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The Situation

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Posts posted by The Situation

  1. I think its going to be a pretty even fight. Look at a lot of Silva's past fights and you will see him hesitant to lead the strikes. He loves to counter which is what he is brilliant at and why he needs to goad his opponent to lead. Weidman has trained for Silva's taunts and knows better. The fighters who give Silva the most trouble are wrestlers such as Sonnen. However, Sonnen lacked striking ability which Weidman has plenty of. I definitely look forward to this rematch.

    The GSP Hendricks fight is not so exciting for me. Sure, Hendricks has great knock out power but GSP has dealt with great strikers before. Remember that last fight with Hendricks vs Condit? By the third round, Hendricks was tired. A five round fight would have easily went to Condit.

  2. Also, ephedrine isn't illegal. Its just not allowed in professional sports. I know some people who stack ephedrine with caffeine to increase their metabolism. However, I would not recommend it because it probably fracks your heart up.

  3. Jon DUI Bones Jones has lost all respect from me.

    By definition, he is a coward, there is really no disputing that.

    Sure, Tristar gym's specialty is to completely analyze the other opponent and train specifically to counter them. Other gyms might try something similar but nowhere near to the extent Tristar does. Chael Sonnen, however, is just as much in the dark and hasn't had the time to even condition himself for the fight let alone analyze Jones' past fights.

    His selfish decision has cost the UFC a lot of money but most of all it let down a lot of fans. I really hope he loses to Machida and this is coming from a former Jones fan.

    • Upvote 1
  4. I hate when fighters do this Jones vs Silva won't happen.

    Mayweather vs Pacquaio won't happen.

    GSP vs Silva won't happen.

    Why can't these fighters just suck it up and fight each other, to find out who is truly better!

    I am content with the way it is in the UFC. Its not fair for Silva because Jon Jones has such a great reach and size advantage. Likewise, Silva would have the size advantage over GSP. Jones' body size is perfectly suited for Light Heavyweight just like Silva's is perfectly suited for Middleweight and GSP for Welterweight. It won't really prove who is better fighter overall, it just proves who is better at that particular weight class.

    Pacquiao vs Mayweather is more about Mayweather being an arrogant prick who wants a larger share of the money.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Best bus.

    Can easily rivel the capacity of LRT at much lower cost.

    RRT is justified but the public does not want another cut and cover trench and there's no money for such a large project.

    But RRT would save me so much time getting from UBC to downtown on a Friday night. Then again, by the time its done, I will have graduated long ago.

  6. http://www.vancouver...7552/story.html

    I guess no UFC in Vancouver for the next little while.

    Probably due to some bureaucratic BS from the mayor and company.

    Good job, it's not like Vancouver isn't boring enough as is....

    It really came down to two events since the Montreal one is obvious because of GSP's return in November. Calgary has had zero MMA events and they have really been hungering for it. Its not like there was a bunch of events in every major city but Vancouver. Take off your partisan goggles.

    Judging by your username, avatar and sig it's no surprise you'd think this douchebag is awesome.

    His act has gotten real old real fast.


    • Upvote 1
  7. I am not a fan of this decision to install turnstiles. The people who are evading fares probably aren't going to be riding anyway now that they are installed and if they really want to, they will just jump the gate. I don't think the increased sales will make up the cost but lets hope for the best. I would rather they just hire more Translink staff (not transit police because they cost too much) to check for tickets.

    I think that public washrooms would be a terrible idea. Its not going to increase ridership by much if at all. These washrooms will also be incredible dirty unless constantly cleaned and imagine the cost of that.

  8. Morrowind tossed in you into a hostile alien world with a steep learning curve and made you deal with it, Oblivion held your hand the whole way and too much about it just seem canned and scripted.

    I don't want to say that Oblivion wasn't an awesome experience or anything, but it was clearly developed with more of a younger, "lighter" target audience in mind. I expect the trend to continue with Skyrim.

    Yep, unfortunately.

    Skyrim Streamlining Removes Confusion, Says Bethesda

    Bethesda is hoping that players will be able to make their ideal character first time in Skyrim.

    Skyrim design director Todd Howard said that the streamlining of some of the game's systems compared to previous Elder Scrolls games is not about increasing accessibility for new players, but removing confusion for everyone.

    For Skyrim, Bethesda has reduced the number of statistics and eliminated certain skills, like Hand to Hand. It wasn't about dumbing things down though, as Howard said that the Elder Scrolls game sold well enough without stripping the complexity out of them.

    The problem, he said, was that previous Bethesda games had asked players to make choices on skills and classes before they had proper understanding of what they did, which was less than ideal. "In our games or others' games, they give you a character menu and say, 'Who do you want to be, what powers do you want?' [Players think,] 'I don't know, I haven't played yet!'"

    What Bethesda was trying to avoid, he said, was putting players in a situation where they felt they'd made bad choices. "What happens in Oblivion is you start the game, play for three hours, and then think 'I want to start over, I chose wrong.' So we'd like to sort of alleviate some of that. I also think the controls work better [too] ... it's more elegant."

    Bethesda's never going to make everyone happy when it changes something. Some players will like a lot of complexity in their RPGs, while others can't stand it. Whichever camp you might fall into though, it's hard to argue that removing confusion is a bad thing. You can build amazing systems, but if no one can figure out how to use them, then the effort is wasted.

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim comes out for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 on November 11th.

    Source: Gamasutra


  9. I recently got a new computer. I'm able to run the old oblivion on full graphics and there is not the slightest hint of lag whatsoever.

    I'm stoked for the new one now considering I will be able to play with graphics maxed and it will run flawlessly.

    What? Playing Oblivion, a game that came out five years ago at max settings doesn't mean you can play the latest one at max settings and have it run flawlessly.

    The jump in graphics from Morrowind to Oblivion was huge and the jump from Oblivion to Skyrim is expected to be no less.

  10. This game is going to be a nightmare for completionists like me, lol. A nightmare, or maybe a good way to pass a year or two of time.

    Maybe they will stick in accomplishments like owning every horse or whatever to give people a sense of accomplishment because if it is like the last Elder Scrolls game, it won't really have an end to it because of the replenishing generic enemies. I preferred the Morrowind style of unique NPCs and a feeling of finished the game after clearing out every last dungeon.

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