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Posts posted by LindsayDianne

  1. Looking at this has ruined my night.

    I am going to have nightmares about scary emo girls trying to kill me.

    Oh please. You're tougher than that.

    And I was "emo" long before the phrase was coined.

    I don't know that people over 23 can even BE emo.

    How dark in fact is your soul?

    Oh extremely.

    The beautiful people, the beautiful people

    It's all relative to the size of your steeple...

    He was awesome in concert, by the way.

    No eyeliner cracks, just going to point out the MySpace angle you use for every picture.

    I know, hey? wicked cool. Except that one of me on the couch giving the finger in the blue hat. My friend jake took that one.

  2. Okay. Send me the link when you're done, k?

    But seriously, he's really not that attractive, and his acting in that movie lacked. It was terrible.

    The actor who played James was effing gold. Gorgeous.

    He could suck my blood anytime.

    Me with normal hair. I usually have it crazy :lol:


    you could use some eyeliner. Your eyes might even themselves out a bit.

    And here's the thing about Twilight-

    It's not GOOD reading.

    It's not GOOD writing. It's basically bubblegum pop in a book.

    BUT. Reading in any capacity is a good thing, so regardless, all the teenagers that actually picked up a book and read gained something that they would not have if they were watching TV or hanging out online and reading text speak.

  3. aweee. :(

    those girls can be intiminating. You shouldn't give up though. YOu should purse modeling. :)


    Purse modelling?

    That's low.

    I'm kidding of course.

    on the same but a different note, Does anyone want to go fishing?

    I mean, Yer sooo priddy. you should totally go for it.

    No, really. You are.

    I'm just having a hard time believing that anyone ever called you ugly or threw you in a dumpster.

  4. Another young mother on this message board? Condoms and birth control girls, those things are readily available.

    I have a pill baby. Not that I would ever wish her away; I used the pill and got pregnant anyway.

    The many faces of Mr Brown



    Homeless beard

    Pervy mustache

    I could probably be a secret agent or something

    You're amazing.

    It's not necessarily that you wear too much eyeliner it's that you wear it poorly.

    I get what you're saying but I still don't care what you think. Also, it doesn't look the same every day. That was just one day.

    Oh, he went there, girlfriend.

    He can Go wherever he would like. I don't mind. It's only one man's opinion.

    Most likely...but who actually gives natural child brith anymore?

    I sure gave it a try.

    For twenty four hours anyhow.

    Have you noticed that the only threads Lexygirl posts in are the ones where you either rate other people or post pictures of yourself?

    Yes. And I've been doing so for 5 years. You're very astute.

    Oh, but you forgot the discussions about cannabis and cigarettes. I like those ones too. Certainly none about hockey, however.

    I have had more than enough time to figure out which threads I enjoy.

    But you and monkeys sure do love to talk about me. I like you guys a lot too. Let's be friends.

    PS, sweatpants need not ever be worn commando or with boxers. It leaves nothing to the imagination.


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