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Posts posted by kateycanuck

  1. all that you can infer is that the Canucks told him is options, something that is standard, and Schroeder chose university. You cannot infer the Canucks preference in the matter, nor can you infer it based on what happened with Kevin, since those were different schools/programs and they played different rolls on each team/would go to different teams in the WHL. they are not parallel.

    I'll infer what I like thank you! See that's the beauty of inference. I can infer what I like based on the facts, you can choose not to infer what you like based on the scarcity of facts and both of us can go home happy thinking that we are right. There is a truth to this matter, but none of us know it, and we probably never will.

    I actually have no opinion one way or the other about where is best for Schroeder's development. If he's a good enough player and concentrates on working on his deficiencies he will develop just fine wherever he is this year. College has the added benefit of being a shorter season and so he will be able to join the Moose earlier (and him not being subject to any NHL-WHL agreement that would see him stuck in the minors if he can't make the Canucks next season).

    I only jumped into the argument because that fella was getting so irate with his "Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!" proclamations that it bugged me.

  2. There is no soundbite or quote coming directly from the horse's mouth in this instance. There is an article which you can use to read between the lines.

    Quote from his father “We’ve told [the Canucks] he’s going to go back to school for another year". TOLD THEM. Implies that there was a choice given and a decision made.

    Quote from Gilman “Education is an important thing and if he wants to stay for another year of school, that’s a good thing,”. IF. Implies there was a choice given and a decision made.

    SOMEONE in the Canucks management (and you have to presume it was MG since he manages the team) must have given him a choice - stay in college, or play for Everett. My point is that if MG/Canucks brass were totally happy with the Minnesota system, they would have just told him to go back there. The fact that they gave him the option to play in the WHL instead infers (to me and many others) that they would have preferred him to play in the WHL, but that it was totally his choice. I don't think it is illogical inference.

    It is exactly like the Connaughton situation - Connaughton was given the choice of staying in college or joining the Giants - but instead of deciding for himself he told the press that he'd go wherever the Canucks management told him to play and he ended up playing in the WHL. Even though I don't have a soundbite or quote of MG saying "I would prefer Kevin to play in the WHL rather than in college because we think it will be better for his development", it is a fact that that is what he and his staff decided.

  3. No. You went out and made a wild a$$ claim that Gillis asked Schroeder to quit college and play for Everett, when in reality, you were projecting your own beliefs and making it sound like Gillis was backing you up with stuff he *never* said.

    I simply called you out for lying. You lied, therefore you are a liar and shall be treated as such.

    You can certainly have an opinion on college hockey development, but that's not the argument here.

    You made the claim that Gillis said something that he *never* said and were unable to back that up with facts. That sir, is lying.

    I had no problem with your opinion, but I do have a problem with blatant falsehoods used to back up your opinion.

    I called you on your bull$crap and now you're getting pissed at me for doing so. Take your beating like a man and either STFU or apologize for lying.

    Doesn't the fact that Gillis even suggested that Schroeder leave college to joing the Silvertips infer that he thinks that Minnesota isn't the best place for Jordan to develop? If he was happy with the system he was in, he wouldn't have even given him that choice. He didn't have to openly ask Schroeder to quit college in order for it to be fairly obvious that it was his preference for him to play in the WHL.

    Edit: can you guys quit bitching at each other, or take it to PM? You're starting to get way more annoying than wetcoaster ever was.

  4. Yeah i agree. I see this as being his last year in the NCAA then i can see him playing next year with the Moose and perhaps getting a few call ups if he's playing well and then the following year he'll probably get a full time spot.

    He'll be playing with the Moose in the playoffs in just a few months from now, so I guess we should all just hold our opinion on his NHL-readiness until then...

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