game, and then DLC came: it locked key activities, it requires really cumbersome steps to upgrade weapons and armour, and probably the worst part is, the new legendaries are awful-- there's isn't a single weapon I want to purchase. Thus, I have very little interest in the game right now, and I can move on to different games.

  2. I can't count how many times I've led my team in the Crucible and got nothing for it.

    Obviously, you were not worthy.

    Or perhaps there were brief moments in the match where you did not show your opponents the true meaning of war. That can affect exotic drops.

  3. Wow was I wrong about the Thorn, I spent some time finally developing it yesterday and it's a beast! The six rounds and lengthy reload sucks when developing it but when u unlock the poison damage, it's just beast. One hit, with about a second or 2 of poison dps is going to knock down shields by itself, same for HP bar. This thin is getting a buff too? Deyamm.

    I've also developed the Hawkmoon and Red Death as primary exotics, and they're freaking awesome too. Red death is highly underrated as it heals immediately after kills. Hawkmoon, when you land bonus damage + critical can virtually one shot guardians. That being said, Thorn is quickly becoming my favourite.

    In the special slot, I have the pocket infinity, Plan C, and patience and time all maxed. Plan C is easily my favourite, hip fire bonus, and when switching to it, fires immediately, no charge time.

    I had a choice between exotic bounties for Bad Juju or Thorn, and I chose Bad Juju. Yes, you may go ahead and laugh.

    I really want Hawkmoon, I know it's a PS exclusive, but does it just drop randomly?

    I wish I went after thorn. I hate invective so I dismantled it. The reload time is terrible and it takes up your exotic slot. I am going to get a legendary shotgun to use with my exotic AR Hard Light.

    I'm loving pocket infinity though.

    Wow, really? The rate of fire on Invective is key because you can play aggressively and not rely on camping tight corners. I have the New Monarchy shotgun, Judgment, which has a stellar impact but terrible rate of fire. It really forces me to play more conservatively because if there is more than one person, I'm probably dead. Also, Invective has a perk that allows it regenerate ammo over time, like the Ice Breaker, which is invaluable for strikes with the "Juggler" modifier.

    I desperately need a good fusion rifle. Other than an exotic because the bounty for Pocket Infinity is absurd, what legendary one do you recommend?

  4. Oh my, the Invective is a beauty! I love shotguns in PvP, so IMO, this is the best weapon I've used-- nothing even comes close. The full auto perk is not even fair. I can confidently go into a group of 3 opponents and come out alive most times now.

    Also, since the update, I'm loving my scout rifle now. It feels a lot like the DMR from Halo.

  5. I made a colossal error last night. So, I usually dismantle all the crap gear I get right after I complete the game/mission from the various activities, but last night, I accidentally dismantled a fully upgraded legendary chest armour for my warlock. I was not upset really, just disappointed because I remember thinking that this would happen sooner or later with how regularly you have to dismantle gear you get that you don't need. Sigh, I know it's a little thing, but if Bungie was wise, it would have change the button scheme for dismantling legendary/exotic gear so that it was not the same as other items. That way you can't dismantle it accidentally.

    So be careful folks, don't make my mistake.

  6. Dude I completely agree that there only being 5 strikes make the Vanguard playlist a mind numbing chore. Especially since IU have the Bad JuJu bounty and need to complete 25...only 4 left. PRO TIP: Doing the weekly or Nightfall strike counts as 2 strikes for this bounty.

    And I am sorry to burst your bubble, but you can only have 200 Vanguard marks at any given time. So if you are not at Rank 3 yet go buy some legendary piece of armor, shard it and leave yourself some room for more marks for when you finally get to Lev. 3.

    No fucking way? So I have to grind XP for the next level and half of Vanguard, and I will not earn another mark before I can even spend the marks I already have? That means a minimum of another 70 strike missions before I can even spend my marks. Vanguard bounties give you less XP too compared to Crucible bounties, on average. I have zero motivation to play another strike now. Thanks for telling me.

    I was stuck at 200caps for a while before getting rep 3. I probably could of had 300-400 without the cap (Not 800 for me because I farmed the patrol missions which gives you rep, not coins.) My advice is if you are at max, keep buying/discarding armour to get shards.

    Also, I find Heavy Weapon a waste of an exotic, so I'd definitely run with the Regime if I were you.

    I keep getting Legendary Snipers and it's pissing me off. I don't have a shotgun or fusion rifle yet, but hey lets give him 3 legendary snipers when he has an exotic... At least I get energy.

    I've done a few patrols, but I found those kinda tedious. At least the strikes are a little more challenging, and you since the update you can pick up a lot of engrams. But yeah, I agree, there needs to get another playlist with higher level strikes.

    SAME PROBLEM! And, they are usually really bad legendary snipers with a really low impact rating so it's like throwing rocks at people when you use them in Crucible. All you do it make them angry, and telegraph your exact location on the map.

    Also, can we discuss how awful matchmaking is in this game? First, why isn't there matchmaking for the daily/weekly/nightfall strikes? I'm willing to forgive the Raid not having it because to some extent, I understand the logic, but for strike missions, that's totally unacceptable. Furthermore, when there is matchmaking like in the Crucible, it's totally unbalanced, and never is this more obvious than in Iron Banner. I consistently end up on teams where I am carrying the team or in the top 2, and if I'm being completely honest, if I'm carrying the team, that's a fucking woeful team.

  7. Yup it's the Vanguard auto rifle and it's really good online. I bought it from them because I never got lucky through an engram to get it. I'm glad it can hold its own against the Suros which I do die by a lot online. I don't wan't Suros Regime because I can't use that an my Exotic Sniper at the same time and that thing is beast.

    Honestly, all I did was the bounties everyday. I also did the Vanguard playlist every week to get 100 coins, and you get 25 rep per game. I farmed the patrol missions hard though. I always reloaded the planet Earth and looked for the VIP Patrol Mission which awards you 25 rep instead of 10 rep. Getting rep 3 with Vanguard is totally worth it.

    The upgrades that gun has is nuts. 300 damage + armour piercing ammo for harder impact.

    This is my dilemma with the Regime and Gjallarhorn. I don't have another good primary weapon that I'm comfortable with in Crucible, so I only ever use my Gjallarhorn when I'm playing strike missions. This is also why I've not been in any rush to complete the Invective bounty, which I've had for over 3 weeks now. I wish Bungie would take the cap off the exotic limits.

    I grind the Tiger strike missions regularly, but there's seriously only so many times you do the same mission over and over again before you lose you mind.

    By the time you got level 2 Vanguard XP, you must have had a hell of a lot of marks to spend eh? I'm at 200, and I'm halfway to level 1, which means I'll have a minimum of 800 marks by the time I get to level 2.

    You can say what you want about legendary and exotic engrams being increased, I play this game all of the time and I still get squadoosh in terms of that. I regularly do 5-10 bounties a day (when I can get on) and still no exotic bounty, I have found a total of 3...3!!!! legendary engrams... one a shotgun, one a fusion, one a hand cannon.

    I have all leg armor from purchasing from dead orbit... i did get one from the queens bounty mission, but other than that... natta.

    Never had a blue jump to purple, never found a purple armor piece, never a decent purple primary...

    I bought ice-breaker, which is now my first exotic, (and I am 2 light away from being lvl 28). I bought 3 engrams with motes of light, all 3 ended up being for warlock, I am a titan, broke them all down and levelled up my armor at least.

    I have done the raid twice, both times, shards... shards.... shards.... one time, every member of my team got the atheon auto-rifle, all but me, shards. No raid gear, no guns, shards...

    But my favorite, I played a crucible match, went 31-4 on control (best rd ever), and EVERYONE on my team got at least 1 purple engram, 2 got 2!!!! It was amazing, but me... nothing, nattta.

    Lol, just bad luck I guess.

    I've resigned myself to stop buying exotic engrams. I've bought 2 myself, and both were useless.

    You're gonna hate me, but if I'm being completely honest, both the times I had exotics drop in Crucible, I finished in the middle or near the bottom in score on my team. I feel for you man, there's no way that people should not get rewarded handsomely for completing the raid.

    What is your cryptarch rank? That matters too. The higher the rank the greater the chance you'll get better loot from engrams. Also, what about when you levelled up-- both cryptarch level ups and crucible/vanguard level ups give you free legendary stuff via the postmaster. Did that not give anything either?

  8. Ya I got a legendary Pulse Rifle and sniper today for the first time. Dismantled both for precious energy.

    My Warlock:

    Shadow Price - Legendary Auto Rifle

    Ice Breaker - Exotic Sniper Rifle

    Rare Rocket Launcher

    exotic chest armor and legendary rest. Looking to get better boots and a better helmet though. I want abilities that Match my class.

    My exotic armors ability allows me to always spawn with a full grenade, and it makes it more powerful

    This is the Vanguard auto rifle, right? That's a great gun. I regularly get cut down with that gun-- it's one of the few guns that matches the Suros Regime in PvP. IMO, the Vanguard has best legendary weapons across the board, but getting to level 3 XP is going to take forever! I already have over 200 vanguard marks, and I'm just half way between level 0 and level 1.

  9. So it seems to me that Bungie has increased the frequency of legendary and exotic drops now or I've just been very lucky. I've had 2 highly coveted exotics weapons drop from just playing the crucible (Suros Regime and Gjallarhorn), and I've received another 2 exotic bounties (Invective and Thorn)-- one of which I've ditched because I don't care for hand cannons. Furthermore, with the exception of my shotgun, all the legendary weapons I have were NOT purchased: this includes 3 snipers, a scout rifle, a pulse rifle, and a machine gun.

    What do the rest of you have in your arsenal?

  10. I havent picked this game up yet. I have a buddy or two that have the game that keep telling me to get it to play with them. What makes this game special or not special to you? Do you consider it worth $60-70. I've heard its repetitive, that true?

    The story missions are awful and very repetitive. The best way I can describe Destiny is as a jack of all trades and master of none. It feels like the focus was quantity, not necessarily quality. Don't get me wrong, I like the game and I've enjoyed playing it, but I play PvP almost exclusively. I'm a huge Bungie fan too, and since making the move to Playstation for the first time ever this generation, Destiny allows me to bask in some good-old Halo nostalgia.

    Also, the grinding you have to do after level 20 is pretty ridiculous, but I've heard that's standard for MMOs/RPGs.

  11. As a Warlock as long as I'm not up against a bubble or the bladedancer I'm OP with this combo. Honestly I win 1v1's 90% of the time just because of my extended melee distance.

    Yup, I feel the same way. If you use the Sunslinger loadout it's even more ridiculously OP because every time you kill someone with your melee, you get an overshield for 10 seconds after.

  12. I cannot get the hang of the Fusion Rifle...

    Is there an advantage to using it over a Shotgun or Sniper Rifle? I have a legendary fusion against blue of the other two...

    Fusion rifle is a lot like the Rail gun from Halo 4, except without any splash damage. It really depends with the weapon-- if it has a low impact rating, you'll need more than one shot to take out someone in PvP at a medium range, which can be problematic because of its charge time. I always try different loadouts, but I always come back to shotgun+melee; it's just too good to give up on (in PvP). I've never used the shotgun in PvE.

  13. I've gotten one purple engram... it was a hunter chest that I couldnt wear. Sucks

    This is by far the most frustrating aspect of game. Beyond the fact that purple engrams almost always get downgraded when they are decoded, it's even more heartbreaking when one finally becomes a purple and it's for a different class. I bought an exotic engram from Xur (knowing the risks) and it was a helmet for a different class than my character. I knew it was possibility, but it still sucks because of how much grinding goes into getting motes of light.

    I think this week's patch will change cryptarch's nature of decoding too. From now on, all engrams will decode at their given colour, at the very least, with an increased possibility now for blues to become purples and purples to be yellows. With this update, if they don't patch the new cave, it's gonna be a gongshow.

  14. This game is awesome. Initially, everything's a little confusing, and Bungie doesn't actually explain how much either; I found it all really overwhelming when I first go the Tower because they send you there, but you can't actually buy anything. I never played the Beta, so this was all new to me (I guess the assumption here is that people played the Beta?).

    Nevertheless, great game; this going to be the template for shooters in the future. Honestly, this game could keep gamers invested and playing for thousands of hours. I do like how it staggers activities, and if you want to finish higher level missions you have to play into the Crucible to rank up. I also like that, unlike other games, they've not been stingy with the compensation-- you can level up pretty quickly and get enough "glimmer" to buy most of the items you want. In contrast, GTA V for example, really made you work for your money to such a degree that there was rampant mission farming, which to me totally defeats the purpose of levelling system.

    I also don't get the criticisms that visually, this game looks bad. This is a great looking game-- from the weapons to the environments, everything look glorious, and I've had no frame rate issues thus far. The only aspect that could be improved is character models, which look kinda crappy when you're at the Tower.

    Anyway, if you're confused or getting smoked early on in the game, don't despair, as you level up it will get better/easier. Also, note: if you're trying to figure out why you cannot unlock legendary gear, it's because you need to be at least Level 18. Once there, you start to receive currency (Crucible or Vanguard marks) for playing in the Crucible or doing strike missions.

  15. Am I misunderstanding something or is the guy trying to tell his girlfriend that she can do whatever she wants with Johnson but dont publicly parade around with him to embarrass the guy. Where does he say he hates black people?

    Yes, yes, you are. Please listen to the audio tape or read the entire transcript.

    My point: First, let me say that I find Sterling's comments reprehensible and disgusting. However, it should be noted that what he said-- vile as it may be-- was said in the privacy of his own home, and recorded without his consent. As an NBA franchise owner, he has done nothing (to my knowledge) that suggests that he has allowed these views to influence how he treats minorities within his organization; the Clippers have black players, a black coach, and have had a black GM too. Consequently, for these reasons, LEGALLY speaking, the league will have a very difficult time enforcing any decision to make him sell the franchise.

    Alternatively, the longer he keeps the franchise, the lower it's value will be, and eventually he might be forced to sell if it is haemorrhaging money. Should he keep the franchise, I suspect he will have a difficult time finding players, coaches, and management who are willing to be associated with the brand. I mean honestly, regardless of who you are, why would you want to sign with his team? Also, what advertisers are going to want to involved with him and the Clippers?

  16. Florence is right. There really isn't any big reason to buy a console right now.

    I still don't even have a PS4 for myself. I have been playing my brother's, and I haven't been playing it often.

    Until NHL 15 comes out there's really no need for me to get a PS4 for myself.

    Yup, fully agree. I got my PS4 as a gift, and to be honest, I go long stretches without using it, like right now, for example. I completed inFamous in one week, and I have since not turned on my PS4. That was at the start of the month. Absolutely no rush for any consumers to buy next-gen. I would take my time making a decision.

  17. The price increase is to match inflation. $399 USD = $448.5 CAD.

    It does make the decision easier though, for those who were on the fence about the next-gen console. I have a PS4 and I'm happy with my purchase, but to be completely frank, I'm not sure if I would buy a PS4 if I went into a store today (assuming I could even find one).

    $449 for a PS4 or $499 for the Titanfall XB1 bundle?

    Also, is there no InFamous thread in this forum? What the hell...

  18. http://thescore.com/news/441523

    The NHL rumor mill is heating up in advance of this Wednesday's trade deadline, and it certainly seems as if Vancouver Canucks centerman Ryan Kesler is at the epicenter of all of the rumblings.

    According to a report from TribLive.com reporter Rob Rossi, the Pittsburgh Penguins "pitched" the Vancouver Canucks on a potential Kesler deal before the Olympic break. Apparently that deal centered around a package that would've included 25-year-old checking center Brandon Sutter, and 20-year-old prospect Derrick Pouliot.

    Presumably Kris Letang's recent health issues could make the Penguins more reluctant to part with a high-end blue-line prospect with Pouliot's pedigree...

    Rossi's reported Penguins "pitch" lines up closely with what Sportsnet's Nick Kypreos suggested is Vancouver's current "ask" on Kesler. Supposedly the Canucks are looking for a young roster player, a prospect, and a first round pick in exchange for their former Selke winning forward.

    I love Kesler as much as the next fan, and in fact, there was a time when I was certain he would retire as a Canuck. But to be honest, if he wants to leave, then now is the time to do it. His trade value will not get any higher, and frankly, as an organization, we owe it to a guy as competitive as Kesler. He deserves a shot at winning the Cup. Remember, he took a significant pay cut to stay with the Canucks when he signed his extension because of our commitment to win. That did not happen, and it will not happen in next 5 years; excluding the opinions of the most delusional fans, it's plain to see that this team is on the decline, and we need to start looking ahead.

    With regards to this trade however, while I like the inclusion of Pouliot, I can't understand why this team would want another 2nd/3rd line checking centre like Sutter? It's pretty much the only position where have depth with both Gaunce and Horvat in the system. This team needs blue chip scoring wingers.

    *Edit* Ideally, I would like to see a 1st or 2nd round draft pick included too.

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  19. Seriously, the CBC has the worst broadcast from all the major networks. I'm glad we have less games on the CBC because it means less Canucks' games being called by Mark Lee.

    Also, the CBC constantly has broadcasting issues with their coverage. It's bush league.

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