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Posts posted by nobbiep

  1. Torts is just as bad as Mike Keanan...I stoped watching when he was the couch...and it looks like i will have to stop watching again...untill they get rid of this guy....Hope no Canadian Team makes the playoffs....Buttman would be happy...but Sportsnet should of had a clause in there TV rights to get money back if there were no Canadian teams in the playoffs...Hope they had that clause put in...lol

  2. But he is fishing buddies with Harper....He is a family friend of the Minister of Finance....ALL Politicians are scum....This guy need to take an IQ test and we need to see it....because Iam guessing it isnt very high....unlike him...haha...every excuse of his behaviour is I was drunk....gee seems to be a little bit of an alcholic problem there....dont worry the tax payer will foot the bill to put you through rehab...and you will still get payed by your job...unlike private sector workers....

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