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AL Nite Long

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Posts posted by AL Nite Long

  1. Heh, care package glitch ftw.

    Can't say I'm fully clean. laugh.gif

    And I want IW to take out the AA-12 right now. This very instant. Dumbest piece of sh*t ever, why make a shotgun that can shoot like a f*ckin machine gun God dammit.

    Pisses me off so much when a guy just walks into a room with one of the those and just blasts away at the trigger. There is no possible way to beat it, I'd possibly rank it as cheaper than the Model's.

    AA-12 can die.


    What's the care package glitch?

  2. I have a question.

    Usually when you or your teamates kill some on your tag name comes up on the bottem left corner of the screen in white and the person you killed comes up in yellow with the kill method icon in the middle.

    I just noticed that when I or my teammate kill someone, our names come up in yellow text while the person killed name comes up in white text.

    How do I change that because it's confusing the hell out of me. Or was it always this way and I'm going nuts.

    Xbox BTW

  3. I've accepted the fact that I won't get a nuke(15 kill streak is as far as i got)

    I'm only playing to get more kills then deaths.

    How come they don't have a ricocette hardcore Team deathmatch . They have it for S&d and Headquarters. I am sick of little craps shooting own teammates and laughing like it's cool.

    Is it there or am I missing something.

    Plus. The scar is the best gun with heartbeat. Shoots close...shoots far. Good Damage.

    I just realized I haven't used anyother gun in the game.


  4. Started playing COD yesterday.

    Boy am I bad..

    Me Too.

    I play about 4 hours a week because of work and other crap.

    And everytime I get back on, Someone snipes me from a new area. I get better when the game goes on but I'm not the type to play more the 2 hours at a time(and that's my max...I usually only play a couple team deathmatch games at a time).

    I can't wait till christmas when a bunch of Noobs get the game for x-mas and pop in online.

    Merry X-mas to me.

  5. I'm hovering around 1.5 still. I got up to 1.9 (all legit, no kill swapping), but went back down to 1.3.-1.4 after messing with riot shield a lot.

    If you guys haven't tried it yet, you really need to play around with riot shield. It's hilarious watching how stupid some people are. Just grab commando so you can keep the knifers at bay. Also, aim down a bit with the shield so they can't shoot at your feet while you walk in crouch. My most satisfying kills come from ending a guys potential nuke streak with a riot shield. Seeing a group of three guys running across a bridge then all stopping at the sight of me and looking stupid before getting shot by someone behind me. Or the guys that just unload all their ammo on you hoping for a lucky shot. It actually gives nice experience, not surprising about the boosting thing with it. But yeah, it's only really good for fun. I got a 23 kill streak with it (mostly my perks, obviously) but I usually end up with a horrible kill/death ratio.

    I usually just lob a frag grenade straight up in the air around people with the shield....it forces them to panic. Although that's the time they take out their pistols and shoot me.

  6. Boy, I'm bad at this. :P

    I can't tell if I'm getting better, though. Sometimes my K/D starts rising but then i get owned for 6 games in a row, then I have a decent one, then 4 bad ones... just random it seems like (or I suck and have random fluky ones eventually).

    I'm in the same boat. I end up with like and 8-3-9 record most games and feel good about it....top guy on the team is like 27-2-4.

    I think it's because I play this game hammered. But when i'm sober I'm too scared to move around much. Damn snipers.

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