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Status Updates posted by fogducker

  1. I'd just like to (and I mean this in all seriousness) hear your reasons for knowing he will be a flop. Following that, I'd like to know next week's lottery numbers because essentially you know the future.

    PM me with your reasoning, I await debating you.

  2. nice name genghis.

  3. hey dq! what's cookin?

  4. yeah, it was kind of funny... in october.

  5. still doing the birthday changing thing eh?

  6. why do you keep changing your birthdate?

    someone is an attention wh*re, me thinks.

  7. err.. 15th. sorry.

  8. alright. hey to you too. and happy 16th.

  9. umm, hi... do I know you?

  10. *pokes back*

    hey you! how've you been?

  11. huh? how can it not work? :( what does it do when you try?

  12. did ya find it? hockeycentral.power-forums.com is the address.

    you should drop by and say hi more often!

  13. lol ohh ok. didn't know your sn on here.

  14. do I know you? what's your name on VCC?

  15. I'm still waiting to be added as a friend, by the way. and you thought I'd forgotten, pfft.

  16. oh, me too. =(

    the site owner guy is apparently working on fixing the bugs, so I'm hoping it'll be up and running sometime tomorrow. he says tuesday at the latest though. fingers crossed!

  17. hey howcome you haven't added me as a friend yet?

  18. I think I might like them a bit better if I could grow a respectable one.

    no, I changed my mind. not cool.

  19. mustaches aren't cool.

    you, on the other hand, are pretty cool.

  20. hey LK! how's it going?

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