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Status Updates posted by Ren

  1. Yeah I heard you're batting for both teams now.

    PG Cougar? Ha! In order to move down like you I'd have to poke around an elementary school. And there are really no good ones in my area, so...

  2. I can't believe how much conversation I wasted on someone who thinks Flames fans are hot in a non-temperamental or otherwise "flaming" way.

    And yeah, she's too young for you old man.

  3. Haha. If your hamster was Jesus hamster than I guess mine was Ghandi. Because seriously, it lived for three years and I don't remember ever feeding it.

    And about my friend. Yeah, she's way too young to party. She's like a little sister to me. Besides, she's a huge Flames fan. So she's really more like an evil stepsister I guess.

  4. Okay, so you nailed your hamster to a crucifix and presumably buried it alive. You're a terrible person.

  5. In all seriousness, I've only been to Calgary once for about a minute so I can't really judge. But a friend of mine is moving there too so I just like to pretend Calgary is to Canada what It's a Small World is to Disneyland; it's not actually. I'm almost sure.

  6. What's this about a GD hamster? Unless your he/she was the Ghandi of the hamster community, I really think you should just get over it.

  7. Prince George is so much more fun than Calgary. Gordon Freaking Lightfoot is coming to town in November. Plus, where else can you go lawn bowling at six am every day of the week? Are you on crack? Because seriously, we have that too.

  8. Is someone watching the comments on your page? I can't imagine who. I don't take it back.

    And whoa, that was too far. Maybe I'm part native. Also, the only difference between Calgary and Prince George is that PG's crappy hockey team is not in the NHL. Oh, and potholes. Lots and lots of potholes.

  9. That's actually a pretty accurate description of Prince George AND Calgary. Let's just say they both suck balls. And I would rather suck Patrick Kane's balls than live in either.

  10. I can only assume your move to Calgary has been spurned on by mafia troubles and/or a malignant brain tumor. Because if someone held a gun to my head and told me I had to move to Calgary, I'd grab the gun and pull the trigger myself.

    Actually, I'd take the gun and shoot the other person, because the other way doesn't really make sense.

  11. Yeah, even McDick's wouldn't have me. I can get much more money on the streets anyway.

    Not so much into the Criminology anymore. I'm really just experimenting right now. (Not in the same way as most college students.)

    I don't know where I want to transfer yet either. Maybe somewhere in Van but housing especially is damn expensive there.

  12. That's nice. Calgary's...umm...more...east than Vancouver. I'm sure you'll have the time of your life.

    Life's great. I've got a decent job and I'm gearing up for my second year at college. Hopefully I'll save enough to move further south next year. The cold in PG is really killing these old bones.

  13. I'm not sure how I went over a month without realizing you responded to me; sorry! I'm doing well, thanks. How are you...now? Haha

  14. Indeed, I escaped! How have you been?

  15. Hey. What's up?

  16. I'm sorry you had to go, dude. I wish I had gotten to know you better. I think I ought to tell you that I thought your old sig with Alex Edler dancing around was pure sex. Anyway, goodbye!

  17. Ren

    !!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!! I could go on entire rants about Mrs. Henley and Mrs. Wade but I fear it won't fit in your comments box. Just know that you have dodged several bullets thus far. lol

  18. Ren

    Twice lucky then, she's awful (Mrs. Whitehead is the best). Wait, is Mrs. Wade no longer there or is she just not your counselor?

  19. Ren

    You are so lucky then. She is seriously the worst, as a teacher and a person. If you're going to take psychology, just wait until post-secondary. Second question, is your counselor Mrs. Wade?

  20. Ren

    Speaking of Kelly Road, you don't have Mrs. Henley as a teacher, do you?

  21. Ren

    That's just unreal. I remember why I never took foods now...that and I'm pretty sure the teacher is crazy. Ahhh, I'm sure that evacuation was a nice way to make the new kiddies feel welcome. Jeez...

  22. Ren

    Four year old sauerkraut? What was that doing at a high school? Lol, only at Kelly Road...

  23. Ren

    Hey, did Kelly Road get evacuated today? What the hell happened? Haha

  24. Ren

    You will enjoy it, it just gets better and better every year. College is even more incredible; I can tell that already and I've only been there three days. Yes, I'm a girl. I try to keep in on the DL around here. :P

  25. Ren

    Yup, went to KRSS. I hated it up until grade 12. Now I wish I could go back. Haha.

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