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Posts posted by Pavel1994

  1. That Browning guy is one sick SOB.

    I give Aguilera(sp?) props for quitting before he really hurt himself.

    This guy is the big deal.

    His character is freakin' awesome.

    Browning was spent, had Aguilera continued on and not worried about his "looks" he may well have won that fight. Browning admitted he was out of shape and glad that it ended when it did.

    His attitude and the way he holds himself reminds me a lot of CB Dollaway <--- spelling usure of ???

  2. Decent show.

    Houston Alexander was exposed for the horrible fighter he really is.

    Ed Herman lost a toughy.

    Dnzig/Guida was the most disappointing of all. Guida just sorta kept tackling Danzig and held him down for ten minutes. Yay. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Diaz/Neer was entertaining though. Nice win for Diaz.

    Gonna watch TUF 8 later tonite!!

    Ed Herman won that fight, rounds 1 and 3 were his. Don't understand the scoring some days with the judges. Alexander is a joke of a fighter.

    Danzig tried, but Guida knew he was toast outside of the "phonebooth", but yeah a bit of a snoozer. As for Diaz, man that guy is slick and gets out of trouble with ease. Good fight for him.

  3. Leading with your face while you try to throw a weak weak uppercut from miles away is all fail. I don't even think it was that hard of a punch but at 38 Liddell probably doesn't have half the chin he used to.

    Liddell didn't lead with his face. His stance has always been the half open style which leads to him always being exposed with every right that he throws. Evans is the faster fighter and caught Liddell with a very nice bomb.

  4. Dan Henderson is definately worth mentioning.

    Nate Marquardt

    Travis Lutter

    James Irvin (who he went up to 205 to fight)

    And when it comes to Franklin, Silva dominated the worlds 2nd or 3rd top middleweight, 3 bloody times.

    Henderson is at best was on the down swing of his career when he fought Silva. Had this fight happened 4 years ago, yeah maybe it might have been something.

    Nate Marquardt is an average fighter

    Travis Lutter is a bum

    James Irvin is average also. Sure Silva jumped weight classes, but remember Silva walks around normal at 200 - 210, and cuts weight to make it to 185.

  5. I was more or less, needlessly picking on your use of the word crazy, added to the word dominance. You've got to hand it to Fitch, he did put up a hell of a fight. He's got a ton of heart. A lesser man would have been knocked out in round 2. As for the Koscheck fight, if I remember correctly, two of the judges scored the fight 29-28. Not really what I call dominance. 'Crazy' dominance is what Anderson Silva does. 7 victories in the UFC, all by ko or submission.

    Ok granted if the word "crazy" bothers you that much take it out.

    Other than Franklin, who has Silva beat worth mentioning in the UFC ?

  6. I wouldn't call the Fitch and Koscheck fights "crazy" dominance. Especially the Koscheck fight. You're right, both fighters have gotten better since they faught in 06, so it really is tough to call. I don't know that GSP wins this fight by submission. BJ is too good at BJJ. I can see a 4th or 5th round KO, or a decision.

    Yes I did see the fights. GSP dominated Fitch every round. GSP beat Koscheck at his own game of wrestling. To me both = dominance

  7. Awesome! This will be a fight for the ages. Despite what every GSP fan boy here thinks, this wont be a walk for Georges. BJ gave him a hell of a run before, and I can't see why he wont again.

    It's too early to really say (8 months till the fight, that's far too long to wait), but at this point I say Georges by Unanimous decision.

    Well both fighters aren't what they were when they first fought. Both have gotten bigger, better, faster, stronger. I don't know if Penn can hang with GSP now ? The way GSP has walked through his last 4 fights is crazy dominance. I think it will be a 2nd or 3rd round tap-out of Penn. GSP will remain the champ

  8. I read somewhere, can't find it now unfortunately, that BJ vs. GSP is slated for December.

    I see your point about having one fighter with 2 titles not being good for UFC. I agree as well that BJ would be much better up at WW. What should BJ do, drop the title? Fight until he loses at LW, then move to WW? Since I can't see him losing to any of the current LW, dropping the title is the only option.

    I hope in the near future, BJ decides to focus solely on WW. The division is already loaded, adding another top fighter would only make it better.

    I think that BJ should fight Fitch first and the winner of that can have a title shot. That way BJ can earn some "respect" albeit only 1 fight, but at least it would be against the former # 1 contender. And if Fitch wins, he deserves another shot and BJ can go cry somewhere.

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