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Posts posted by Soundgarden

  1. Anyone have the map pack yet?

    Yes and a complete waste of 15$, I really can't understand how I paid 30$ for 6 new maps and 1 map IW put in for major LOLs. 

    -Fuel is a campers paradise and the whole time I was playing was getting OMA/DC. It could turn out to be a decent map once everybody figures it out but as of right now, it blows. 

    -Trailer park also belongs to campers who set up their claymores in trailers and don't move the entire match. This map is also fun for spawn camping, even when holding down C and B we ended up getting spawn trapped, AWESOME IW!

    -Carnival is the only decent map out of the map pack.

    -Vacant is what you would expect before this map pack even came out. It belongs to people who OMA/DC all day long. None stop noobtubes/RPGs/thumpers/AT4, people think SMGs work in close quarters but lose to SPAS-12/AA-12 users. I stayed outside majority of the time to stay away from the BS. 

    If you are willing to spend the 15$ on 3 maps then go ahead but I'm disappointed in myself for ever spending 30$ for 6 maps. 

  2. I heard they're patching OMA. Apparently you can only do it once, then it disappears. Don't know if it's true, but then people will use Scavenger. CoD4 was soo much better, you couldn't do anything like unlimited noob tubes and running and knifing.

    Cod4 > MW2

    Patch it again, they said they would patch it when the DLC came out for 360 and what changed? Nothing from what I could tell, people said all it did was add 1 second. Though I agree with you this game is a mess, hopefully the rumours from Treyarch are true and they will remove some of the mess IW started. Bye, Bye commando. 

  3. So IW is out after they made a complete mess of this game, guess they shouldnt of thought so highly of themselves and made a beta before the community found so many flaws in their game. I for one dont really care who makes the game, IW or Treyarch, I liked them both and enjoyed them both, all I want is for somebody to finish the story for MW because right now, its a cliffhanger and they better not end it here or I will be pissed!

  4. Do you guys ever get games where just nothing seem to work, your guns seem so underpowered compared to everybody else?

    I was playing on Terminal and I was pretty close to this guy, shooting my silenced M4A1 at his head and it felt like I needed to empty my whole clip on him before he finally died. Then later I was playing on Sub Base, it seemed like I was dying in 2 shots at distance from the UMP (no stopping power) but my Vector at close range needed more than half its clip. What got me the most was at close range with the spas-12, first shot=hit maker, second shot=hit maker, third shot=dead. 3 freaking shots all very close range with a shotgun. Next guy needed 2 shots at close range. 

    I stopped playing, it jus felt like my guns were nothing compared to everybody else, then again I get days were it seems I only need 2 shots with any gun from long range to take people out, all shotguns seem 1 hit kill from max distance. Luck of the draw I guess.

  5. No noob tubes/thumpers/LAUNCHERS? Lucky..

    No, they were too busy hiding in the corner waiting for their endless care packages to drop. I havent really had many games with those people lately but Im sure once the patch comes out everybody will switch over to OMA/DC.

    Reply to Gaz:

    I dont do it back because thats not the kind of person I am. I dont need to cheat to get kills and I dont need to ruin the game for other people. Most of the games I play, it only has 2-3 bad apples, why should I ruin the game for those other 15 people who are not glitching?

  6. I think it kinda depends on what level/prestige you are. The better people in this game use headsets... so if they hear you, you're done. But they're also more experienced with scrambler so they will know exactly how far away you are from them. I would personally use SitRep or steady aim over scrambler if you're also not going to use ninja. I have ninja in all my classes except for my sniper classes.

    What do you use for Snipers, Steady Aim Pro?

  7. 5 straight immature, douchebag care package glitchers in 5 straight games. IN 5 DIFFERENT LOBBYS!

    I honestly haven't been really mad at IW + Microsoft until now. I understand that glitches happen but why the hell is it taking so long to fix this?!

    From my understanding, PSN approved the patch but moments later people found a way to still do the CP glitch and either Microsoft caught it or just saw the PSN players still doing it rejected the patch. So really, I guess its kudos to Microsoft for not giving us a patch that dosnt work. 

    Maybe when Modern Warfare 3 comes out, IW wont think so highly of themselves and give us a beta to find all the problems with their broken game. Maybe then we wouldnt have CP glitches, elevators, overpowered guns and just flat out horrible spawn system. 

  8. Oh :( Still annoying though, I had a good streak.

    Why don't people split up when there's a Pred Missile in the air? Like... wtf? Run the other way, jackass! It's like they want to be killed.

    Because people in this game are retarded? It is way more annoying when you have Cold Blooded on and people without it follow you around and they get you killed by the predator missile. When I dont have Cold Blooded on a class the second I see its in the air I try to run for cover, some people I guess think its a great idea to bunch up. Maybe they will stop it some how. :P

    :lol: How many of you actually have legit stats (no boosting, no glitches, etc.)?

    I do, I honestly can't stand people who suck so bad at the game they need to be outside the map, miles in the air or countless care packages to do their work. I dont see the point at cheating in a video game besides its "fun." I have countless messages from people asking me to give them 1600 MS points or 3 month free trial to Live for a 10th prestige lobby.

  9. In headquarters right?? on the PS3?

    No, I was playing it on Ground War Domination. 

    Okay.. the care-package glitch is getting annoying.

    Some guy constantly called in harriers, pavelows, choppers, etc.

    Wow.. please fix this asap IW.

    Apparently IW has fixed it and sent the patches to both PS3 and Microsoft but need testing. Yeah testing! I guess thats one thing PC gamers have over consoles, they dont have to play months of bs gaming and cheating.

  10. EDIT: And what's with all these peeps having like 5 Emergency Airdrops? Seriously.. I was in this game and some guy had like 5 Chopper Gunners/AC130.

    It works the same way people keep getting endless care packages, you hit the same button layout and you can throw down as many EAD markers as you wish. Played a game on Underpass and this guy had the whole A spawn point littered with atleast 40+ care packages. For some reason people on the other team thought it was awesome and funny, I love endless Harriers, Airstrikes, AC130's, Chopper Gunners and Stealth bombers.  :rolleyes:

  11. Does anybody play this game without cheating anymore? Every game I go into has somebody or many people doing unlimited care packages or the all time worst EAD. People outside of the map on Favela, Derail, Karachi. This game has started to be unplayable and really unjoyable, how long does it take IW to patch this crap or are they still going down the road they dont care about you once you purchase?

  12. It's all about balancing the game (that being said, they didn't do a very good job with other things). The last thing people would want is people running around with sniper rifles killing people with one shot anywhere on the body.

    I'm sorry, I worded that wrong, what I meant was snipers are OHK to the head while every other gun you need more than one shot for a headshot. (Unless you are standing really close to him but any shot from a distance means more than 1 bullet has to enter the head.) 

    I guess I'm just complaining a little too much but I'm just getting tired of shooting people in the head multi-times any to keep getting hit markers and some of the time, them getting away. 

  13. I'm so happy lately. Over the past week my KDR has gone from .63 to .71 :D

    Also do you get anything extra and stuff if you prestige up?

    You unlock more titles and emblems you wouldnt be able to get without prestige, every odd number prestige you get an extra custom class and you get more gun challenges plus a veteran challenges.

    What's the best way to run fast using a knife? When my friends play private matches with me they always do it. I know you use Marathon and lightweight but what else is there?

    Best way is marathon with lightweight + commando so you can knife people 2 feet away basically. I really dont know any other ways to run faster besides if you are holding a care package.

    Ohh yeah, like 23Qwerty just said, use either the MP5K or UMP45.

  14. this public privae match thing is rediculous

    I dont mind it so much, I joined a domination game were it didnt matter if you captured the points, you needed 1,000 kills to win the match. So you got a crap load of challenges done and a lot of xp. Played demolition 9 on 9 so that was another game were you could get a bunch of free points and the game lasted forever. 

    I do have a problem with the chipmunks fast paced game. If you havent had it yet its were the game is played at a very high speed and everybody has those high pitched squeaky voices. Atleast the unlimited ammo glitch was fun, this is just annoying.  

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