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Posts posted by precipice

  1. nothing more to say, its over. rebuild? That is a four to five year proposition.

    When the style went from skill to thug plus skill we weren't there. Hockey has eoloved (?) to a two threat deal. Skill and thugs. That is how it is. When we lost in game 7, that message was delivered. It was not acted upon. Now the fallout. Aging skill guys who are out hustled and out muscled and out skliled, and who have no gas in the third period tank. .

    It will take some time to fix this, AV hit the curve right, he was just one season out, but now well, it will take soooo long.

    Torts had an over inflated ego, a pink slip and a rep. Not good enuf.

    Doesn't mean I'm gonna quit, does mean I look into the mirror tho' (hold the juvenile comments please)

  2. not the end of the world i'm still behind this team and actually hoping they miss the playoffs might as well unless they somehow turn it on for the playoffs they would be better off getting a high pick

    Yep, might as well face it, the time has come....eke out a win against the Coyotes, easily and I mean easily beat by Edmonton.

  3. Seems to me that this team has a case of PSCFD, That's post Stanley Cup Finals Defeat syndrome.

    Once they get the lead, the pressure to keep it is so high they buckle.

    Not sure what the therapy is, but I don't think it is time to throw out the talent just yet. If we don't make anything this year, then yes, time for dynamite.

    so Sad.

  4. Blow a 2 goal lead in the last half of the third! This is becoming a consistent pattern, like three games in a row. Exhaustion or inability to focus? Either way it is going to be a short season.

    So much for Torys and the new motivation. Yoiu can only blame puck luck so often.

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