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Posts posted by Starbug

  1. Brieann of Tarth, however, needs to be UGLIER! Hope they do something in makeup to UGG her up a bit more, although the actress being 6'3'' helps a lot to capture the big and strong angle for the character.

    from a summary of the new cast:

    By the way, for those of you wondering if Christie is too pretty to portray Brienne, have no fear; writer George R.R. Martin says she showed up to the audition sans make-up, looking just like he'd imagined Lady Brienne.

    I think prioritizing size over looks was definitely the way to go in casting Brienne. Make-up can go a long way in changing a person's looks for better or worse - just look at what they did with Charlize Theron in Monster.

  2. I think he will. What happened was that he was planning on having a 10 year gap between books and 3 and 4, basically wrote a bunch of books doing that, realized it sucked and started all over.

    I think we can expect a book every 1-2 years.

    It was originally a 5 year gap, not 10. But it would have been awkward to start the next set of books (originally planned as a second trilogy, we'll see how that goes) by trying to explain what happened in the last 5 years. So now we get AFFC and ADWD to fill in a gap of 1-2 years instead of 5 years. What I find most frustrating about the fill-in books is the lack of resolution of events (and cliffhangers! so many of them at the end of the books!). All kinds of stuff happens, but much of it won't fully be resolved until the next set of books.

  3. When I saw that the episode was named A Golden Crown, I knew what was coming. Glad to finally be rid of him.

    I was starting to warm up to TV Sansa but man, what a bitch. Why does everyone get naked except her?

    It's been awhile since I had read the books, but I seem to recall something happened on the King's hunt, maybe that is next episode...

    The closing scene of the last episode was so satisfying...good to finally see it. For the most part, everything's been really well done so far. I've watched everything up to episode 5 twice now, as I got my dad hooked while he was out visiting. Unfortunately he doesn't have HBO at home so he'll have to wait until he moves back to the coast this summer to see the rest.

    I was disappointed with the hunting scene. The king is out hunting boar with...a member of the kingsguard, a squire, and his brother? No horses? No hounds? No retinue? Really? And yes, there's more to come on the hunt.

    I was also a bit disappointed with the scene with Bran and the wildlings - where were the direwolves??? I get that the dogs they're working with are difficult to train, but the wolves were a big part of that scene. Here's hoping they're working closely with the dogs for next season.

    Episode 7 was available last weekend to American subscribers of HBOGO (at the expense of no new episode this weekend) and from what I've read it's another action-packed episode. Lots of stuff at the wall, and we finally get to meet Tywin.

  4. @sixwings Finally!!!! If there's not a heavy dose of Arya and Snow like promised I'm going to show up on his doorstep.

    Don't forget Daenerys! I hated her storyline at first, but now I want to see - well, read - more.

    @Starbug I agree re: casting is excellent! Only one I don't like so far is Syrio. Would have preferred someone with more grace, but perhaps that's more a problem with choreography. I'd list off the castings I especially like, but the list is too long. Everyone looks exactly like I'd expected... except Payne.

    Syrio was fine. Payne is a little less intimidating than I expected. And the Hound could have used a little more make-up, IMO. But I suppose I could have expected the scars to be much worse because he was introduced via the children's point of view (would seem much scarier to the kids than to the adults).

  5. I think I am going to restart them this week so I am ready for the new one in the summer

    I just finished reading them for a second time through (just in time for the series to start). I'm amazed at how much of the 4th book I forgot. And I'd gotten some of the chronology mixed up (thought some things that happened in the second book happened in the third, and vice-versa).

    I have episode 2 and 3 on DVR, just haven't had the time to watch. Been sick pretty much this whole week actually.

    Isn't sick time usually TV time? When you don't feel like getting up off the couch to do anything?

    I've watched all three episodes but haven't been able to delete them from the DVR yet. I might have a GoT marathon day one of these days.

  6. You guys just stopped talking about it...

    We're three episodes in and I am still lovin' it.

    Daenerys gets more beautiful by the episode and I am eagerly awaiting Viserys' 'crown'.

    I wondered if they were going to make me hate the Joffrey character and yes, they have and I was happy to see Tywin finally arrive in that last episode.

    Where was Tywin? I don't recall seeing him... :unsure:

    They've been pretty true to the book so far. The third episode had a few conversations that didn't happen in the book (Cersei and Joffrey, Robert, Barriston and Jaime), but needed to be done to fill in viewers who didn't know the back story. Now that most of the key characters (for now) have been introduced, I wouldn't mind them starting to do some episodes that focus on just one or two locales (say, all in King's Landing, or split between the Wall and across the Narrow Sea) to keep the stories from jumping around so much. It might be helpful to viewers who haven't read the book.

    I love the casting for the series; the casting is pretty much spot-on for everyone, Tyrion and Arya especially. The only one who bugs me at the moment is Robb Stark - he just seems a little wooden. Hopefully that changes when he's forced to grow up.

    And I saw posted elsewhere that book 2/season 2 already has the green light. Viewership in North America isn't as high as it could be, but they're making a lot of money selling the show in other countries.

  7. Even better: A Dance with Dragons is due out in July. :)

    I've got the "making of" special set up on PVR already, but the HBO listings haven't yet gone as far as the 17th. I'll probably check daily until I can set up the series recording for it.

    I'm in the midst of re-reading the series now, as I haven't read it since my university days. I'd forgotten much of what happens, including most of the 4th book (which I'm now on).

  8. I could have sworn there were only a couple of inches of snow on the ground when I first woke up. There was more than half a foot by the time I left for work. I got to work an hour and a half later, after waiting 45+ minutes for a bus. I saw two of my buses heading in the other direction, and it was half an hour before one made it back up the hill in the other direction (my stop is only a few blocks from the end of the route).

    The woman sitting nearby on the bus is married to a bus driver, and apparently a few buses have gone off the road. I have no idea what kind of detours/route cancellations there are because the transit website isn't built to handle heavy traffic and crashes every time it snows (it's so much like Victoria in that respect).

  9. Apparently some of the buses have stopped running. Camosun closed early and half the buses leaving the Interurban campus (the ones that head toward Tillicum) weren't running. My bf started walking from Camosun toward Tillicum Mall (where his car was) and was lucky enough to get a ride there from someone passing by.

    Some roads have been closed too, until road crews can address the hill sections.


  10. My brother just called me telling me that the roads are impassable and I need to come home right away in case I get stranded :lol: :lol:

    It's not that bad.

    I want to go sledding tonight. I'm thinking that the hill on the first hole at gorge vale will be pretty good.

    Unless you need to drive over the Malahat without winter tires, I'd call that an overreaction. :lol:

    The road/sidewalk crews here are having a hard time keeping up. They can't really get into the patient parking lot because of the cars already parked in it, and sidewalks are white again two minutes after they're cleared.

  11. Starbug - I'm not sure if it was intentional, but the tombstone you have on the original post is that of an unknown soldier of the 72nd Battalion. The actual name of the Regiment is the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, and they are based here in Vancouver. This Regiment has contributed men to each and every conflict since WW1 and continues to today with upwards of 100 of the currently serving men being Afghan vets.

    Well done.

    Lest we forget.

    I did not know that - this just happened to be my best photo of a single tombstone of Canadian soldier.


    My grandmother had always told my father that his father had witness some of his best friends die next to him as a way to maybe help my father understand why his father had left him the way he did.....

    I actually have all my grandfathers paybooks, maps, birth certificate, and military service records. My father gave them to me along with the only picture he had of his father for my 25th birthday, the greatest gift i have ever recieved. My father still seems to have questions as to why he left him and his family the way he did and maybe even a little anger. Questions he will never know the answer.

    My mom's dad also committed suicide when she was very young (younger than 5, I believe). He was one of only two family members known to have survived the camps. Someone tracked down his brother a few years ago, and found him at the head of a very large family. Some people manage to adjust to life after war, and some, unfortunately, don't.

  12. Seeing that thread asking where to get a poppy led me to ask myself "where's our remembrance day thread?" and I remember I enjoyed the pics in this one :)

    *checks to make sure all photo links are up to date*


    So, what I'd like to know is this: With all the ceremonies before hockey games, honoring dead soldiers in "Coach's corner", etc., does that mean that you have a big support for the war in Afghanistan and military action in general?


    Many people I know differentiate between supporting our troops and supporting the war; there's a difference between a person choosing to fight for their country and a government deciding on where to send the troops. There are many people who don't necessarily support the war in Afghanistan (or Iraq, in the case of the US), but still have tremendous support for the sacrifice a person makes when they enlist. I might not agree with all (or any :P) decisions the government makes, but I very much support anyone who chooses the military as a career.

  13. Hooray for air-conditioned work! I still need a jacket/sweater in some parts of the building. Home is pretty warm though; I might start taking my laptop down to the basement to get more comfortable.

    And I agree with those who say some buses suck in this weather. If they're not air-conditioned, or too full/busy for the AC to do much good, they can get really uncomfortable.

    At least my hair is finally long enough that I can put it in a ponytail and get it off my neck. :D

  14. ^^^

    How is that a spoiler? :huh:

    The idea was to not have the article take up half the page...

    It's something that's commonly done on another forum I frequent, and I like the whole space-saving idea.

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