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Posts posted by Ren

  1. There are three dragon skeletons at the Mage's college.. I only killed two. They twitch because of the wind I think, the one right in front of the doors seems to be breakdancing. :lol:

    It's hysterical if not a little inconvenient (I've been ambushed a few times just outside of the Sanctuary for some reason and it kind of gets in the way... but makes for an interesting battle.)

    A couple of other kind of annoying/funny things happened to me with dragons:

    Once I was fighting a dragon on the side of the mountain. I got it down to its last bit of health and watched it fly to the other side of the mountain, where someone/something attacked it. I still haven't absorbed its soul because I can't find it anywhere.

    Another time, I was doing the third (I think) Thieves Guild quest when a dragon showed up at the worst possible time.

    I was at the part where you're supposed to light three beehives on fire. I did, and then, out of ???? nowhere a dragon swoops down and lights a fourth one on fire (and JUST the fourth one). Bastard. I didn't get paid thanks to that...

  2. Only had a couple glitches so far: One quest in Windhelm...

    ...where you have to solve a series of murders. The map markers weren't updating right and some of them were pointing to nothing. At one point you're supposed to get a key to this house so you can go inside, but I couldn't find the person who had it so I had to break in (no big deal, just a little inconvenient.) Word of warning if you do this quest, when you find the strange amulet, do NOT sell it to the guy right away. I did and I ended up having to steal it back, despite the fact that it really had no effect on the next part of the quest. I had to pay off a guard the SECOND time I stole it, because the first time Ulfric Stormcloak straight kicked my ass as a result.

    Also, there is a dragon skeleton having a 24/7 seizure right outside the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary. I don't even remember killing one nearby so it's a little odd. Still, minus some game freezes, I've gotten off pretty easy as far as glitches go. Other things:

    - The armor you get for the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild is awesome in this game (especially as you advance along in the guild).

    - Shadowmere is pretty awesome. I don't even need a companion with him(?) around, because he'll run right up to everything and start kicking it, which I found really funny. But is it just me, or does riding horses look super silly in this game?

    - I've killed three companions so far (seems like I'm not alone in this). The first two walked in front of me mid-battle and I lit them on fire. The other one I killed on purpose because he was extremely annoying. It feels like later in the game they're more of an annoyance than actually helpful IMO.

    The one thing I don't like about the game is that I don't have enough time for it. I have real problems, I know.

  3. I have been so tired lately.. I just doze off on my computer desk every night.

    I hear you there Goose. I'm running on 2-3 hours a night, for about 4 weeks now. SUCKS.

    You guys have my genuine sympathy here. Working late, getting up early to take the bus to school. I completely slept through my early class last Friday as a result. Not used to my new schedule yet at all.

    He's talking about Ted lindsay ;)

    Ted's a cool guy. Wiggles could definitely get a catch like that if he wanted to.

  4. I want Lindsey or Lindsay, whatever

    I think you can do better than that. Shoot for the moon! Whatever you want though. I think I still have some prison connections.

    Whats everyone up to t'nite

    Finishing up my assignment for the Qris' thread. This sympathy stuff is seriously getting exhausting.

  5. Wanna be the wifey?


    Sorry, I can't legally be married to two people at once. But I support you in your quest to find a suitable wife to punch. I think if I start dealing coke I might be able to get a hold of Miley Cyrus for you. Would you like that?

  6. I think it's almost certain that I will need to throw another water balloon at some old lady.

    That's frustrating

    I'm sorry geographical constraints prevent me from taking part in your exorcism. I can, however, send you the holy water by mail along with a how-to manual on exorcisms I found at the lost and found at my church. Don't think I don't sympathize with your situation.

    Don't take out your frustration on little old ladies. There are much better ways of dealing with that kind of thing. May I recommend a little meditation? You can take classes for that kind of thing pretty much anywhere. If you cuss out and punch your wife in the face, the classes are free!

    Or you could try masturbating.

  7. Just promise me you will be there to hold my hands while I perform the....ermmm....thing

    I promise. I will hold your hand...in spirit...or just in your own mind. But I wish you the best of luck nonetheless.

    Edit: Don't take this as rejection. I am 100% supportive of what you are doing.

  8. I was thinking about something more like exorcism

    If that's what you want you can have it. I can provide the holy water, but someone else will have to supply the priest, Bible and video camera. If that's what you really want, I will help you. I just want you to get back to being the best you can be.

  9. Alright, fine. You got me.

    I threw a water balloon at an old lady today, big deal.

    I'm glad you confessed this to me, that is the first step to recovery. I forgive you and God will forgive you for this indiscretion, but first you must forgive yourself. I suggest you contact a counselor or registered psychiatrist to sort out your other issues, but I am here if you need someone to talk to. Keep this quote in mind:

    "I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm damn well gonna do it!"

    Geri Halliwell AKA "Sexy" Spice

  10. If making fun of someone is the definition of a bad day......

    I'll take a hug, whatevs

    Quite often when someone is being bullying another, it is a sign that they have low self-esteem. If there is something wrong in your life and you need to talk about it, I am here to listen. No judgment.

    As for the hug: a man named Willy is waiting for you. You'll find him wandering East Hastings. You can tell who he is by his big purple hat and suit. Ask him for candy, tell him Charlie sent you. He'll know what it means.

  11. It's Prince George. Come on, who are we kidding here?

    You sound like you're having a bad day. What can I do to help? Would you like a hug? I can't do it myself as I live to far away, but I can arrange for someone else - probably a homeless person - to do it.

    Since not everyone is a hugging kind of person, I can offer you the chance to just talk instead. Or perhaps I can interest you with an uplifting quote. Let me know. I am here for you.

  12. Sorry buttercup.

    It's alright brosef. I think you could get a girl like Carly! if you wanted to (or whoever you're hitting on, I'm not really paying attention). Anyone who can live in Prince George can do anything! Persevere, don't give up until she gets a restraining order!

    Hi. I think I might be getting sick. K thx bye.

    That happened to me once, I know how you feel. Stay strong. Just know that no matter what you're going through, someone out there has gone through worse. So don't give up, keep fighting. I am here for you if you need me to provide you with pharmaceuticals or support.

    I really should go to bed. I don't like working late. I'm tired while I work and not by the time I actually can go to bed. And I have to catch the early bus tomorrow...

  13. Uh...okay?

    I'm going to go to bed. Wiggles is creeping me out. Besides, I've made far too many posts in the last twenty four hours for my liking. Goodnight everybody. Don't do anything you'll regret in the morning, like your cousin for instance.

    Unless they're really hot.

  14. Hahaha, I don't take anything seriously. Iz all cool ma babays.

    Lol, that's what I figured. I was just trying to deflect away from the penis talk. You all can talk about that stuff after the lg is gone ;)

  15. hes drunk... give him props... mad cause hes mackin on your CDC chick

    What at the last part?

    I'm only kidding anyway, AM has always been nice to me (from what I can remember). I hope he didn't take the hate seriously, if so, I'm sorry :(

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