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Silfverberg Snipes

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Blog Entries posted by Silfverberg Snipes

  1. Silfverberg Snipes
    Well, it's about ten thirty and the Canucks have managed to typically lose another tight game to a non playoff team. I can't help but think this gives me grounds to tack on a couple of extra things on my birthday wish list.

    1. Please Gillis, open your eyes and see that grinders are not getting this team anywhere. This may come as a bit of a joke but our most successful second line with core had Raymond and an old, skilled player as Kesler's wingers. You would think that Sundin and Samuelsson excelling and Booth, Higgins, Santorelli failing would have taught you something. Kesler NEEDS players with poise on his wing. Shoot first players just do not cut it. I'm hoping that this has occurred to you because Prospal is a great signing in my opinion and I hope he gets a look on Kesler's wing because he would be an EXCELLENT fit.

    2. Please Torts, open your eyes and see that Kassian is NEVER going to be the defensively responsible, hard working player you envision as your prototypical hockey player. Playing coy and looking lazy is just his way of going about things, and it works! Telling him to play more physical and trying to mould him into a prototypical power-forward will never work. He is a play-maker at heart and he knows it. It's such a treat to watch him slow the game down to his pace and watching the gears turn inside his head along the boards. He is going to progress very slowly under the 'earn your ice-time' mentality. He has been bounced up and down the line-up all year and it is only hurting his development. Feed him second line minutes and power-play time and mark my words, he will flourish.

    3. Please Gillis, I'm begging you not to trade any of Edler, Hansen, Kesler, Burrows or the Twins. Throw Bieksa in there if you feel like it too. These are the only players along with Kassian who are constantly attempting to play the puck possession hockey that made us successful in the first place. It is EXTREMELY frustrating to watch them being dragged down by their line-mates. And I know the frustration that I'm feeling must be present in their minds as well.

    4. Please Hockey Gods, I'm praying for you to bless the Canucks with a healthy roster for next season because I have full faith in the Canucks coming back full swing. I don't think people realize enough how much of a change losing Booth in the off season could bring. Schroeder on a bridge contract at 3C and Kassian becoming a fixture on Kesler's wing will happen. And our offence will explode in a big way. The only things that need to be added are a veteran, skilled winger for our second line which could be had for cheap and a purely offensive defence-man.

    Thank you,


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