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Posts posted by flapjacks

  1. Spring Breakers - 8/10: It's definitely not for everyone. But it's got two incredible scenes (the "look at my crap" scene and the Britney Spears montage), that I'll never forget, and that's more than I can say for most movies. Also James Franco is just goddamn amazing in this movie

    I couldn't even get through a quarter of the movie, let alone give it an 8/10. To each his own I guess haha.

  2. Lol, according to 7thMan, don't expect too much.

    Seems a lot of other people have liked it though

    The Wolverine: 8.5/10

    Basically everything you want from a superhero movie.

    And the bullet train fight scene was intense.

    Not sure if I agree with Alchemy Time's comment about The Wolverine being "everything [one would] want from a superhero movie" but it was entertaining nonetheless. Obviously the movie is based on the Japanese saga of Wolverine, so if you're not into that setting, it might already throw you off a bit from the movie. While the movie had an interesting storyline, it still deviates a tad from the comics and the plot and end-game of the movie was quite predictable (to me) from the get go.There were quite a few cheesy scenes, but some cool action scenes as well. As Alchemy Time mentioned, there was a bullet train fight scene, but IMO it bordered on unrealistic (yes, I know this is a movie about a mutant but the physics in that scene were so ridiculous) and threw me off a bit when it ran on for an extended period of time. Hugh Jackman was about as good as you'd expect in his portrayal, but some of the other characters seemed to be a bit bland at times and the chemistry was sometimes lacking. The actress who played Mariko was stunning though.

    I give The Wolverine 7/10. Of course, these are just my thoughts and others may feel differently. If any of you go watch, hope you enjoy. And FYI, there's a mid-credits scene that you should stick around for!

    For those who missed:

    It's 2 years later and Logan is about to pass through a security check at the airport. He notices an advertisement on the airport television for Trask Industries, a company working to develop robotics. Suddenly all metal materials starts shaking and a voice behind Logan reveals himself to be Magneto with his powers back. He warns Logan that there is another threat to the existence of their kind. Logan asks why he should trust him, and realizes that everybody else in the airport has "frozen" in time. Then Professor X rolls in like a champ and assures Logan that not only is he alive, but Magneto can be trusted (this time).

    For those who don't know, this is pretty huge as it leads into the next X-Men movie, Days of Future Past. The Trask Industries reference is an obvious nod to the Sentinels, who may be the threat that Magneto was talking about.

  3. Going to watch "Now You See Me" tomorrow


    ...cousin watched it and said it was a good movie...anyone watch it/hear much about this movie? Looks like an entertaining movie from the looks of the trailer.

    Forgot what I rated it, but it was alright. The movie is definitely entertaining, but I felt it definitely lacked any sense of character development. This may have been due to the fact that the whole concept of the movie is essentially rooted in mystery and the illusions of "magic". Basically, if you're an easy-going movie watcher, ie. just for entertainment value, I think you'll enjoy it. If you're like me and sometimes entertainment is not enough, you might find some problems while watching the movie.

    Furious 6- 10/10

    After Earth- 5/10 (very disappointing)

    What'd you expect from M. Night Shamammamammamamylan lol

  4. Was in the mood for some comedic features lately so I watched:

    Identity Thief: 6.5/10

    Had its share of funny moments (not to mention a few that actually made me laugh aloud), but was also too predictable as the movie progressed. Bateman and McCarthy were great though.

    Warm Bodies: 7.5/10

    Didn't know what to expect plot-wise going in, but the movie was enjoyable. The movie is pretty much a modern, yet post apocalyptic allusion of Romeo and Juliet. Having Rob Corddry appear was an added bonus. Always gets a laugh or two out of me.

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