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Posts posted by AFrame14

  1. Excellent season boys. $&!#ty way to end it though. Really thought we were gonna win in ot. Still,enjoyed watching the Rockets play this year and will be curious to see what the backend looks like next season with no bowey and Morrissey.

    Also to that argument about the csnucks.not.dratying bc whl players. Well they def should look to kelowna more. Team is a d man factory

  2. I would wet my pants if we landed vanek. Could you imagine him with the Sedins... omg.

    The cap hit is a bit hard to swallow though but he is a great player. Up to Master JB to decide.

    Did You watch him in the playoffs? No thanks. We need to build a contender the proper way, thru the draft

  3. Hmm too bad I liked him too


    As a person or a hockey player? Lol

    One year to late IMO, but he obv couldn't be bought out due to injuries. Bennin must be planning on using that cap

    Space because I kinda

    Expected them to let booth play out his final year and see if he could stay healthy


    guy seems to be doing pretty damn fine at 38 and no stamkos lol

    silly points

    ya and if we sign lucic and benn schroeder will be a superstar

    lets all play the hypothetical game to back up silly arguments

    What that poster was suggesting was that if St. Louis wasn't playing with Richards and lecavilar when he first went to Tampa, ( he wasn't as good then), he prolly would not of developed into the player he is now. You are saying that he is a good small player now, regardless of the great players he was playing with when still developing into a top 6 player.

  5. just another offensively skilled player whose confidence and creativity were killed by being forced into the mold of a "two-way player" before getting even a sniff at the nhl level.

    i believe the canucks development philosophy is the biggest reason why their draft picks fail and they have no offense. they should let their offensive prospects get a foothold at the nhl level by playing to their skill set, allowing them to build their confidence and believe they're actually nhl players BEFORE asking them to change their game and adding in the responsibility of solid defensive awareness.

    Ohh you mean like how the oilers treat their prospects? Throw them all into the NHL before they are physically ready and watch them play in a losing environment for several seasons, all the while they develop a poor two way game? Sounds good man, sounds good

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  6. As a former mod I ask the mods to give me some leeway here as this needs to be said.

    When you ask what is wrong with this team, look at yourself first.

    I've been reading the Kesler thread and I can't fathom why people are making up rumours to somehow justify trading him. I don't know personally whether that is the best move or not for this team, that's up to Jim Benning and Trevor Linden.

    The thing is, when rumour mongers from other fanbases spread their lies in an attempt to create dissent between the Canucks fanbase and team itself, it somehow works. I can't think of any other sports franchise in North America where this occurs except maybe the Yankees. The difference is they actually win championships.

    I honestly don't know what to say, our fanbase is the laughing stock of the NHL and the Kesler thread just proves it. You are all mindless lemmings doing the bidding of eastern media types who want nothing more than to see our team fail, you are part of the problem, and you don't even realize it. It's happened so many times before with players on this team. I'm 33 years old so I know a thing or two about the BS that happens with this team, quit being played like a fiddle because it's shamefully pathetic.

    Support the team and it's players, and if they do end up leaving don't trash them on the way out. I'm deeply disappointed with the lack of courtesy towards this team on our boards. Yeah they had a bad year, try being a fan in the 80's or late 90s, you're spoiled little children who don't know any better, but there is hope. Support the Canucks, the players who we have, because who is going to want to play for us, if all we ever do is turn on them?

    Trading Kesler could be what's best for this team if the return is a first round pick, top prospect and a roster player. I have no problem with van trading kes if Benning thinks it will make the team better. This is a stupid topic

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  7. Im not gonna lie I don't know much about the top prospects aside from ekblad, Reinhardt, and Bennett. But u got me convinced op. Haha sounds like a beast who can skate fast and put the puck in the net. Plus if he's from

    Bc then that is a bonus. Seems like everyone agrees he is a good player but taking him at 6 would be too soon. Isn't the talent drop off after the top 5 in this draft!? I say take the local kid

  8. I am listening to Dan Russell tonight, he is hoping that Burrows' hand is fractured. What the hell is wrong with that guy?

    They are also giving Eddie Lack a hard time for having 'too easy' of a night.

    I swear that guy and his cohorts spew venom any chance they get.

    Any updates on burrs injury?
  9. I'm not bring up another Hodgson VS Kassian thread. We should be already past that.

    What would you guys do with Kassian this off season? I would probably just offer him a 2 year contract worth $1million/year.

    He's 23 now and I think for the next 2 years if he's still putting up similar stats he should be considerred a AHLer/4th liner.

    With Jensen now emerging, if Kassian still doesn't pan out like we hope, this could be his last contract with the canucks.

    Lol you must of read tony G's negative article about kassian. For what gillis gave up to get him, kassian isn't going anywhere. He's still young, power forwards take a while and I think kassian has improved a lot this year. Next year will be his coming out! And honestly, if he never develops into a top 6 I could still see him being a sick third liner who can score around 20 goals every year. Comparing him to Jensen isn't a good idea as they play quite different styles.

  10. Honestly does anyone else really expect the Canucks to win anymore? It is what it is, our team is awful now. Gillis is the one to blame, but he can still turn it completely around if he moves Kesler for the right pieces and we get another top ten pick this year. I'm fine with the Canucks not making the playoffs if it speeds up the process of rebuilding, as long as the rebuild is done properly. ( opposite of edm)

  11. The Canucks won back to back Presidents Trophies followed by a division title. They then got smacked with a salary cap reduction.

    Gillis managed to keep that core together while making several small moves that were phenomenal in hindsight.

    At the time I was frustrated when he moved Corey Schneider, despite us having Luongo, a good young back-up and Lack, plus adding a blue chip prospect. I was hoping he would get at least a fringe 2nd line player or solid bottom pairing defenseman in addition to that pick.

    Mike Santorelli and Ryan Stanton. Incredible pick-ups! More or less discarded players that provided insane value for their contracts.

    Richardson was also a strong free agent signing. Re-upping Sestito for two years was a smart move as well (at the time it was terrible).

    Again Mike Gillis added a good free prospect in Kellan Lain.

    Considering he had very little to work with Gillis made excellent, shrewd moves in the offseason both brining in guys who contributed for cheap while also building for the future.

    I put the blame of this season mostly on the players, perhaps on the coaching, but not on MG.

    Gillis is the one on top and deserves the blame for this season. It's his stupid moves over te past few years which have resulted in the Canucks becoming what they are, a team that can't score and will prolly miss the playoffs . It's up to him to fix his mess and he has a huge opportunity to do so before the deadline and the draft by trading away Kesler and edler

  12. Sedins have absolutely no confidence and refuse to do anything productive to try to regain it. Unfortunate that this game is one Lu should have stolen for us. He was a beast.

    It's pretty obv that Hansen with the twins actually makes them worse. Need burr back or throw kassian with them already

  13. CBC's television schedule it OUT and its annual neglect towards the Canucks is back IN.

    There are a mere 15 Canucks regular season games on CBC this year. Meanwhile, Toronto gets 25 games, and Montreal gets 29 games. This is not right. I recognize those two markets are bigger, but that should not be an issue for CBC. With TSN and Sportsnet, it's fine. But there's a difference. CBC is the ONLY television station that broadcasts NHL games at taxpayers' expense.

    It is a public broadcaster with a MANDATE to "reflect Canada and its regions to national and regional audiences, while serving the special needs of those regions."

    With its Saturday night double-header, CBC airs two regional broadcasts for the first billing. That allows far more eastern team broadcasts. In this day and age, there is no stopping CBC from showing TWO regional broadcasts for its second billing as well. But it doesn't.

    Why does it matter?

    How it affects fans

    - Canucks are NOT given enough exposure in other regions, while Westerns continue to get inundated with Leafs / Habs games. This translates into brainwashing by CBC to those who watch CBC and not cable, and these brainwashed fans continue to infiltrate Canucks home games whenever Leafs / Habs come to play.

    How it affects you individually

    - YOUR tax dollars are disproportionately paying for airings of Leafs / Habs games. As in, when you buy a car, some clothes, or a Canucks jersey, part of those taxes are going to Don Cherry and all the related fees and expenses to air Maple Leaf and Habs games across Canada.

    How it affects the players

    - CBC is a lead company in dictating the NHL schedule every year. Their influence impacts each Canadian team's schedules. You'll see Toronto has home games on Saturdays 95% of the time. Believe it or not, this translates into a more balanced work-life schedule for the players, being home every weekend, and a generally more consistent schedule. Canucks will often play Fridays, Sundays, all over North America.

    We pay for CBC. We, the fans, should demand two regional broadcasts on the western billing. CBC will still make a profit, and it would help CBC to address its own mandate to reflect Canada and its regions to national and regional audiences, while serving the special needs of those regions.

    Is this because CBC hates van or is it that sportsnet pacific has paid more to broadcast more Canucks games than CBC. Could also be that CBC realizes they get more views and therefore money if they play more leafs and habs game. I don't care and honestly would rather shorty do play by play

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