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Posts posted by jimmyking8888

  1. 4 hours ago, Lancaster said:

    Umm.... good luck with that in China.  


    It seems that you don't seem to quite understand the nuances of liberty, freedom, democracy, etc.  

    If you are equating capital gains taxes as somehow related to something like self-determination... I'd recommend you stay off WeChat for a bit and actually read up on what concepts like liberty, democracy, etc actually are.  

     You can spend your time understand Liberty well.   None of my business.    Some people like to talk freedom , but they force their ideology upon someone else.  I recommend you travel the world a bit, don't be frog at the bottom of the well.  hahahaha.   

  2. 8 hours ago, Lancaster said:

    That's false equivalence.

    Democracy > Authoritarianism


    If the CCP aren't so insecure about their position of power, they should just let HK have it.  If China's style is really as great as many pro- CCP are claiming, then voters would be voting for them, amirite?

    we don't even have the freedom to choose our own car insurance company.  What makes us qualify to criticise other country's democracy.  To me their are 2 kinds of democracy.

    Useful one and useless one.  Having freedom of speech to bad mouth Trudreau is a useless kind of democracy.  Having freedom to chose a auto insurance company a useful kind of democracy.   When selling your property or stock not having to pay capital gain tax is a useful kind of democracy.   Have a lot of choice when calling a cab is useful kind of democracy.  I disagree with a lot of things Chinese government does, but you understand they can pick their auto insurance company , and there is no capital gains in China right?  The useful democracy saves your money, the useless democracy waste your time.   People are too dumb to be mislead by mainstream media.  Everybody should have their own opinion.

  3. 2 hours ago, khay said:

    Unless self driving really reaches to the level where cars can be deployed on the street. Then, the drivers will be making 0 dollars and company will rake in profit. The stock for Uber and Lyft will skyrocket.


    I personally think the self driving is still few years away if it ever happens, maybe not soon enough before the sell off begins. Yeah, I would be wary of buying Uber shares too. But there is definitely an upside to these stocks, high risk high gain I guess.


    It would be fun to see cop pull over self driving cars.    "Sir please put down your windsheild,  God damn it, why are you not yielding to ambulence. I want to give you a ticket for speeding and not yielding to police."  Self driving car says: " please call 1 800 complain"    Cop:" I need back up.  We need to block off Main and Terminal.  A self driving vehicle is trying to leave without my permission" 

    • Haha 2
  4. 13 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

    Seems they (many cab drivers) protest rules, period.  I remember them having a Monopoly on parking spots in the lot beside the skytrain.  Got glares from them many times as I pulled in there to wait for my kids.   They were a hazard as they sped in and out, often at the risk of pedestrians trying to get to the bus stop across the way.


    Also....when I ran a lottery booth for a period of time some of the seniors liked to come up for "a visit" as much as anything.  It was often their only form of entertainment and human interaction.  One woman, in particular, lived about a mile up the road in an apartment on her own.  Taxis stopped picking her up because they told her it took too long to load her stuff and she wasn't going far enough.  She was forced to bus and didn't come out nearly as often after that. 


    Sorry, no sympathy from me - deal with it.  No job is guaranteed forever and it's just like the real estate agents whining about the measures being put into place to deter speculation and flipping.  It was good while it lasted...so count your blessings.

    A little healthy competition is good for customers.

    What you said is so true, too many whiner in this world.   All people do is complain, they hope the government can solve problems for them. good luck. 

  5. 59 minutes ago, Alflives said:

    Who plays checking centre for the Leafs, Spezza?  JT had to fill that role when Kadri was suspended, and was terrible at it.  Teams just don’t win Cups without a checking centre.  

    We got two good one.   Sutter and Beagle neither scores or  let others score .  Toronto need a bored you to death kind of checking centre.

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