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Bertuzzi Babe

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Posts posted by Bertuzzi Babe

  1. ^^Real talk.

    As long as he's not stupid, he should be ok

    At 14, isn't that a state of being?

    And having a bit of a giggle at the thought of a 16 year old dispensing advice on 14 year olds getting drunk.....y'all have much growing and learning yet to do, grasshoppers. :)

    • Upvote 1
  2. Say it ain't so, Charlie .. say it ain't so:

    Hide from your soul if you can ..

    I hate it that this song will forever be associated with that Charles...... it deserves so much better than that. :(

    My most favourite and fun Beatles song! It makes me bounce.......

    • Upvote 1
  3. One of my most favourite songs ever! Usually played either before or just after this favourite.....

    Just imagine the music he would have made had he not been killed. Still don't believe the 'official' story of that night.

    • Upvote 1
  4. A relatively new recording of an old song, that warms me to the core of who I am:

    "For once I'd be the only one dry" .. :mellow:

    So funny, C, I was going to post Old Dogs, Children and Watermelon Wine tonight! :) It's a favourite......one of those songs that makes me want to cry every time I hear it! But cry in a good way.....

    Can't believe he wrote it on a barf bag! :lol:

    The version I listen to most......the original recording.....


    Have such an urge to be waltzing......... wanna dance, C?

    That night I dreamed in peaceful sleep of shady summertime

    Of old dogs and children and watermelon wine..........

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  5. This seems to be a habit .. I log off for the night and listen to music to find rest .. and my love for the song overtakes my need to lie down .. rather, it calls to me to share it .. someday, Miz T of the Q .. someday the sea will gently break before you, ah if to only ride the quell as it ebbs to the shore ..

    The intricacies of the melody and peripheral instruments is true beauty ..

    I'm sorry I missed this last night, T7.......when the sea gently breaks .......as most assuredly it will .....when I make my way to the shore......I'll be standing there with those of my heart.......champions they be..... and we'll ride the quell together.....

    I find sometimes.....even though I love my heavier music rocking the walls down.....that music as beautiful as this is almost better listened to through earphones so you don't miss a single note.......a single word........

    In keeping with last nights "good night" song, Ry Cooder and the Chieftains once again:

    This song oozes "artistry" .. many threads forming a beautiful mosaic ..

    Artsy....beautiful.......many threads woven together to create a masterpiece..a beautiful song......now logged into favourites!

    • Upvote 1
  6. Slid into country mode this morning......love this song despite the 'twang'.....

    You know you could've been a gambler

    Whose luck was running low....

    Or just another drifter

    Without a single place to go....

    You could have been a broken dreamer

    Without a penny to your name....

    I would've loved you

    I would've loved you.....

    Just The Same......

    • Upvote 1
  7. I had a cassette of The Road to Bayamon some twenty-five or so years back and I sure do miss it. I saw the Tom Russell Band at the Town Pump back in 89-90 and he and his crack band played everything from Road To Bayamon and Poor Man's Dream. There were maybe thirty of us there. It was like having them perform in my living room. It was pretty incredible.

    I would have loved to see Tom Russell in that sort of setting....there's something so intimate about being with a very small crowd like that and feeling like you're a part of the music, a part of the band. How incredibly lucky of you to have that experience with such a great artist! Sometimes this living in the boonies is no fun.......though getting to see Valdy and Gary Fjellgard in that sort of setting is very, very cool! They both come to town (or the Wells Folk Festival) once or twice a year and I'm right there, front and centre, when they do! Now if only we could get Tom to play PG....it would be worth the drive to see him! The old songs.....the ones from Road To Bayamon.....I'd give anything to hear those live!

    • Upvote 1
  8. This song by Patti reminded me so much of all the old time country dances I went to with my Dad .. he had a dance band that played all the Community Halls in the North Thompson Valley .. "Tennessee Waltz" was the last song played at every dance, and many is the night I ended up dance partners with a farm wife (she lead) for that last dance of the night/morning .. I was 7 to 12 years old. and she was 180 pounds and gentle .. hubby was passed out in the back of the car ..

    So here is my favorite song from that era :

    And to move it forward, a great "cover" version of "Waltz" ..


    Jesse is a treasure ..

    OMG, the days of singing along to Hank Snow at home and in the car (my sibs and I always referred to him as Hank 'Slush' as we were NOT fans but you know, today we know all the words to all his songs and tend to sing along when one is perpetrated upon us! My Dad loved his music... I think he owned every album Hank ever recorded - thanks Dad! :lol:) Pardon me, if I'm sentimental, when we say goodbye...... don't get angry with me should I cry..... *sigh*

    And Jesse Winchester.......... oh man.........his All Of Your Stories......lonely late night listening tunes.......*sniffle*.......would love to hang out at a concert of his.........and sing along.......

    • Upvote 1
  9. My dad was an 'oldies fan' in his day and as a kid, my sibs and I would watch him and my mom waltz around the living room after supper to this....my brother got married a few years ago and he and his new wife chose this as their wedding song to honour my parents...... *sniffle*

    And my ultimate, all time favourite. Patti Page song of all time .......(too bad it was the theme song for a horror movie! :lol:). RIP in Patti........

    • Upvote 2
  10. Agree about Mimi's beautiful voice. I am a Joan Baez fan as well. Richard Farina was destined for big things in music and had just published his first novel two days prior to his death at just twenty-nine years. Sad, he would have been one of the major stars of the sixties that we remember today.

    He would indeed.....it's so sad when such talent is gone far too soon and the world never gets to know what heights that talent would have risen to. :(

    So I went wandering......and was simply gob-smacked to find this song......a favourite, an absolute favourite I haven't heard in years......it saw plenty of airplay in our home while growing up........my dad was an Ian and Sylvia fan....... (before Ian went country)... and passed his love of folk music on to all his kids!

    The sound quality isn't the greatest (needs to be turned way up) but I couldn't find any other recording of it on youtube....it needs to be Ian and Sylvia! :)

    Life had forgot the caring hearts , dreams that were lost to fade above.

    Then the creators of rain created love.

    I was that dream that love had made... to search in endless hope and faith.

    Then the creators of love created you, created you, created you…..created me,...created you…… for me......

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