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Bieksa(not really)

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Posts posted by Bieksa(not really)

  1. There have been pretty strong earthquakes/aftershocks for about 21/2 hours.

    I felt the 1st one as very strong. My lights were flickering as I ran out the door.

    Apparently, it was 2 where I am, but in normal days, I would have said it was really strong.

    People are calm and it becomes too much to run outside every 10-20 minutes, so I really hope

    this is not going to be dangerous. I haven't heard any reports of damage, so I hope people are okay up there.

    I think people are just hoping it will be okay because it's exhausting.

    There is also a feeling many people have described as seasickness. And you kind of jump at every creak

    and sound.

    The epicentre for most of these quakes tonight has been around Fukushima, with one way off in Nagano.

    This is a useful source for info re quakes and radiation, and you might find it interesting to browse.


    click on If you experienced an Earthquake under resources for earthquake info. It's been 2s 3s for me, still going on.

    Still haven't heard any detailed info from Fukushima, so hope it's ok. Very stressful, especially for people up there

  2. I believe you!

    It's been so terrible! People, whoever I've been been with, tell me that I have been talking in

    my sleep, and once yelling about the earthquake. I have never been told before that I talk in

    my sleep before. Lots of people tell me they have nightmares every night.

    But I hope that your dream is not right in people being buried or killed.

    But, again, I don't know what is going on. Was my friend right when she said another

    nuclear power plant has lost power?.

    I've been back for 3 days, and haven't sussed things out yet, Conditions re water and food

    seem very difficult but not intolerable

  3. What the heck is this?


    There was a huge bright light in the distance when the quake hit, then disappeared as the electricity all went off.

    I think that's the explosion my friend said he saw. Is there video?

    By the way, how is your family? Are they still in Gunma?

  4. My friend translated from a news briefing in Japanese that another power plant had lost power. Another friend said that he

    saw an explosion in the news video of the earthquake, but others (i) didn't see it, but we saw footage of a town (my friend

    .said Sendai) with half of the town in darkness.

    When I am with Japanese friends and we are watching a news briefing together, I have to go by what they say. It is stressful for everybody.

    I thought it was safe enough to come back and come back to work. When I left in March, I only had a couple of small bags I had taken

    with me when I went to stay with friends, so ....

  5. Yeah, big quake in Japan. I heard its 6, which is not as bad as the 9 March 11.

    It felt scary, and the news I heard is that another nuclear power plant has lost power! and has lost cooling(power).

    I am sure I read over the past few weeks that the other nuclear power plants were built from more modern

    technology and would be safe in another earthquake! WTF!!

    I don't think that TEPCO and the Japanese gov have been honest about this whole thing!

    And I am constantly reminded of the images from a little-seen Akira Kurasawa film (I think produced by Spielburg) that warned

    Japan about having nuclear power plants on this island nation that is prone to earthquakes, and expecting a big earthquake.

  6. The people are yelling "run, run, hurry!". It looks like a group of people stopped to help someone.

    i think we saw a longer version on Japanese TV and at the end you can see a couple 0n the left get swept away.

  7. when i first watched the video a few days ago i thought one of them got swept away (note the guy in black sort of falling at the end there) so i was under the impression that one of them got swept away

    and no there was no commentary in the original video


    and no i did not re-watch it again


    • Upvote 1
  8. I was able to get a flight out of Japan Tuesday evening, and I am now safe. I am very concerned for my friends and all people in Japan.

    I think that japanese TV is doing a very good job of keeping people informed. My problem was that my Japanese is not good enough to understand

    the much (they have news in English, but not in my specific situation). The situation is very tense, but people appeared to be calm. The situation is

    confusing for everyone, especially regarding transportation,power cuts, and supplies. After I was able to get a flight, I didn't know if I could get to the airport.

  9. What would you do if you were in my position?

    I am very thankful that people on this forum have provided very helpful information, and links

    that I might spend hours trying to find.

    I have been watching Japanese TV for 2 days. I just stumbled upon this thread, and it has been very helpful

  10. BBC reporting not everyone believes the government line about safe levels of radiation:

    0650: Japan's government is insisting that radiation levels across the country are safe, says the BBC's Chris Hogg in Tokyo, but a German businessman has told our correspondent that some foreign firms are starting to move their expatriate staff south - or out of the country altogether - because they don't have confidence in what the government is saying any more.

    We received a message from a friend in europe telling us to flee to the south, and very little other info. We received the message 3 hours after it was sent.

    It was just another shock to our frazzled nerves, and too late to go anywhere.

    Reading this post provided needed context, and helped us to gain a bit of perspective.

    Thank you!

  11. Some news links for those who prefer to not get the simplified CNN or Faux News garbage which is designed for 'Murican mush heads who have attention spans of a gnat.

    NHK's English language televison news - it is being broadcast online:


    Streaming Japanese news broadcast in English is available at JIBTV:


    Also BBC's Asia/Pacific coverage is very good:


    BBC broadcasts:


    CBC's News is much superior to CNN.


    CBC special coverage of the quake and its aftermath:


    Here is one of the best graphics showing the earthquake effects that I have seen. Helps to understand the reports from various areas of Japan:


    CBC has an interactive map of Japan using Google earth and interactive clicks for videos of the affected areas:


    The Vancouver Sun has a special on-line section which is quite good:


    Thank you so much for these links and the other info you have provided!. I have just now got my own laptop connected, so I can.

    get more information in English.

    We have had another scary evening, but Japanese TV is reporting that reactor 2 is just now under control.


  12. <br />It appears most of the people have been evacuated. It appears that there are many mixed reports coming out and they are doing more psychological damage control than physical. But this is the Japanese government, so what else is new?<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    I know exactly what you are talking about-after the way they handled the last one... I felt more secure knowing the Americans were involved this time.

    Thankfully, the disaster was averted, and I am happy i took your advice! I feel much better being on high ground than on reclaimed land!

    Also, It seems that your family are safe in Gumma!

    It has all been too much, but after some scary quakes around the north of Japan, it seems like it is finally calming down.

    What can I say about this disaster-all of the lives that have been lost, and the survivors left with nothing!

    Towns have been wiped out! we have all felt like throwing up for the last 2 days- it feels like a week.

    I hope your family is safe-it seems like they are. I hope you get some sleep. Im going to try


    Thanks to everyone for their care for Japan! Good night.

  13. I am making a run for Tokyo to stay with friends.

    My friend has reassured me that even in the worst case, the radiation will not be harmful outside of that area.

    I hope all the people around there got out and are safe.

  14. Be safe and if you can get out of the area until we have official reports, I recommend you do so.

    Whereabouts are you in Japan? My family is in Kiryu, Gunma.

    Must have pressed the wrong button before.

    I am in Chiba, near Tokyo and Tokyo Bay.

    It is eerily quiet here, except for the occasional siren.

    I hope your family are safe! If the trains are reliable, I might go and stay in Tokyo.

  15. This is too scary, again.

    I must be less than 200km from that plant.

    I just called my friend who is a well-known smart guy, and studied astro-physics or something

    and he told me not to worry. He said the area is being or has been evacuated, and that the radiation

    will dissipate and not be harmful outside of that area. He said the worst thing that will happen is that

    that area will be closed off for 10 years.

    I hope he's right. can't help feeling scared.

    You guys are doing a great job of providing information. Anyone know what direction the wind is going?

  16. According to several sources, Northern Japan has just experianced another strong quake, hitting 6.6 on the Richter scale. Tsunami warnings remain in effect for: Japan, Russia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Niue, Tonga, Mexico, Fr. Polynesia Pitcairn, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Antarctica, Panama, Honduras, Chile, Ecuador, Colomba, Peru. Things have definitely not 'cooled down'I urge everyone to help out if they can, by texting REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10 today. Will post more updates as they come. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @PeeeEmmm for more updates.

    I thought it was another strong aftershock.

    I can't sleep

  17. Thanks for your good wishes!

    I have been thru a lot in my life, but this is the scariest! The 1st earthquake seemed to go on forever,

    and the 1st few aftershocks were the same. Very, very scary!!!

    I've been shaken and have been shaking ever since- it's been almost 12 hrs now!

    Tonight I went down to a little bar in my neighbourhood that my friends run. slowly people trickled

    in and we shared our stories, and together tried to make sense of the news, and released the stress.

    I am on holiday now so I was at home following the game on Canucks.com (missed the 3rd and after). Many people had walked 2-3

    hours from Eastern Tokyo.

    It is horrific to see the devastation throughout much of Japan, and also to think of the spreading tsunami.

    I need to go to bed- can still feel aftershocks.

    It feels surreal to think of what those quakes felt like, and to see the effects!

    Inside my apartment looks like a heap! I've got a huge cleaning job tomorrow.

  18. Thanks! Thankfully there doesn't seem to much damage where I am! I haven't been able to

    make any local phone calls all day-it says the lines are busy.

    Gas is off.

    I don't like the idea of Pre-shock! Maybe I should put my helmet back on!

  19. I am in Chiba, just outside Tokyo. This earthquake was really scary, and some of the aftershocks were just as bad!

    I put my cycling helmet on and when outside because my building was shaking so badly. The initial quake and strong

    aftershocks went on for minutes! The cars were rocking back and forth.

    Aftershocks have been going on since then, even now. just took my helmet off two hours ago.

    It's been a terrible day!

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