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Posts posted by sixwings

  1. Just finished Book 1 last night, so now I can watch the rest of the series!

    After what I've just read over the past week, the episodes I've missed are going to be even better than what I've seen already (saw up to episode 5).

    Hey, for those who have read the whole series, are all the books seriously as amazing as A Game of Thrones? That was the single most BEST novel I have ever read, by FAR!

    Storm of Swords > Clash of Kings > Game of Thrones > Feast for Crows

    Haven't finished the 5th one yet.

    Storm of Swords will knock your teeth out.

  2. It was originally a 5 year gap, not 10. But it would have been awkward to start the next set of books (originally planned as a second trilogy, we'll see how that goes) by trying to explain what happened in the last 5 years. So now we get AFFC and ADWD to fill in a gap of 1-2 years instead of 5 years. What I find most frustrating about the fill-in books is the lack of resolution of events (and cliffhangers! so many of them at the end of the books!). All kinds of stuff happens, but much of it won't fully be resolved until the next set of books.

    Oh I know and it KILLS me.

  3. At his current pace? April 2017...

    Seriously hope that with the first season done - spectacularly, I might add - his writing/publishing pace improves. I haven't yet started DwD as I need to re-read some books to refresh my memory. I started Clash of Kings after the series ended and I had forgotten what a terrific writer he is.

    I think he will. What happened was that he was planning on having a 10 year gap between books and 3 and 4, basically wrote a bunch of books doing that, realized it sucked and started all over.

    I think we can expect a book every 1-2 years.

  4. Wasn't this thread started back in 2008? Surely the OP has changed his opinion by now? No? Yes? Irrelevant.

    Go Canucks Go!!!


    He wanted Jason ???? Krog instead of Burrows. That is just inexcusable stupidity.

    Plus this thread has really just evolved into more of an appreciation for Burrows thread instead of a bash OP thread.

  5. Wincest? :D

    Daenerys is hot as hell, the trailers/shorts dont really do her justice.

    Also did they drop Rickon? I mean he's not important or anything but I didn't see him.

    Also we should set some spoiler rules for this thread

    Rickon is in there, he is in the part where Bran is shooting the bow and when the king arrives and all the stark children line up when the king arrives.

    Dany is SO gorgeous.

  6. I really REALLY liked it. The casting is superb.

    My only issue is with the Drogo/Dany sex scene. In the book he was very gentle with her and it was her choice to go ahead or else he would not have. That was a defining moment for Drogo because it showed that he was more than just a blood thirsty ravenous barbarian. It set up the possibility that she could love him. In the show he basically raped her. I dunno, not a big deal but kind of a big deal to me.

    Also I really don't want an event that is going to happen at the end of the 1st book to happen, or the event that happens in the 3rd book to happen. I LOVE those characters and the casting so much.

  7. I am SO SO SO STOKED for both this series and the next book. So many good things this summer. I love the casting and the first 15 minute preview was really awesome (although Waymer was supposed to die somewhat valiantly), that wall just looks EPIC.

    I'm not sure if I will be able to watch a certain, devastating event that occurs in the 3rd book. You all know what I'm talking about. I barely could handle it in the book and got so mad I threw my copy across the room and didn't pick it up for a week or more. No book has ever affected me like that before.

    Also, Jon and Dany are totally going to make Targaryen babies.

  8. I don't understand why they would make Skyrim a direct sequel for the first time. I really hope that they don't have the same character from Oblivion.

    Speaking of Akavir. People mentioned in Oblivion that Nerevarine has left to Akavir for some reason. It will be interesting to know what happened to Nerevarine.

    If they wanted to, it wouldn't be very hard transferring over the stats from the old character. The new game engine will probably have the traditional Elder Scrolls attributes and skills. I am pretty sure all the items will disappear though if they allow a character transfer.

    Eh for the effort it would cause to transfer only the attributes and skills but not the items what's the point? Just customize a new character.

  9. Unless you need to drive over the Malahat without winter tires, I'd call that an overreaction. :lol:

    The road/sidewalk crews here are having a hard time keeping up. They can't really get into the patient parking lot because of the cars already parked in it, and sidewalks are white again two minutes after they're cleared.

    Yeah I lol'd. I'm up near UVic and my house is in vic west. I figure I'm just going to take Shelbourne to Bay and go that way. There's a small hill at Quadra/bay but other than that it's completely flat. I have all season tires on too so it should be fine.

  10. Sure is! I just went out for coffee - some of those sidewalks are pretty slippery!

    My brother just called me telling me that the roads are impassable and I need to come home right away in case I get stranded :lol: :lol:

    It's not that bad.

    I want to go sledding tonight. I'm thinking that the hill on the first hole at gorge vale will be pretty good.

  11. And I thought we had it bad here with -2 or -3, Calgary -37? I WOULD die.

    I hope it doesn't snow here in Victoria, I have exams on saturday, monday and wednesday and getting to school will be pain if it does snow. I like 45 mins out of UVic by bus, my car has good all season tires but drivers in Victoria SUCK with snow.

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