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Posts posted by AndyMcDonaldsNeck

  1. I love how you're only talking about Ovechkin and Kessel and compltely ignoring the other 9 players I listed in that post that are minus players. And now, scoring 50 goals, and being the only one on your team who really does anything besides your 1st line centre, means you're not having a favourable impact on wins and losses? Is hockey not a team sport? One excellent player can't make a team that's bad into a good team. If their respective teams are poor and non playoff teams, which all of teams of the total 11 players in that post are (minus O Reilly), that one player cannot simply put the team on his pack, and magically turn it into a good team. The +/- stat is much more of a team stat, than it is an individual player stat. For e.g, Johnny Boychuk, Dustin Penner, Matt Bartkowski, and Ben Lovejoy are +31, +25, +22, and +21. Are any of them "good players"? No. Boychuk, Penner, and Lovejoy are average players, while Bartkowski is a youngster who is trying to make a name for himself. Why is their +/- so high? Because they are all on great teams. Boychuk and Bartkowski are in Boston and Penner spent the majority of his season in Anaheim, while Lovejoy spent the whole season in Anaheim. See where I'm coming from?

    See now, your point has been eradicated by your own rage. I've lost all interest in talking hockey with you because we are so far from the original topic. You have written so much in such a short time that you're bound to have somethings right, but I'm sure there a far more things wrong. Oh and -10% for being late.

  2. Are you stupid? Since when was having your stats pumped up because of playing with a certain talented player a good thing? He's being playing with Drouin, that's the only reason why his stats are so high. If you take away all of his goals and assists that Drouin was involved with, Whether he scored a goal that Drouin assisted, or vice versa, he only has 74 points. Now that doesn't look so impressive now does it? No. In fact, its mediocre. And how does getting many points with Drouin mean he could be a great line mate with a decent NHLer? The two do not connect. And Drouin is going to be much better than a "decent NHLer", so I don't know what the hell you're talking about. And according to your pathetic logic, being a minus player means it would not be a compliment to a young prospect if he were to be compared to you. Well I'm sorry, but its damn hard for Alex Ovechkin to be a plus player when Mike Green is on his top 2 defense pair.. and his whole team knows NOTHING about defence. And Toronto is just Toronto. And also, Alex Ovechkin, Phil Kessel, John Tavares, Taylor Hall, Nicklas Backstrom, Erik Karlsson, Jason Spezza, Jordan Eberle and Kyle Okposo were all minus players during the regular season. So please tell me that it wouldn't be a compliment to be compared to anyone of the people I have listed above. It would really show how ignorant and stupid you are. Not to mention, all of those players above are superstars in the NHL (minus Okposo). Jeff Skinner and even Ryan O Reilly, who is actually a good defensive player, are minus players. And Jeff Skinner is a 30 goal scorer. And whats better? Playing with men who may not be quite good enough to play in the NHL, or play with a bunch of boys who are your same age. Nylander has been playing with men over in Sweden, and most of them are twice his age. Let Ehlers go over there, and produce at a PPG rate like Nylander.. IN that league of MEN. He would be lost. And since when was not going to the dirty areas a bad sign? That's just not his playstyle. What the hell do you want him to do? Stand in front of the net and hope for deflections? And you say that as if Ehlers is goes to the dirty areas much either. Ehlers uses his speed to score goals and make plays. It's not like he drives to the net with power and authority or anything like that. Nylander is the cleary the better choice out of the two. Anyone who thinks differently, has clearly not put his mind in the best interest of the tea

    Have you ever tried having a respectable debate without calling someone names. Give it a try, It will lead credibility to your argument. Name calling aside, I just don't agree that you have to overlook Ehlers mindblowing stats because he had one good team mate. Canucks management has to go with the facts.

    With regards to Ovechkin and Kessel: what good is having player score 50 goals if he's a -35 or -5. They're not having a favourable impact on the wins and losses so I would avoid a player like them if it meant getting someone who is great at offensive and defensive production.

    I expect another 500 word essay on my desk by tomorrow.

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  3. I would gladly take Nylander over Ehlers. Nylander has a higher ceiling than Ehlers and has more tools. They're both lightning quick, but Nylander has better hands, better stickhandling, better puck control, and better vision. Both need work defenseively, but at this point in time, defense is the least of our problems. We need a super high skilled, high talented star. And I just think Nylander brings more to the table than Ehlers. Ehlers stats are pumped up tremendously due to him playing with Drouin, the most pure offensively talented player in last years draft. You have to think that brings his stats up QUITE a bit. Both of their Hockey IQ's are incredibly high. Nylander doesn't go to the dirty areas often, but when he does, he creats magic. And it doesn't matter if he doesn't to the dirty areas. He's just simply a perimeter player. Kessel and Ovechkin are perimeter players, look at them now. Ovechkin is the best goal scorer in the league and Kessel is a 35 goal guy and a top 5 goal scorer in the league. Also, Nylander is actually stronger than Ehlers, did u see him in the Draft Combine? Looking like Zdeno Chara out there with that kind of strength. Obviously that was just an exaggeration, but you know what I mean, he's much stronger than some people think. Nylander has been playing with MEN over in Sweden, while Ehlers has been playing in the juniors, that's why Nylander's stats weren't averaging like fugging 2 points per game like Ehlers, who was being helped by Drouin as well as being in the Juniors. Nylander on the other hand, was still a PPG player over in sweden and if i would choose who would adapt to the toughness of the NHL and who would make a bigger, better and faster impact, I would definetly choose Nylander since he has been playing with men over in Sweden as I said. Don't get me wrong, Ehlers is still a very good prospect. But if we want a legit superstar, Nylander is the way to go.

    This poster has made up my mind for choosing Ehlers over Nylander.

    With regards to Ehlers, since when is pumped up stats a con? He was a plus 51! Playing with Drouin means he should be a great line mate for a decent NHLer (ie Sedins.) For me, comparing Nylander to Kessel and Ovechkin is not a compliment (Both minus players.) Saying he plays with men (who aren't good enough for the NHL mind you), over and over, is not a great reason either. Nylander not going to the dirty areas often is also a bad sign.

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