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Posts posted by dajusta

  1. Oh my goodness, just came back to this thread after many years and find out it's coming to an end?


    Thank you to all the people who put in time and energy into supporting this forum.  I've been here since 04 I think (when it was on another platform, and eventually it was migrated over).  *Edit, I've been here since Jan 03!*


    Have people talked about a discord channel or something to continue the Canucks talk?  There are so many other threads and forums too.  Politics talk, off topic talk, etc.

  2. That's Fedors M.O. He always bleeds. he always takes some punches. He always looks like someone can take advantage of him. He always wins.


    So who's next for Fedor in Strikeforce? Once he beats Overeem and Werdum, there's going to be nobody left unless they sign some young guys.

    The UFC has Carwin, Velasquez and Dos Santos. Those are the guys he's going to have to go through at some time. I couldn't care less about Lesnar.

    You mean, what's next for Lesnar?

    Dana was just BEGGING to get Fedor into the UFC to fight Lesnar, but now after Carwin (and i guess Lesnar will win), what's next for Lesnar??

    Fedor can go through Overeem, Werdum, and pretty much retire his legendary status. He can pull a Floydweather and come out of retirement once the right guy comes along. Lesnar can't do that. He's a Mike Tyson with no opponents around him.

  3. The UFC doesn't have to cross promote anything. Cross promotion may work for an up start company, but not for a company with the size and global reach and appeal that the UFC has.

    I disagree. UFC is dominant in North America, not globally.

    Fedor doesn't need to be in the UFC to establish his greatness. He is already considered a legend, and that was before he beat Tim Silvia and Andre Arlovski.

    If Dana White truly wanted Fedor, he would have done everything to get him. Don't think that strikeforce will go away soon either - Fedor is gonna keep that alive.

  4. I consider myself a hardcore MMA fan and I love technical fights, but it was so dull in one of the bouts that Joe Rogan was talking about a scrap that was going on in the crowd for a solid minute and he even acknowledged that what was going on between two of the fans was more entertaining than the actual fight taking place in the octagon.

    I didn't hear that comment, but i liked the fight.

    Watching kflo use gsp's strategy against the cage, bj penn's incredible take down defence, then watching penn's passing work, ground and pound, and also his submission technique, against another solid blackbelt jiujutsu of kflo... its pretty entertaining.

  5. GSP's fight was ridculous... as in LAME! I'm glad he won, but it was just take-down after take-down. That's why I stopped watching the UFC in the first place. Also Fedor would absolutely kill (submission by arm bar) Lesnar.. in the first round.

    Perhaps by the 3rd round and the fight is still going they should throw in weapons?

    Axes, bats, Katanas, chains, knives, throwing stars etc..

    4th round you can do a line of coke with your cornerman.

    5th round the lions are released!

    Obviously you don't understand the technical side of martial arts.

    GSP showed pure domination and amazing martial art skillz!

    Well said.

    GSP is pure domination.

    Really, I'm pretty sure the sport is in the ring/cage. The weigh ins are not actually part of the sport. They are requirements to fight in the sport.

    You have a point, but the weigh ins are still intriguing to fans.

    Fans always want to know stats and details for fights. Nothing's better than a 140 pound Gracie against a 220 pound gorilla..... and you know who comes out on top!

  6. I agree that avoiding a takedown is critical to neutralizing Lesnar but sprawl like alves? GSP was successfully shooting at will

    True but you cannot compare lesnar with GSP.

    Thiago would force the sprawl first, unlike Mir, who would willingly force guard.

    It would take the world's best jujitsu to take down a 265lb lesnar, and frank mir doesn't have that.

  7. Cain Velasquez could challenge Lesnar if he continues to win against top contenders and improve his jujitsu

    jujitsu won't work on lesnar. frank mir had the best jujitsu in his weight class and got destroyed.

    Valesquez needs to learn how to sprawl like thiago alves or the iceman.

  8. Where is the realism? TUF? 30 behingd closed door unsactioned fights. That reeks of both realism and Honesty. Come on guys you're not serious. The Fertita family is best known for it's crime syndicate. This isn't idle talk. That is well documented.

    Here is a pretty good series on the Fertitas family and their endeavors including Some links to some other articles.


    If you think they are somehow on the up and up. Just give it a read. It's a good family history lesson.

    Where is the realism? UFC was nicknamed a bloodsport after UFC 1, where Gerrard Gordeau pretty much knocked the teeth out of Tuli's face with one kick.

    I don't know too much about the unsanctioned fights, but if there was any tampering with fights, people would definitely know.

  9. I am sure Dana has a preference as to who wins a fight, from a marketing and business perspective, but if he were to manipulate the outcomes, it would undermine the credibility of the UFC and MMA as a whole. I don't think he would want to risk that now that the UFC is so successful, look at the Kimbo Slice fiasco as an example of tampering gone bad.

    I agree 100%. Dana knows the marketing comes from realism. If he started to manipulate that, he is gonna risk the whole foundation of the UFC.

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