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Posts posted by Buzzinator

  1. i havent read through this thread or anything, but i'm curious

    do any of you not drive (at all) in vancouver? how do you find the public transportation is for you? obviously its got some flaws, but how does not owning a car (or at least not driving it as often as some others do) work out for you?

    Too lazy to get even my L, but I plan to do that soon. I take the Canada Line to Langara everyday, and I haven't had any problems with it. Saves me the extra 10-20 minutes or so if I had to take the 98 B-Line and then transfer at 49th. I find that I've centered the places I go to nowadays so that they're close to the Canada Line, so I can maximize the use of my U-Pass, which is $163?/3 months. I find transit in general very handy, and quick. No more No. 3 road nightmares.

  2. At the ends of the platform, there are lasers that beam lights and detect any intrusion beyond a certain point of the yellow strip. It's all automatic.

    There are more lasers on the track itself at stations. If even an object falls, the whole system grinds to a hault and green shirts will be radioed in to find out what's wrong.

    On the old Expo Line, all the have are metal plates on the tracks that detect weight (someone falling on the tracks). Trains will stop if weight is detected. On the newer Millennium Line, infrared sensors are located along the tracks at the stations...again, trains will come to an immediate hault if an intrusion is detected. And of course, the Canada Line goes even further than what we have for the Millennium Line.

    Of interest, under the "Fair Paid Zone" signs at the ticketing concourses in each Canada Line staion there are infrared sensors that count the number of passengers the Canada Line sees each day.

    Interesting, never knew about that. Thanks.

  3. Interesting bus ride today. Boarded the 430 today at Bridgeport. Driver looked half drunk or stoned or something. Pretty sure he was speeding too, in the middle of traffic. At one stop, he closes the back doors even when someone was still getting out. Not sure if the back doors are automated or not, but that was pretty reckless if they aren't. Then, he completely drives past me and this woman's stop, and we both had to yell for him to stop so we could get off.

  4. Gee, walking through the rain was a terrible idea. I had to board the 403 and get off two stops later, because of the dumb construction work on the other side of No. 3 Road between Cooney and Alderbridge.

  5. Yeah, some rowdy guy decided it'd be a good idea to stick his head out when the doors were about to close. Felt sorry for the attendants at Langara-49th, they always have to deal with people who get on before people get off. Today was particularly bad with the delays. You'd think they learn with those annoying announcements every 30 seconds.

  6. Been a week since I started using the Canada Line, and it's not bad. I get on at Lansdowne at about 8 AM every morning, and it's mostly packed. Everyone's stupid and gets on at the front though, so I just sneak to the back. Two things I hate:

    1. When people try and get on when others are trying to get off. They even have announcements about that, yet people still ignore it.

    2. The sudden stop at each station. Seen my share of people almost falling down because of that little added boost at the end.

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