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Posts posted by TigerWilliams

  1. Transit rules!

    ^ hopefully that counts as keeping things on topic.

    Now my real question... has anyone been on I-5 lately? Is the problem with the collapsed bridge that happened in May impeding traffic flow at all? I had heard they were working on a temp replacement, but haven't been able to find out anything else since.

  2. Ive got such a girlcrush on Danerys its not even funny. I'm a Targaryan supporter.

    Cant support the Lannisters obviously and the starks are chasing their own tails. I've read the books so Ill say no more but can't wait for episode 9 ...lol thats all Ill say

    I think everyone who has read the books has a strong sense of what will happen in episode 9 this season and can't wait!I'm still with Jon Snow overall.

  3. Ya, look at it as a station busyiness (as in how busy) it is. Keep in mind it's also a relative to the other stations busyness graph, not absolute.

    If it was absolute and actually had boardings/deboardings per day you would be able to determine how viable the station actually is after the fact by comparing it with other stations around the world if you want. You would use these numbers to go back and update the regional models used to predict traffic flows under various transit/transportation scenarios.

    This information is useful in determining things like how many buses you need to service a station, the pedestrian network coming to from the area, and what not. It also has business and land developement potential since it will indicate a number of potential customers passing through that particular node.

    As is though it's just fluff showing which stations are busiest compared to each other. For example, even compared to other transit lines in Vancouver, I am betting RAV waterfront can't compete with Expo/Millenium absolute number.

    Well, I guess even the relative fluff graph can tell you which ones aren't being used and would be prime areas to toss in a few office/residential towers nearby to optimise the sytem.

    Thanks man... appreciate the learning.

  4. It could be where people get on, or where people get off, or a measure of both. Unless poeple are migrating or taking a different way home it shouldn't matter which method is being used really.

    Thanks... but I'm still not getting it. (I'm not being obtuse - I realize it's my lack of knowledge). What's the "so what?" of this graph?.

    In other words, what does it tell you other than Waterfront station, being a hub where the Seabus, Expo Line, and numerous bus connections come together in the heart of downtown, is a relatively busy station?

    I'm trying to make a real world connection here - what should I take away/conclude from this?

  5. Well we could have passenger screening for people that are under 21. You go and have a brief interview at the office and if you pass, you get an exemption card that you flash the bouncer and then you get on.

    If you screw up, you never get to use the service again EVER!

    ahh... kind of like the velvet rope at a club! I like!

  6. So, once again, our maturity is determined by days and years...

    I'm not agianst the plan, though. It has worked to an extent. In HK's KCR system, there are "1st class" compartments where one pays double fo the trip, but enjoys much superior seating, and a quieter enviroment.

    hey, I don't like to be a jerk or anything, and I know there are people under 21 that are fine.

    but lets be honest. If I'm riding transit, and I hear the F-Bomb being used every third word, or a play-fight breaks out with guys falling into other passengers, I'm willing to bet my left nut it is some high school cheeze.

    in the words of Thom Yorke/Radiohead... "You do it to yourself"

  7. People always talk about 2-tier healthcare, but we should have 2-Tier Transit.

    Like a special fleet of buses, where you have to be at least 21 to get on. And there is a bouncer at the door - if you're a hobo, or have poor hygiene, you get tossed, no exceptions. If you start acting up, the bouncer tosses you at the next bus stop - no exceptions.

    Special buses would have A/C, climate control, aromatherapy, airline seats with the tv's in the back, etc.

    extra $5 per trip.

    whaddya think??

  8. Well, it will stay that way for a few years at least. At least until they figure out what they want to do.

    How would you propose to pay for fixing up the roads and transit? Or are you happy with the congestion?

    You miss my point entirely.

    I don't mind public funds going towards transit.

    I do, however, mind that I have zero say in what gets done with my money.

    Unelected boards that have the power to tax are anti-democratic. That's what Translink currently is, and that is horsesh**

  9. I'm pretty close to leading a revolt against Translink.

    I like transit in theory.

    But I am sick. SICK of having to endlessly pay for this service over and over (let's see.... gas taxes, parking taxes, income taxes, and there's even a levy on my Hydro bill!!) when I get zero say in what gets done.

    Now Translink wants me to pay a toll on 2 of 3 bridges out to the Fraser Valley. So the simple act of going to visit my dad is now going to cost me again, after I've already paid 4 (at least) times for transit service.

    Given this, I get pretty tired of the transit hippies who keep forcing increasingly expensive 'solutions' on me.

    Taxation without representation (like Translink is currently constituted) is anti-democratic and abhorrent to the principles of good government and fairness.

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