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Posts posted by Should've_Drafted_Kopitar

  1. 12 hours ago, Provost said:

    All those times those other players put the team on their backs to secure a win?  When exactly has that happened with any regularity, please illuminate as the reality is exactly what I said?  This graphic is a few games old... but is even more true now with Miller's continued points streak.  When he hasn't gotten a point, we have won just on one game all year.  Thankfully that is rare and he has gotten points in 45 of 61 games.  Go run those numbers for the other players you mentioned.

    Why do you hate the Canucks so much that you want to cheerlead for them to continue to be a non-playoff team?  Honestly, you should go root for another team if you hate the idea of the Canucks ever being a playoff team or contender.  What's up with that?

    Most of your post is just ranting, please find quotes for all the things you posted I have said.  Where did I want an entirely new core?  Where did I say I don't want us in the playoffs until 2027?  My post you even quoted said that we have no intention of rebuilding and would be trading for actual hockey players to help right away and not picks.  You straight up lied. 

    How $&!#ty of a person do you have to be to try to make yourself feel better by attacking someone else online by being a complete liar?  

    Where did I say I don't want the team to succeed?  Where did I say I hate the team?  You posted that "This will sound like an attack, but honestly it's not."  If that is true then why spend the entire post spewing pure lies, fabrications, and venom?  What's up?

    It is also pretty ironic that 24hrs ago you posted calling me brilliant... but now I hate the team and want them to lose.



    Imagine an 82 game season without him next year :bigblush:

  2. Miller turns 29 in a week and is in his prime. 


    While I do think a cup contending team NEEDS a player like him, the timing of this is kinda crappy. Having a career year and hitting his stride with only a year left on his contract. If you extend him now, you're buying when his value is at it's absolute highest. His contract will be EXPENSIVE and not worth it if the team doesn't get a cup


    I'm torn on this one... 




    • Cheers 2
  3. you think they're fat? im afraid you may have some sort of eating disorder...

    bottom line is shogun was terribly out of shape and it showed. you can argue you with me til the cows come home for shogun to turn into hamburger patties and bbq if you want, but if you choose to ignore the obvious truth that he didnt spend enough time on conditioning then thats your issue, not mine.

    he embarrassed himself and his family. disgraceful.

    His conditioning wasn't great by any means but nobody, both you and I dont know if he was injured or not. My initial guess was that he had to have broken some ribs in either the clinch throw or the elbows to the body. If you have every partiicapted in any sort of combat sport you know the effect that getting your bell rung can have on you. It plays a HUGE psycholoigcal effect and wears you down fast. Especially if you dont get a chance to recover. Because you're no longer thinking with a clear mind, and expend way to much energy.

    Shogun was blasted with a flying knee 5 seconds in


    On top of that. If you have ever done BJJ before, you would know how exhausting it is when you have someone on top of you for a few minutes. Let alone a guy like jones, whose covering your mouth so you can't breath, grabbing his throat, and elbowing his body. I dont understand why people think these guys are suppose to be superhuman? These things make a person fatigue, and fatigue fast. People say that shoguns conditioning looked off the chart amazing in his machida fight. Well you can't compare the two fights. Theirs a differance between standing in the pocket and exchanging a kick every 20 seconds and getting your ass kicked. I highly doubt he feels like he embaressed himself let alone his family. The guys considered the best 205 pounder of all time by many. Losing is a part of the game.

  4. you think they're fat? im afraid you may have some sort of eating disorder...

    bottom line is shogun was terribly out of shape and it showed. you can argue you with me til the cows come home for shogun to turn into hamburger patties and bbq if you want, but if you choose to ignore the obvious truth that he didnt spend enough time on conditioning then thats your issue, not mine.

    he embarrassed himself and his family. disgraceful.

    Yeah i think these guys were fat. so their goes your stupid theory, try again





  5. stopped reading right there

    going into a title defence match against someone as athletically gifted and well-conditioned as bones jones without proper cardio IS embarrassing and disgraceful

    his family should be ashamed of him

    maybe you should read further, because it might further educate you about the sport you clearly no little to nothing about.

    Like I said. A persons appearnace has to do with nothing


    Fedor, who most consider the greatest MMA fighter of All time.

    Phil Baroni (below), A guy who can't last 3 minutes in a fight without winding himself.


  6. he can't take a punch, a joke? C'mon man, why you hating......Did you see him beat Shane Carwin? He took a load of punches alright biggrin.gif

    And Jones......how isn't that true? When anyones see's him standing, its like damn, but when they try taking him down and he still dominates them on the ground too, then its like mellow.gif

    well i guess its not fair to say he can't take a punch. But its more so that he freaks out when he does. Which is really messed up considering he's a pro fighter. The way he reacted when both carwin and cain began to attack him was rather pathetic. Running away both times and curling into a ball. The guys got balls, but clearly he doesn't spar very hard if he's still panicing when punches are being thrown at him.

    As for the jones comment. The guys amazing. He's a freak athlete, with a freak body. But theirs a differance between that, and skill. He uses his attributes well, which lead to alot of his success. But besides his wrestling, which is amazing. His striking is not great, its good but not great. Or neither is his BJJ. But he's so young and it doesn't even have to be at this stage of his career. He's able to utilize his reach so well, that no one can really figure out a way to attack him. But guys like Aldo and GSP are the guys that you can say are super skilled and well rounded.

  7. hey all the credit in the world to bones, he's a helluva fighter and its gonna be hard for anyone to strip the title of him...as long as he stays in shape he's too long and too quick to get hit hard and his wrestling is off the charts...

    im just saying the fact that shogun was completely gassed 4 minutes into the 1st round is embarrassing and disgraceful

    thats complete disrespect to your opponent, the belt and the sport in general. after the 1st 90 seconds he was already stepping slow and dragging his heels. he had an extra layer on his stomach and his conditioning had obviously slipped.

    looks to me like he forgot that you bust your butt off to be the best; to win the title, and youve gotta bust it twice as hard to retain the title. he got satisfied, and he got lazy, and he got his ass kicked.

    This post if full of so much fail.

    You know he was coming off knee surgery right? When you have almost a year off since your last fight, you're gonne be rusty. The fact that he was flabby means little to nothing in sport. Their are alot of guys that are aesthetically fit and look like pro body builders, but gas out in a minute. Fedor is a short fat russin rude that had some of the best cardio in his heavyweight weight class. You have to give Jones credit, he rocked shogun within a few seconds, and rocked him hard more then once in the first round. Which is why he looked very sloppy early on. On top of that, those elbows to the body are gonna wear you down fast. The fact that shogun appeared to have no gameplan for that fight was rather disgraceful but his conditioning wasn't poor because he didn't train properly.

    • Upvote 1
  8. I called it when the card was made; Jones ko's Shogun......Jones is just a beast! One of the best if not, the best all around fighter i the UFC!

    Lesnar's going to regain his title.....mark my words, he has the heart of a champion, and the body of a beast!

    GSP is just a pimp wink.gif


    maybe the heart of a wwe champion. The guy can't take a punch. He's a freakin joke.

    As for Jones being he best all around fighter, thats not even remotley true at all.

  9. Well GSP is probably gonna move up and Anderon will probably retire soon. But i know what you mean, no one in the company can really beat these guys. Styles make fights though, and no one is unbeatable. Guys like Diaz and Overeem might come along when their contracts are done and fight the UFC champs.

  10. I just recently became a UFC fan, so haven't been following it as tightly as some others. Was GSP this dominant against a fighter like Rua when he was 23? I mean, this was almost complete domination by Jones. It wasn't even close.

    GSP was destroying guys and was dominant, but no Jones dominant. But GSP wasn't facing great guys like jones was at that age. Honestly the only guy in my memory that i can recall that was that dominant at that age was Shogun Rus believe it or not. If notom, one could argue he was even more dominate. Thats the crazy thing about this sport right now. Its in it early stages right now, so every few years, the new guys that come in are so much more skilled and well rounded. For guys that are older, they need to be constantly evolving and trying to keep up with the sport.

    Oh yeah, I guess Aldo who is only 24 is just as dominant. But unfortunently lower weight guys dont get the recognition they deserve. But Aldo has pretty much raped everyone he was ever fought in brutal fashion.

  11. the size and reach played a HUGE factor in that fight. But wow was Jones impressive. I can't see this guy staying at 205 more then a year and a half. His frame is gonna fill up fast. He has to move up to Heavyweight, because the weight cut to light heavyweight will destroy his body.

    I am a huge Shogun fan but man, he looked super sloppy. Or maybe it was a combination of jones looking great and shogun looking bad. He looked gassed after the first and has never beaten in that fashion or remotley close to that fashion before. It looked like he got hurt in the first round. I would not be suprised to here if he broke some ribs from the first take down or one of the crazy elbows bones threw. Did not expect him to see him lay a beating on someone like Shogun. Props to Jones. Props to Shogun for being very gracious in defeat and showing great heart.

  12. fedor more then likely will retire before fighting in the ufc.

    also i loved the wec merger. the guys at 145 and 135 are so exciting. The downside was that now we have to pay to see guys like aldo, faber, and cruz fight. Before it was free. Having more cards is nice but i really hope they have less PPV's. I dont wanna be going to bars every second saturday just to watch a UFC PPV. They really need to get a cable tv deal done.

    The thing I dont like about Zuffa buying Strikeforce is that i dont really thinks its good for fans of the sport to have one big company . UFC has become a monopoly now. Sure they'll have a few good fighters come to the UFC after a few years or whenever these guys honour their contracts for strikeforce but fighters need to have a 2nd option. JMMA is on a major decline. Dream will be liklely be bankrupt, so strikeforce and bellator were the only two big organizations. Even for fans, having more competition is a great thing. The strikeforce heavyweight tourny being an example of that. Strikeforce has been putting on excellent free cards for a while now. It sucks knowing that they wont be around for very long now.

  13. i like gsp, he's a great guy and i know where he's coming from. The guys got sooooooo much to lose with this one fight and i can understand him not taking it. But thats what seperates hims in my opinion from guys like Fedor and A.Silva. These guys go in their and fight anybody. Their not worried about their legacy or about the opinions of others. Guys like Fedor and Anderson have alway went on and said they could care less about rankings and never thought of themselves as the best. GSP has been talking about his legacy and wanting to go down as the best. This mentality has lead to his success because he has become so methodical, but also very conservative fighting style.

    As for the weight thing GSP said he walks around at like 195. I think he said that like last summer. He should be around 200lb. Thats my guess at least. I remember him saying that once he moves up, he wants to make it a perminent move. He doesn't wanna switch between two weight classes because he feels its unhealthy for his body. I really do think he should have a tune up fight though. Moving up a weight class when you're not even one of the biggest in your own and fighting the arguable best P4P fighter. Yikes!

  14. It was a competative fight, despite fedor getting the crap kicked out of him for the first time ever in the 2nd round. But he showed his heart and resiliancy by getting that heel hook at the end of the 2nd. It was an even fight going into the 3rd, and despite Fedor having one eye, i would not count that guy out EVER. The size differance was beyong riduculous. I've been hearing Big foot could've been weighing 290 at the time of the fight!

    agreed with you about the strikeforce thing. They always deliver with exciting fights. Last night was a great example of that. As for Fedor, i personally would like to see him retire, just because i dont wanna see him run the risk of tarnishing his legacy. I highly doubt he is even considering the possibiliity of cutting to 205. Which is remarkable really, and one of the things I really respect about him. I personally am not a fan of fighters cutting weight.

    If he does choose to fight again, he needs to train with new guys. He trains with his friends and family, guys that are no where near his level. He doesn't train BJJ, and doesn't have the right people around him to push him to the next level. Its such an ever growing sport that you need to evolve with it.

    • Upvote 2
  15. i never even heard of the rigging of that kimbo fight but even if it wasent im sure elite xc would not be in great shape plus any fighter in strikeforce would most likely take a ufc contract (a la Jake sheilds) watch for silva to get to the ufc and diaz got his start in the ufc werdum was in the ufc and he got cut granted he has probably changed his attitude/training

    most of strikeforces fighters (IMO) are more brawlers not one to stick to a game plan for the W like coture when he fought vera or GSP vs hardy

    You're right about elite xc, they were in bad shape. The thing is most companies dont really develop any talent. The reason why Bellator and Strikeforce has been succesful is because they've been developing talent. They're not paying UFC rejects big money to fight for their organization.

    As for most strikeforce fighters wanting to go to the ufc, that really makes no sense. A couple of fighters have gone from strikeforce to the UFC and vice versa. It really depends on the contract they get. Alot of fighters dont like the way the UFC is run. Their is a reason why Fedor never signed with them and basically refused to do so most his career. The UFC is a better company. I'm not argueing that. I love the UFC. But its not like strikeforce is the minor leagues like Dana White likes to say.Their a legit organization thats going to continue to improve. The general consensus is that their HW division is better then the UFC's.

  16. remember when elite XC had kimbo slice fight and lose and then went bankrupt same thing strikeforce was built around fedor thats why there heavyweight division has so many people, strikeforce now has Dan Henderson as the only fighter the ufc would want back

    "On October 4, 2008, prominent EliteXC fighter Kimbo Slice lost via early knockout to late replacement fighter Seth Petruzelli. The unexpected outcome of this fight drew a great deal of attention, and subsequent comments by Petruzelli that he was offered a monetary bonus to employ certain techniques during the fight (comments he later recanted and obfuscated), raised the question of undue influence by EliteXC representatives in fights. Significant debt incurred by parent company Pro Elite with no investors or buyers showing interest[8] caused the subsequent cancellation of the November 8, 2008 event. Combined with the Florida State Athletic Commission launching an investigation into the Slice/Petruzelli fight, Pro Elite announced on October 20, 2008 that they would cease operations."

    Pretty brutal statement but i'll try and reason anyways

    Not exactly the same thing. Rigging a fight so a youtube sensation could win compared Fedor losing to a legit top 10 fighter by doctor stoppage. The companies are built completley differently. Strikeforce has a lot of money invested into building their talent. Fedor is one of their biggest names, but he's not the end all be all of strikeforce. Strikeforce has continued to put on very entertaining cards, and their popularity will only increase. It will not go down because of Fedor losses or possible retirement.

    As for guys the UFC would want, Henderson is not the only guy lol. I wouldn't even put him in the top 5 or maybe top 10 guys that they would want from strikeforce. How about Overeem, Silva, Werdum, Jacare, Diaz, Melendez, Moussasi, King Mo, KJ Noons, Roger Gracie, Paul Daley(actually maybe not that one :lol:)

    Point being, strikeforce has alot of talent still and their taking the right approach into building their brand. Companies like Bodog, elite xc, affliction have died for a reason.

  17. how would strikeforce go bankrupt? Most american mma fans dont even know who fedor is sadly.

    Amazing night of fights. Unfortunant that Fedors eye closes. Because the winner of the 3rd round would have won the fight. I love fedor but i tihnk he should retire now. The guys had an AMAZING career and will go down as one of the greatest ever and in many peoples eyes, the greatest ever.

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