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Posts posted by lucky_nucker

  1. 9 minutes ago, Magicwords said:

    the mandates are provincal other than federal employees and international borders. What your seeking is for the feds to suspend the constuitutional rights of provinces and by means of a form of martial law remove their mandats. Could you imagine Kenney - Moe and Ford if this happend

    I never said I wanted the feds to anything. I said I want to see the end of these mandates.

  2. 1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

    You made a statement.  You repeated it no less than 3 times.  If you're not a liar you're ignorant and speaking from a place of ignorance, or of a situation/scenario that you in fact have zero knowledge over. 


    By repeating this so frequently it obviously IS important to you, but is still a falsehood


    This protest is not about ending mandates.  it is about fomenting anger and outrage.  A full list of demands including the dissolution of parliamant, oil and gas, immigration and more has been made.  To pretend this is merely about ending vaxx mandates is to prove you truly are in fact clueless about this; as if this was about ending mandates they would have gone to Victoria, edmonton, Regina etc.  You know; provincial capitals.  Provinces of course having full control over ALL health matters including mandates and passports.


    So I state again, if you are not outright lying, you are ignorant and speaking from a place of ignorance about things you don't even understand.


    Good day

    Nah, I said I was wrong about it being the biggest protest in history. My mistake.


    Ignoring the cost to these mandates is crazy though, and that is my point.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

    I can think of no less than 15-20 protests that shatter the numbers of this claim without hesitation.


    he's lying period.

    I am not a liar. I can admit though, maybe I am wrong about it being the largest protest in Canadian history. I don't know. That is not really the important detail about this protest though. This protest is about ending all covid mandates and ending the damage that those mandates are inflicting.

    • Haha 2
  4. 4 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

    There is a choice that needs to be made.  You seem to think you have the right to make decisions for everyone else, so please go on and say who you think deserves the bed.

    I don't have the right to choose for anyone other than myself. Everyone should be allowed to choose what is best for themselves.


    I cannot make a choice in your situation as it is two people deserving of medical care. I don't know how these difficult choices are made, but I sure hope is not based on discrimination like you are calling for.

    • Haha 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, EOTM said:

    The problem is; and I need you to look at it objectively, nothing you said is true. It's what has been sold to you but it isn't true. I get it because it seems like a great story but the hyperbole intentional and unintentional has gotten out of control.


    Until the hospital ICU beds are under control there is justification. Human life is justification. I dare you to prove me wrong on that.

    I am not sure what part of what I said is untrue? This is largest protest in Canadian history and it is very significant, with the goal being to end covid mandates. What is false there?


    Of course human life is worth the justification, I am not sure what we do to fix the ICU bed problem. Maybe we expand our capacity if possible? But how can you not recognize the costs to these mandates as well?

    • Sad 1
  6. 1 minute ago, King Heffy said:

    Let me see if I can make you understand.  There is one hospital bed for the following people:

    Billy-Joe is 36, unvaccinated and now needs a ventilator.

    Susan is 56, has early stage cancer but delaying treatment lowers her chance of survival.


    Who gets the bed?

    I don't know. Two very sick people that both need medical care.


    But we live in a country where people are allowed to choose what is best for themselves right or wrong. I hope that never changes. Picking out not getting a Covid vaccine among all other detrimental health choices is not correct or honest.

    • Haha 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Hamhuis Hip Check said:

    We already discriminate based on need when required, like organs for example. If you drink yourself into a stupor for 10 years straight you arent getting a new liver when you need one. Why should icu beds be any different right now since we are at or near capacity

    Well, these are people that need medical help and our healthcare system is based on the fundamental principle that everyone is free to access medical care. I am not really sure about your drinking/liver replacement example being true or valid to be honest, as I have never heard of that situation before. But it is not really the same thing. Nobody chooses to catch Covid.


    People end up in the hospital all the time making choices that were poor for their health. We decided that we would come together as a country to support all people when they needed this help. Changing that now seems wrong.


    8 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

    So you're writing a very large cheque on behalf of all taxpayers while trying to use cost as an argument against mandates.  Got it.

    Healthcare is already one of our leading costs and we have accepted to pay that. Their is no guarantee that this high cost you foresee even happens. Again most people are already vaxxed or have recovered from Covid hopefully mitigating any further costs to our healthcare system.

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 minute ago, King Heffy said:

    Who do you propose to foot the bill for the increased unvaccinated hospitalizations as a result of allowing them around civilized Canadians for no reason?  

    Same as it is now, Canadian taxpayer. Why would we start discriminating who receives hospital care? That seems exactly counter to what our healthcare philosophy is based on.

    • Cheers 1
  9. 1 minute ago, King Heffy said:

    No normal person is ok with the BS these dirtbags are pulling.  These are the worst people in the whole country, which by definition is not normal.

    They are protesting peacefully. This is what the democratic process is supposed to entail.

    • Haha 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, EOTM said:

    Go look at the list of donation amounts and tell me those are coming from the average Canadian citizen when 47% of Canadians are living paycheck to paycheck.


    C'mon, you people can't be this blind. These people hate you and use you but you just keep bending that knee to them....and then bend the other one.

    I have. Chipping in $20 - $50 is doable for many.

  11. Just now, King Heffy said:

    The reality is that most Canadians are sick of this tantrum.  Keep these pieces of garbage our of society if they are not able to behave like adults.  Extend the vax pass to literally every store and stop coddling these parasites.

    The reality is most Canadians are sick of these mandates. People like you, that hate make me sad.

  12. Freedom Convoy 2022 Go Fund me is now over $9 million in contributions.


    This is supported by a great many Canadians that are done with these destructive, divisive mandates. People can keep trying to ignore or misrepresent what this protest is about, but the reality is your fellow Canadians want these mandates ended.

    • Haha 2
  13. 21 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

    Actually, it wasn't.


    Firstly, the article starts off with the obviously incorrect claim of the convoy including 50,000 trucks. 70 km long, it says, which does not equal 50,000 trucks. It equals less than 5000. The rest is about as factual....

    Nice nit pick, got anything else?


    Be truthful though, did you even consider reading this article with an open mind?

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  14. 4 minutes ago, stawns said:

    What damage to children do you see?


    One small segment has split themselves off.  The rest of us are pulling in the same direction to get out of this.


    I think Canada has done a remarkable job of balancing health and economy.  Did you there wasn't going to be pain and suffering in a global pandemic?


    The Canadian dollar sits at .80.  I can remember when it was in the low .60's......and that wasn't during a pandemic


    Again, did you think a pandemic was going to be a cake walk? 

    Kids not being able to function socially or having socialization inhibited is a huge problem, as well as being in a state on constant fear.

    I see one group piling on top of another here, needlessly.


    I guess we will see, but the effects of what we have done to the economy will not present themselves immediatley.


    The USD is devalued too.


    Nope, never expected it to be a cake walk, but ignoring the damage caused by the implemented measures is foolish.

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  15. Just now, King Heffy said:

    Because I don't want the hospitals to be completely overrun.  The pieces of trash throwing a tantrum because they can't handle consequences for their stupid choices do not get to dictate what happens here.

    We are past that point of the hospitals being overrun. We now have the pandemic under control.

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  16. Just now, thedestroyerofworlds said:

    You realize that the few who haven't represent a large number of people.  Them getting infected in a short amount of time can still overwhelm the healthcare system.  So no, let her rip is not a plan.

    So far that has not come close to materializing.

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