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Please Call 911

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Posts posted by Please Call 911

  1. UMB? you are not coming back on these boards.

    I wasn't going to report anything to a mod, but you got InSoM banned. So now I have no reason not to.

    It'd be great if you stop making new accounts and ruining this league. VC, SoB are working very hard, and you are making things worse.

    I had no reason to report InSoM until he sent me a PM with a bunch of personal attacks. So I reported him and myself

    As for you I could hardly care about

    I won't be coming back in the near future as I reported myself, you can get pumped for that, so called cousin of Dave Andreychuk

  2. Meh, no word gets out to the mods. Deal? I want my old acct back.

    Actually, I went on XBL and asked Kai if he was back on CDC; he said he wasn't(Though I dunno, lol), I think this is more likely to be allkill, or some other formerly banned idiot.

    Either way

    Your stupidity & deception is not wanted here, you have a handful of members trying to get rid of you and you're only an AGM, whomever you are, you are clearly not wanted here.


    You've been trolled sir

  3. If Caboose says no....


    Caboose is easy to get along with. If he says you're worse than allkill....

    We're gunna have a problem, son.

    Come at me bro

    Wait....are you saying that Please call 911 is Nathan MacKinnon aka Agent P aka umadbro? Who would have thought that...

    I don't know who that is

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