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Posts posted by TS06

  1. Basically said it's going to be Ritchie or Virtanen bring drafted, A big Skilled player that can play can rugged, and gritty

    I'd be excited to see how either one plays if we go that way. I haven't been following draft class much this year, but I have read great things about those two. I like what I hear about Ritchie's shot too. In a couple years Kass could be his set-up man? Who knows..

  2. The people talking about how Luo is full of himself should look in the mirror. You're the ones pretending you know what he meant by his tweets and that he was being a jerk to his former team. But, you forget, he's the one who actually knows them. They're actually his friends, not just people he watches on TV sometimes. They certainly know Luo and his sense of humor and I can't imagine, given how much he obviously meant to the guys here and how much they obviously still mean to him, that he said anything that they would have been offended by. Likely, he was sending out a little humor, a little levity to help them get through the kind of rough night he's all too familiar with.

    What some are taking as proof that Luo's a "jilted ex" or a "douche bag" or whatever other baseless insults some here have come up with is far more likely an example that he's still a good friend and teammate even though he now belongs to another team. The fact that fans here would turn that around and use it against him just proves why he's better off away from this market.

    Very well said. It's why I'm not terribly upset he's gone. For personal reasons, he was my favourite player, and I hate that when I watch Canucks games he won't be in net. That being said, he's probably still exhaling. Look at the reaction to a nothing tweet... it sounds like people here think he's declared war on Vancouver or something. I'll miss him, but I'm sure he's going to end strong. He's relaxed and people won't start a thread for every goal that goes in. I'm an honorary Panther fan as of March 4th... after the Canucks of course.

    • Upvote 2
  3. Talented, privileged, entitled & assertive, until he met the comeuppance.

    Then supposedly he claimed to have been "humbled". Wisened..newly appreciative. There was an Oly spot on the line, after all. Likened it to a marriage, "She wanted me back", claimed he...

    Maybe 'she' didn't need the messy paper work, right then? This bloke thinks a lot of himself, it appears.

    I suspect the ones who cheer/encourage his tweets are younger, bold & confident themselves. Quite normal in young male humans, or even chimps for that matter. Probably this form of self-appreciation is extended about a decade(at least), in the lifespan of the modern athlete-male. Career lifespans of the NA'n male athlete, are roughly that of the family dog.

    There'll be no 'moral high-road' in the career of this brazen fellow,it would appear. If anyone could appreciate the value of a reflective poker-face, you'd reckon this would be the suspect. Perhaps if BC Lotteries compensated him to think, prior to speaking?

    Post game 5, 2011 finals, his mouth served as a (6'ft down) hole for the team to stumble into. He couldn't BACK his assertiveness, the very next shot in Boston-I'll reckon he'll follow up this brashness in a similar fashion.

    Good riddance.

    Taking this a little personal aren't you? I don't find anything wrong with what he tweeted. He loves those guys, and they do him. Lu and Eddie have a great relationship, and the #prayforeddie tweet I believe was genuine. When it the crap hit the fan he poked fun at management making him a back-up because... why wouldn't he? It's consistent with all his other tweets, but now because he's not a Canuck fans are upset? I'd say Strombone1 was the only positive thing to come out of last night's game.

    • Upvote 2
  4. So then Weber down to D and Weise in right? It's alright, we don't need our #2 D-man against the #1 offense in the league. Even more so now, my earlier prediction (and Apollo's) of Lu stealing the game has to hold up if we are going to have a chance. If we win this game with our line-up right now, without our coach it could galvanize the team for the rest of season. A little case of the 2012 Kings team? One can only hope right? :) First things first though, take care of business tonight!

  5. Keith? U mean the guy swimming around vs the slovaks in the semi final and being bailed out by luongo ?

    I hope his career ends tonight for what he ddid to daniel.

    I'm a canucks fan first. Then team canada hockey.

    Hockey gets us 1 medal... The other sports can get us 10+ golds.

    I'm a Canucks fan first. I don't like Keith. Any time we play the Blackhawks I hope he gets laid out and I wouldn't shed a tear if he had to get helped off the ice. He pisses me off to no end. That being said, I want him on Team Canada, and he has the ability to be the best D-Man in the tournament. I care about a Stanley Cup more than Canada Gold, especially because we won the last one, but it is a matter of national pride, it is our game and we need all the horses we can get. Just because the Cup is more important does not diminish the Olympics, and I do not want to watch another Turin. I don't care what anybody says, if we don't medal it's an embarrassment. When the Olympics start I will be wearing my Canada Jersey every day and the TV will be on 24/7..... And I will be cheering for Keith.

  6. Tonight is vengance night. It is time to get even with Keith for destroying Daniel's career. Justice must be served since it has been ignored by the league (5 games lol). I don't wish for a career ending cheapshot, but it sure would be sweet and be a correct treatment for that inbred rodent. Sestito tonight is your time. Make us proud.

    Tonight is vengance night. It is time to get even with Keith for destroying Daniel's career. Justice must be served since it has been ignored by the league (5 games lol). I don't wish for a career ending cheapshot, but it sure would be sweet and be a correct treatment for that inbred rodent. Sestito tonight is your time. Make us proud.

    I really hope we get the 2 points... and that Keith leaves the game unscathed. Sochi is coming up. If we meet in the playoffs different story. But he is too important for the Olympic team, I don't want any Canadian skaters injured. We might already not have our best pure goal scorer, I'd like to have our best D-man.

  7. Is Daniel hurt, have him in my hockey pool and pickuphockey shows him as injured (day to day)

    He took a slapshot to the chest yesterday. Looked like it just knocked the wind out of him though. I think most of the roster is banged up right now. There is no source for that speculation... just pure speculation.

  8. Kassian, Kes and Higgins could be a dynamite line if he can continue to grow and build off his performance last night. If he gets the chance to run with the ball in the top 6 he might find himself and turn into the player we're all hoping he is. That goal last night was amazing. Two touches. Beautiful.

    When Burrows comes back put him with the twins. Santo comes down and plays with Kesler and Kassian. 3rd line is Richardson Higgy and Hansen and 4th line is Dalpe, Sestito and Weise and we're starting to look like a team again. A trade would be nice too, but a healthy team will go a long way. I'm as pissed as anybody about the loss last night, but if we can get some guys back in the next few days and put together a win streak, hopefully we'll be able to say that they "bent but did not break" when their line-up was decimated with injuries. On mornings like this, that's the only attitude I want to have. They've given away points like nobody's business lately, and in pretty brutal fashion. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. We are still in the mix, and there is a lot of hockey to play.

    • Upvote 2
  9. Just read that on the SportsCenter app. I hope to all that is Holy he'll be good to go for the Olympics. It would be a real shame if he couldn't make it, considering this could be his last kick at the can and he's having an unreal year.

    I think it is his last kick. I hope he's good to go too. Silver lining? As good as he is playing this year he would be rested for the 2nd half and the real season (assuming we're in). For his sake though, I hope he can go. He was able to finish the game, and didn't look shaky after the hit, so I'm hoping MRI is just precautionary and he's not out too long. Anybody heard any updates on Kassian? That could have been way worse than what it looked like it was, but he was falling over himself. Concussion?

  10. This is true but along with that Lou's goaltending hasn't been good enough as well. It's laughable that people are calling him an elite goalie when he hasn't played like one in quite some time.

    I would argue that against LA in 2012 and SJ in 2013 Luongo was the best Canuck on the ice and looked like the only player ready for play-off hockey. The stats might not reflect it as well as they should (2 games in each series is too small a sample size to get a good gauge) but if you watch the games there is no doubt he was ready.

  11. Agree with you or not his statistics the last 2 seasons, his age, and drama have all factored into his evaluation.

    Does that mean he is underrated? Possibly

    If you look further than BC he isn't really considered elite, most TO and Oil fans I know shuttered at the thought of Luongo on their team.

    The list just says what most are wondering, can he redeem himself?

    I don't really have an issue about where he is on this list. The question is a very good one - can he still be elite? It's not one I really question, as I believe he is, and I believe he will have a great season with the re-established #1 role. He will play a lot of games, and he can skate off the ice every day knowing what his role is on the team is again; something that has been pretty ambiguous these past 2 seasons. But given the circumstances, I get why he was put where he is. AFTER this season he will reaffirm his status as one of the elite. Until then the hockey world will question him. As was to be expected.

  12. 1: Lundqvist

    2: Quick

    3: Rinne

    4: Niemi

    5: Rask

    6: Lehtonen

    7: Bobrovsky

    8 Schneider

    9: Anderson

    10: Backstrom

    11: Smith

    12: Kipper

    13: Howard

    14: Price

    15: Crawford

    16: Pavelec

    17: Halak

    18: Neuvirth

    19: Holtby

    20: Elliot

    21: Nabokov

    22: Luongo

    All those goalies I would take over Luongo ANYDAY

    This is a joke right? Pavelec, Halak, Kipper (is retired), Nabokov, Holtby, Neuvirth, Backstrom, Lehtonen, Elliott, even Anderson has only had 2 really good seasons..... There are so many things wrong with this. Thank God you don't do this for a living. Have you even watched these goalies play over the course of a full season? Or did you just youtube their highlights? Consistency is lacking in your entire list, as it is in your logic. Luongo may not be your goalie of choice, but this shows you're not really putting any thought into your argument, and just throwing names on a list to get a reaction. Well done.

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